What order does everyone buy items in? (After 35 bees) | Fandom (2024)

*Read the entire thing if you want lol for my suggestions*

1st you should buy the the elite red/blue guards, (not to be confused with the c&c guards) and all the top mountain equipment. then, buy the porcelain dipper, then, buy the backpack. Afterwards, get the honey mask, then the honeycomb belt, it's cheaper, has good stats, and easy to get. Then get the c&c guards, they really help, make sure to grind vicious bees along the way. After, do spirit bear's quests, at that point, it's fairly easy. I recommend getting the petal belt, if you cannot afford it easily, get the petal wand. After getting your second spirit petal, you should get petal wand if you got the belt. Get the belt if you can afford it. If you cant and are impatient, donate it. Otherwise, keep it along the quests, in about the 25th task you might've gotten enough. Which, then buy the belt, if you're on the 28th task and isn't very very close to finishing, just donate. The final few quests require you to donate cloud vials, anyways, and plus, you're probably going to get it soon if you don't focus on the quests.

For the other end game equipment, try getting the clogs asap after you've gotten your petal belt or after you get to spirit bear's 15th or more quest, to get it early, before you end up getting it a month after the petal belt, but buy the petal belt BEFORE the clogs. After, get the canister. Along the way, save up for the masks (buy gummy for grinding and casual playing, diamond for mostly casual playing and afking, and demon for fighting. choose the best on that suits you.) so when you get your 2nd petal you're probably very close to a mask to help with your final quests. After everything, get the other masks, and finally. Save for the true end game item. The gummy boots.

By the time you get here, Onett will probably have made the new updates with the new end game equipment, mythics, and functions, so basically this thing is going to be a bit outdated soon when Onett releases the updates, and apparently one is going to happen around april.

What order does everyone buy items in? (After 35 bees) | Fandom (2024)
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