What is WalletConnect? | How Do Bitcoin and Crypto Work? | Get Started with Bitcoin.com (2024)

Table of Contents

  1. What is WalletConnect?
  2. How do you connect to DApps using WalletConnect?
  3. Is WalletConnect safe?

What is WalletConnect?

WalletConnect is a bridge that connects Decentralized Applications (DApps) to your Bitcoin.com Wallet. Once you've approved a connection request from the DApp (via WalletConnect), the DApp can send transaction requests to your Bitcoin.com Wallet, which you must also manually approve in the Wallet.

For example, let's say you have ETH in your Bitcoin.com Wallet and you want to use a Decentralized Finance (DeFi) application on Ethereum called "ABC Finance" that enables to you to lend your ETH in return for programmatic interest payments. WalletConnect establishes a secure connection between your Bitcoin.com Wallet and ABC Finance, allowing ABC Finance to see the contents of your Ethereum Wallet. Then you'll have the option to, for example, send ETH from your Bitcoin.com Wallet to ABC Finance's lending smart contract. When you've decided how much ETH to send, your Bitcoin.com Wallet will ask you to approve the request.

How do you connect to DApps using WalletConnect?

Continuing with our example, from "ABC Finance's" website or app, you'll first select the Connect button. This typically brings up a list of connection options, one of which will be WalletConnect. Select WalletConnect and, if you're on mobile, choose the Bitcoin.com Wallet from the list of wallets to connect to. If you're on desktop you'll be presented with a QR code which you can scan using the Bitcoin.com Wallet's scan function. In both cases, the Bitcoin.com Wallet will ask you to approve the connection before proceeding.

Here's how it looks on mobile:

Here's a more detailed guide for using WalletConnect in the Bitcoin.com Wallet.

Is WalletConnect safe?

It's safe in the sense that it establishes a secure (encrypted) connection, with your approval, between your Bitcoin.com Wallet and the DApps of your choosing. It also requests your approval for any transactions and never gives DApps access to your private keys. In other words, when you connect to a DApp via WalletConnect, it's impossible for the funds in your wallet to be spent without your approval. That being said, any time you (purposely) send cryptoassets to a smart contract, there are risks (see below).

Read more: Common DApp risks and how to avoid them.

What is WalletConnect? | How Do Bitcoin and Crypto Work? | Get Started with Bitcoin.com (2024)


Does WalletConnect work with Bitcoin? ›

WalletConnect establishes a secure connection between your Bitcoin.com Wallet and ABC Finance, allowing ABC Finance to see the contents of your Ethereum Wallet.

Is Bitcoin com a crypto wallet? ›

There are a number of wallet apps on the market from a variety of vendors and with different features to choose from. We welcome you to try the Bitcoin.com Wallet, the fully self-custodial crypto wallet trusted by millions. The Bitcoin.com Wallet is what's known as a 'software wallet'.

Does Bitcoin com provide wallets for transactions? ›

Use the multichain Bitcoin.com Wallet app, trusted by millions to safely and easily send, receive, buy, sell, trade, and manage the most popular cryptocurrencies. You can also connect to thousands of decentralized applications (DApps), from games to financial derivatives.

How long does it take to send Bitcoin from bitcoin com to trust wallet? ›

This can take anywhere from five minutes to an hour, depending on the Bitcoin network. Here are factors that affect the speed of Bitcoin transactions: Miner's fee.

Which app can I use to open Bitcoin wallet? ›

Trust Wallet is the best Bitcoin wallet for Android and iOS phones, moreover the wallet app is a multi coin crypto wallet so instead of downloading only a Bitcoin wallet, you'll be able to store many types of crypto coins and tokens with Trust Wallet.

What app can I use to send bitcoin to another wallet? ›

Use the multichain Bitcoin.com Wallet app, trusted by millions to safely and easily send, receive, buy, sell, trade, and manage the most popular cryptocurrencies.

Do I need a crypto wallet with Crypto com? ›

You can use this app to securely buy, sell, swap and stake crypto. This app also serves as an exchange where you can manage your crypto. However, to store your crypto and own your private keys, you need to transfer the tokens from this app to Crypto.com's DeFi Wallet app.

What is the difference between crypto com and crypto com wallet? ›

Unlike a centralized custodian on the Crypto.com App, you have complete ownership of your crypto when they are stored in the Crypto.com Wallet. You do not need a Crypto.com account to store, send and receive crypto in the Crypto.com Wallet.

What payment method on bitcoin com? ›

You can pay via credit card, debit card, bank transfer with fiat currency, and some services also accept Paypal.

What is my BTC com wallet address? ›

You can find your Bitcoin address by tapping Bitcoin from the app's home screen, then hitting the "Receive" button on the toolbar of your Bitcoin (BTC) asset view screen. If you have multiple Bitcoin wallets, select the wallet you want from the drop-down menu at the bottom of the asset view screen.

Can you withdraw from Bitcoin com to bank account? ›

Once you've sold your bitcoin cash into local currency, you can withdraw that currency to your bank account. The typical flow is as follows: Visit a cryptocurrency exchange like the Bitcoin.com Exchange or choose from this list of top exchanges. Create an account and verify your identity as required.

Should I move my Bitcoin to a wallet? ›

Once you've purchased your cryptocurrency, you'll need somewhere to hold it. While you could choose to leave it on a crypto exchange in a custodial wallet -- which means you don't fully own the asset, but instead you're trusting the company to hold it for you -- the better option is to move it into a wallet you own.

How do I know if my Bitcoin was sent? ›

On the blockchain explorer
  1. Go to the blockchain explorer that you'd like to check the transaction on.
  2. Paste the transaction ID or address into the search bar.
  3. On the transaction screen, you'll see whether the transaction was confirmed, unconfirmed or has failed.

Can I buy Bitcoin with debit card on Bitcoin com? ›

You can buy a range of cryptocurrencies from the Bitcoin.com website using your credit/debit card or other payment method (Apple Pay, Google Pay, etc.). When you buy crypto from our website, you'll need to decide where to receive it. This means you'll need to input an appropriate crypto address when prompted.

What is WalletConnect compatible with? ›

WalletConnect supports the Ethereum, Cosmos, Polkadot, Near, Solana, and Celo chains, but not the Binance Smart Chain. WalletConnect is even capable of connecting a wallet to different chains at the same time.

Which wallets does WalletConnect support? ›

What are the Walletconnect Compatible Wallets?
  • MetaMask.
  • Crypto.com (DeFi Wallet)
  • Ledger Live.
  • Rainbow.
  • Trust Wallet.
  • Argent.
  • Gnosis Safe multisig.
  • Pillar.
Jan 16, 2022

Is Coinbase supported by WalletConnect? ›

As for your inquiries, we don't support WalletConnect but we have other ways to connect. Please refer to our Coinbase Wallet SDKs, we have both web and mobile. Also, if you are looking for a Coinbase compatible aggregator library, you can use Wagmi (headless - build your own UI) or RainbowKit (has a UI - both for web).

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