What is the Kirkpatrick Model? Learn the 4 Levels of Evaluation (2024)

The Kirkpatrick Model is a globally recognized method of evaluating the results of training and learning programs. It assesses both formal and informal training methods and rates them against four levels of criteria: reaction, learning, behavior, and results.

What is the Kirkpatrick Model? Learn the 4 Levels of Evaluation (1)

Level 1: Reaction

The first level of criteria is “reaction,” which measures whether learners find the training engaging, favorable, and relevant to their jobs. This level is most commonly assessed by an after-training survey (often referred to as a “smile sheet”) that asks students to rate their experience.

A crucial component of Level 1 analysis is a focus on the learner versus the trainer. While it may feel natural for a facilitator to fixate on the training outcome (such as content or learning environment), the Kirkpatrick Model encourages survey questions that concentrate on the learner’s takeaways.

What is the Kirkpatrick Model? Learn the 4 Levels of Evaluation (2)

Level 2: Learning

Level 2 gauges the learning of each participant based on whether learners acquire the intended knowledge, skills, attitude, confidence and commitment to the training. Learning can be evaluated through both formal and informal methods, and should be evaluated through pre-learning and post-learning assessments to identify accuracy and comprehension.

Methods of assessment include exams or interview-style evaluations. A defined, clear scoring process must be determined in advance to reduce inconsistencies.

Level 3: Behavior

One of the most crucial steps in the Kirkpatrick Model, Level 3 measures whether participants were truly impacted by the learning and if they’re applying what they learn. Assessing behavioral changes makes it possible to know not only whether the skills were understood, but if it's logistically possible to use the skills in the workplace.

Oftentimes, evaluating behavior uncovers issues within the workplace. A lack of behavioral change may not mean training was ineffective, but that the organization’s current processes and cultural conditions aren’t fostering an ideal learning environment for the desired change.

Level 4: Results

The final level, Level 4, is dedicated to measuring direct results. Level Four measures the learning against an organization's business outcomes— the Key Performance Indicators that were established before learning was initiated. Common KPI’s include higher return on investments, less workplace accidents, and larger quantity of sales.

Using the Kirkpatrick Model creates an actionable measurement plan to clearly define goals, measure results and identify areas of notable impact. Analyzing data at each level allows organizations to evaluate the relationship between each level to better understand the training results— and, as an added benefit, allows organizations to readjust plans and correct course throughout the learning process.

If your organization is ready to take the next step in learning, send us a message! Ardent’s team of experts will walk you through viable solutions, and discuss how to use the Kirkpatrick Model to get the results your team needs.

What is the Kirkpatrick Model? Learn the 4 Levels of Evaluation (2024)


What is the Kirkpatrick Model? Learn the 4 Levels of Evaluation? ›

The Kirkpatrick Model is a globally recognized method of evaluating the results of training and learning programs. It assesses both formal and informal training methods and rates them against four levels of criteria: reaction, learning, behavior, and results.

What are the four levels of Kirkpatrick's model of evaluation? ›

It consists of four levels of evaluation: Reaction, Learning, Behavior, and Results. Each successive level of the model represents a more precise measure of the effectiveness of a training program. Donald Kirkpatrick, former Professor Emeritus at the University of Wisconsin, first published his model in 1959.

What is a level 1 evaluation? ›

Level 1 Evaluations are used to measure and record a learner's reaction to training they've recently completed, such as their rating of the course content, materials, and relevance. Level 1 Evaluations are the most commonly used type of Cornerstone evaluation and can be attached to various learning object (LO) types.

Which of the following is the correct sequencing of Kirkpatrick's 4 stages of evaluation? ›

Level 1: Reaction (like it?) Level 2: Learning (learned?) Level 3: Behavior (behavior changed?) Level 4: Results (delivered desired results?)

What are the 4 steps of evaluation process? ›

In this section, each of the four phases is discussed.
  • Planning. ...
  • Implementation — Formative and Process Evaluation. ...
  • Completion — Summative, Outcome, and Impact Evaluation. ...
  • Dissemination and Reporting.

What are the four steps of the evaluation process? ›

Evaluation can be thought of as a set of linked activities, and the process for undertaking an evaluation includes four main phases – planning, development, implementation, and action and improvement. Within each of the 4 broad phases, there are 9 basic steps for conducting an evaluation.

What is the purpose of Kirkpatrick's model of evaluation? ›

It works by providing a model to capture and then analyze data to measure both immediate impacts and longer-term results. Even after 60+ years, the Kirkpatrick training model continues to be the most well-known and widely used means of evaluating the effectiveness of training programs.

How do you evaluate a model after training? ›

Once a model has been trained you have to evaluate it to check if it will make good predictions on new unseen data. Evaluation is performed using data that was split from the initial training data and was not used in training. The problem the model is trying to solve, such as: Classification problems.

What is level 5 Kirkpatrick model? ›

Following the 4 levels of Kirkpatrick's evaluation model, you'll be able to measure your eLearning ROI. This step is sometimes referred to as Level 5. By monetizing the gains or value added from training and determining if it is more than the investment made, you'll get your eLearning ROI.

What is Level 3 of Kirkpatrick's framework for evaluation? ›

Level 3: Behavior

One of the most crucial steps in the Kirkpatrick Model, Level 3 measures whether participants were truly impacted by the learning and if they're applying what they learn.

What are the 4 levels of evaluation? ›

It breaks down the evaluation process into four distinct levels: Reaction, Learning, Transfer, and Results. Each level provides a step-by-step framework to assess the impact of training from the initial participant reaction to the final results that affect the organization.

What are Kirkpatrick's four levels of criteria in order quizlet? ›

Students also viewed
  • Kirkpatrick's 4-level model of training evaluation. published initially in four articles in 1959. ...
  • Level 1: Reaction. first level of Kirkpatrick's 4-level model of training evaluation. ...
  • Level 2: Learning. ...
  • Level 3: Behavior (Transfer of Training) ...
  • Level 4: Results. ...
  • Donald Kirkpatrick.

What are the disadvantages of the Kirkpatrick Model? ›

Disadvantages of the Kirkpatrick evaluation model

It can be a bit time-consuming and requires costly investment to conduct all the pre-tests, post-tests, and analyses of learning outcomes. It is also challenging to link business results to specific training directly.

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The Kirkpatrick Model vs. the Phillips ROI Methodology TM
LevelKirkpatrick ModelPhillips ROI Methodology TM
1ReactionReaction, satisfaction, and planned application
3BehaviorBehavior, application, implementation
4ResultBusiness impact
1 more row
Oct 14, 2016

What is Level 3 of the Kirkpatrick model? ›

Kirkpatrick Level 3 evaluations are intended to assess the degree to which participants apply to their daily job objectives and skills learned during training (Kirkpatrick, 1996). Specific to disaster preparedness and response, Kirkpatrick Level 3 evaluations are intended to assess behavior change in the field setting.

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