What is the difference between CDD and EDD? (2024)


A. Definition of Customer Due Diligence (CDD)

  • Customer Due Diligence (CDD) is a process that financial institutions and other regulated entities must perform to identify their customers and assess their risk profiles. The primary objective of CDD is to prevent financial institutions from being used to facilitate money laundering and other illicit financial activities.
  • CDD involves collecting and verifying customer information, understanding the nature of the customer’s activities, and assessing the risk of illegal activities occurring through the customer’s transactions.

B. Definition of Enhanced Due Diligence (EDD)

  • Enhanced Due Diligence (EDD) is a more comprehensive and in-depth form of due diligence applied to customers who pose a higher risk of engaging in money laundering, terrorist financing, or other illicit activities.
  • EDD is required when a customer or their transactions present a higher level of risk. It involves additional verification of customer information, closer monitoring of transactions, and a more detailed assessment of the customer’s risk profile.

C. Importance of CDD and EDD in Financial Institutions

  • CDD and EDD are crucial for maintaining the integrity and stability of financial systems. They help financial institutions detect and prevent financial crimes, protect themselves from legal and reputational damage, and ensure compliance with local and international regulations.
  • The implementation of effective CDD and EDD processes is essential for identifying high-risk customers, understanding their transaction behaviors, and mitigating the risks associated with serving such customers.

D. Brief Overview of the Differences between CDD and EDD

  • While both CDD and EDD are integral components of an institution’s anti-money laundering (AML) and counter-terrorist financing (CTF) frameworks, they differ in their application and intensity.
  • CDD is the standard process applied to all customers, focusing on identifying the customer and assessing their risk level. In contrast, EDD is a more rigorous process applied to high-risk customers, involving in-depth scrutiny and ongoing monitoring to detect and report suspicious activities.

E. Contextual Importance

  • In the modern financial landscape, where transactions are increasingly complex and global, understanding the differences between CDD and EDD is vital for financial professionals, regulatory bodies, and the general public.
  • The knowledge of these processes is essential to comprehend how financial institutions operate within legal frameworks to combat financial crimes and maintain the security and transparency of financial transactions.

F. Objective of the Blog

  • The blog aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of CDD and EDD, their importance in the financial sector, and the differences between them. It will delve into the processes, requirements, and implications of both CDD and EDD, offering insights into how they contribute to the fight against financial crimes.

Differences between CDD and EDD

A. Level of Risk

  1. CDD for Standard Risk Customers:
    • Customer Due Diligence is the basic level of due diligence that financial institutions apply to all customers, regardless of their risk level. It is designed to verify the customer’s identity and assess their risk of involvement in money laundering or terrorist financing.
    • CDD is typically applied to customers who present a standard or lower level of risk, and it involves collecting and verifying basic information such as name, address, and date of birth.
  2. EDD for Higher Risk Customers:
    • Enhanced Due Diligence is applied to customers who are deemed to present a higher risk of engaging in illicit financial activities. This could be due to their occupation, transaction patterns, or geographic location.
    • EDD involves a more detailed and thorough examination of the customer’s background, intentions, and transactions to understand and mitigate the risks associated with serving such customers.

B. Depth of Investigation

  1. Basic Identification and Verification in CDD:
    • The CDD process involves collecting basic information about the customer, such as personal details and documentation to verify their identity. The focus is on establishing the true identity of the customer and understanding their normal transaction behavior.
    • The information collected during CDD includes, but is not limited to, name, address, contact details, occupation, and source of funds.
  2. In-depth Scrutiny in EDD:
    • EDD goes beyond basic identification and verification. It requires a more comprehensive analysis of the customer’s profile, including their financial history, source of wealth, and associations with politically exposed persons (PEPs) or high-risk entities.
    • Financial institutions may also assess the customer’s public exposure, scrutinize their business relationships, and conduct ongoing monitoring to detect any unusual or suspicious transactions promptly.

C. Monitoring

  1. Regular Monitoring in CDD:
    • Once the CDD process is complete, financial institutions continue to monitor the customer’s transactions to ensure consistency with their profile and to detect any anomalies.
    • The monitoring under CDD is usually periodic and focuses on identifying deviations from the customer’s normal transaction patterns.
  2. Enhanced Ongoing Monitoring in EDD:
    • EDD requires more stringent and continuous monitoring of the customer’s transactions. Financial institutions must closely observe the activities of high-risk customers to promptly identify and investigate any suspicious or unusual transactions.
    • The monitoring under EDD is more detailed and frequent, with a focus on understanding the customer’s transaction behavior and assessing the risks associated with their activities.

D. Documentation

  1. Standard Documentation in CDD:
    • During the CDD process, financial institutions collect standard documentation to verify the customer’s identity and assess their risk level. This may include government-issued identification documents, proof of address, and information on the purpose of the business relationship.
    • The documentation collected is usually sufficient to establish the customer’s identity and understand their financial activities.
  2. Additional Documentation and Information in EDD:
    • EDD necessitates the collection of additional documentation and information to gain a deeper understanding of the customer’s background, financial history, and risk profile. This may include financial statements, tax returns, and information on business associates and family members.
    • The additional documentation helps financial institutions to conduct a more thorough risk assessment and make informed decisions about establishing or continuing a business relationship with high-risk customers.

When to Use CDD vs. EDD

The decision to use CDD or EDD depends on the level of risk associated with the customer. CDD should be used for all customers, regardless of the level of risk. EDD should be used for customers who are deemed to be at a higher risk of financial crime, such as PEPs or customers located in high-risk jurisdictions.

For instance, if a customer is an individual with a simple financial profile, such as a student opening a basic savings account, the organization can follow the standard CDD process. However, if the customer is a politically exposed person (PEP), an individual with significant wealth or a complex financial profile, the organization should follow the EDD process to obtain a more in-depth understanding of the customer’s background and financial activities.


Implementing CDD and EDD processes has several benefits for organizations.

Benefits of CDD:

  1. Compliance: CDD helps organizations comply with AML regulations and avoid legal and reputational risks associated with non-compliance.
  2. Risk Mitigation: CDD helps identify and assess the risk associated with a customer, allowing the organization to take appropriate measures to mitigate that risk.
  3. Customer Confidence: CDD provides assurance to customers that the organization is committed to preventing financial crime and protecting their financial assets.

Benefits of EDD:

  1. Enhanced Risk Management: EDD provides a deeper understanding of a customer’s background and activities, which helps organizations identify and manage higher-risk customers.
  2. Improved Due Diligence: EDD helps organizations to carry out more thorough investigations into customers who pose a higher risk of financial crime.
  3. Regulatory Compliance: EDD helps organizations comply with AML regulations by identifying and assessing high-risk customers and implementing appropriate risk mitigation measures.


While CDD and EDD are essential components of any anti-money laundering program, they come with their own set of challenges.

Challenges of CDD:

One of the biggest challenges of CDD is that it can be time-consuming and costly, especially for organizations with a large customer base. The CDD process requires organizations to verify the identity of all customers, which can be a challenging task for businesses with a large customer base. Additionally, the CDD process may not always be effective in identifying customers who pose a higher risk of financial crime.

Challenges of EDD:

One of the challenges of EDD is that it requires a higher level of due diligence, which can be time-consuming and expensive. EDD requires organizations to carry out in-depth research and verification of the customer’s identity, business, and source of funds. This can be a challenging task, especially for organizations with limited resources. Additionally, EDD may not always be effective in identifying high-risk customers, and there is a risk of false positives.

Importance of Compliance with CDD and EDD

A. Legal Consequences

  1. Penalties for Non-Compliance:
    • Financial institutions and individuals may face severe penalties for failing to comply with CDD and EDD requirements. These penalties can include hefty fines, restrictions on business operations, and, in extreme cases, imprisonment for responsible individuals.
    • The exact penalties can vary depending on the jurisdiction, the severity of the violation, and whether it is a repeat offense.
  2. Legal Repercussions for Financial Institutions:
    • Non-compliance can lead to legal actions against financial institutions, potentially resulting in lengthy court battles, reputational damage, and loss of business.
    • Institutions may also be required to implement corrective measures to address deficiencies in their compliance programs, which can be costly and time-consuming.

B. Financial Consequences

  1. Fines and Sanctions:
    • Regulatory bodies can impose substantial fines on institutions that fail to adhere to CDD and EDD regulations. These fines can reach millions or even billions of dollars, depending on the extent of the non-compliance.
    • Additionally, institutions may face sanctions, including restrictions on their ability to conduct certain types of business or engage in specific markets.
  2. Reputational Damage:
    • The reputation of a financial institution is one of its most valuable assets. Non-compliance with CDD and EDD regulations can severely tarnish an institution’s image, leading to a loss of customer trust and confidence.
    • This reputational damage can have long-lasting impacts, affecting customer acquisition, retention, and overall profitability.

C. Ethical Considerations

  1. Ethical Obligations of Financial Institutions:
    • Financial institutions have a moral and ethical duty to prevent and combat financial crimes such as money laundering, terrorist financing, and fraud.
    • By adhering to CDD and EDD regulations, institutions contribute to the integrity and stability of financial systems and help in protecting society from the adverse effects of financial crimes.
  2. Role in Preventing Financial Crimes:
    • CDD and EDD are crucial components in the fight against financial crimes. They enable institutions to identify suspicious activities, assess risks accurately, and report anomalies to relevant authorities.
    • The diligent application of these processes helps in uncovering illicit activities, leading to the apprehension of criminals and the prevention of criminal enterprises.

D. Proactive Compliance and Risk Management

  1. Development of Robust Compliance Programs:
    • To avoid the aforementioned consequences, financial institutions should develop and maintain robust compliance programs that include effective CDD and EDD procedures.
    • These programs should be regularly reviewed and updated to ensure they remain effective in identifying and mitigating risks and are in line with evolving regulatory requirements.
  2. Training and Awareness:
    • Employees should receive regular training on compliance requirements, including the importance of CDD and EDD, to ensure they are well equipped to identify and report suspicious activities.
    • Raising awareness about the importance of compliance within the organization can foster a culture of integrity and responsibility, reducing the likelihood of violations.

E. Conclusion

  • Compliance with CDD and EDD is not merely a legal requirement but a fundamental responsibility for financial institutions. The consequences of non-compliance are severe and far-reaching, affecting not only the institutions but also the broader society.
  • By embracing a proactive approach to compliance and ethical conduct, institutions can play a pivotal role in maintaining the integrity of financial systems and safeguarding communities from the detrimental impacts of financial crimes.


CDD and EDD are both essential components of any anti-money laundering program. While both CDD and EDD serve the same purpose of mitigating the risk of financial crime, they have significant differences that organizations need to be aware of. Organizations must conduct CDD on all customers and identify when EDD is required based on the level of risk associated with the customer. Implementing CDD and EDD processes not only helps organizations comply with AML regulations but also mitigates the risk of financial crime and protects the organization’s reputation.

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What is the difference between CDD and EDD? (2024)


What is the difference between CDD and EDD? ›

In summary, CDD is a standard process used to assess a customer's risk, while EDD is used when a customer is considered to present a higher risk and requires amore thorough investigation.

What is the difference between due diligence and enhanced due diligence? ›

Enhanced Due Diligence (EDD) is a more comprehensive and in-depth form of due diligence applied to customers who pose a higher risk of engaging in money laundering, terrorist financing, or other illicit activities.

What are the three types of CDD? ›

There are three main types of CDD measures that organisations may use: standard CDD, enhanced CDD, and ongoing CDD. Standard Customer or Client Due Diligence refers to the basic level of information organisations must collect and verify about their customers.

What is the difference between CDD and KYC? ›

KYC is the initial step, where businesses verify the identity of their customers. CDD, on the other hand, is an ongoing process that involves continuously monitoring customer behavior and assessing risks associated with it. Both are pivotal in preventing financial crimes. Let us discuss these in more detail.

What is edd due diligence? ›

Enhanced Due Diligence (EDD) is an advanced risk assessment process that involves gathering and analyzing information about high-risk customers or business relationships to identify and mitigate potential financial crimes, such as money laundering and terrorist financing.

What are the two main types of due diligence? ›

We uncover 11 key types of due diligence in M&A and look at examples of how they are used, and provide practical due diligence checklists.
  • Financial due diligence.
  • Legal due diligence.
  • Tax due diligence.
  • Operational due diligence.
  • IP due diligence.
  • Commercial due diligence.
  • IT due diligence.
  • HR due diligence.

What type of customers are subject to EDD? ›

What is Enhanced Due Diligence Required For?
  • Any business in a country on the High-Risk Third Countries list.
  • Politically Exposed Persons (PEPs) or their close circles, such as family members.
  • Companies in sectors with a higher risk of money laundering, such as gambling.
  • Shell corporations.
  • Ultimate Beneficial Owners.

What falls under CDD? ›

Customer Due Diligence (CDD) involves four key requirements: Identifying and verifying the customer's identity using reliable sources. Understanding the nature of the customer's business relationship to determine expected transactions. Ensuring ongoing monitoring of the customer's transactions for suspicious activities.

What are CDD requirements? ›

CDD Final Rule requires financial institutions to identify and verify the identity of the beneficial owners of their clients. Beneficial owners are individuals who ultimately own or control a legal entity or arrangement, such as a company or trust.

What is a CDD checklist? ›

Customer due diligence (CDD) is a process of checks to help identify your client and make sure they are who they say they are.

What is EDD and cdd in KYC? ›

In summary, CDD is a standard process used to assess a customer's risk, while EDD is used when a customer is considered to present a higher risk and requires amore thorough investigation.

Who pays for due diligence? ›

Due diligence money is a fee that buyers proffer at the time they make an offer on a home. In essence, it is the buyer's good faith payment to the seller. During the due diligence period, the seller pulls the home off the market while the buyer completes inspections.

What is the purpose of EDD? ›

Enhanced Due Diligence (EDD) is a complex process that should be designed to mitigate the money laundering risks specific to a given organization.

Who qualifies for enhanced due diligence? ›

The enhanced due diligence process goes a step further for high-risk clients, like politically exposed persons or people in highly sanctioned countries. If a client is deemed high-risk, they'll have to verify the identity they provided and have to withstand a higher degree of scrutiny.

When to use enhanced due diligence? ›

When is enhanced due diligence needed? EDD is needed for higher-risk customers; customers that pose higher money laundering or terrorist financing risks and thus present increased exposure to banks.

What is a better way to say due diligence? ›

Due Diligence Synonyms

Analysis, assessment, audit, examination, review, survey, verification, investigation.

What is the difference between standard simplified and enhanced due diligence? ›

In this context, simplified due diligence (SDD) can be applied in certain circ*mstances where you have determined a client as low risk. Enhanced due diligence (EDD) applies to the opposite end of the risk scale, for high risk clients.

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