What is the difference between a General Purpose HSM and a Financial HSM? (2024)

What is the General Purpose HSM?

General Purpose HSMs are a type of Hardware Security Module that provide general cryptographic commands that return sensitive information to the software application. General Purpose HSMs are very flexible to use, as they can be used in any application that uses cryptographic keys that do not require the additional functions that must be used in the Financial HSM.

General Purpose HSMs comply with numerous safety standards such as these below:

  • PCI DSS.
  • PCI 3DS (Server 3DS).
  • RGPD.
  • eIDAS.

What is the Financial HSM?

The Financial HSM is a Hardware Security Module that has a set of enhanced features that are necessary to comply with payment industry standards. Financial HSMs enforce management under dual control and provide the specific cryptographic commands that are required to ensure that the sensitive information being handled does not go out of the HSM.

The Payment Card Industry Security Standards Council has a number of standards related to payment security. Listed below are the most common uses according to the standards that require the use of financial HSMs such as PCI PTS HSM.

  • Security PIN.
  • P2PE.
  • 3DS (ACS any DS).
  • Cards production.
  • TSP.
  • SPoC.
  • CPoC.

Requirements within the listed standards mean that HSMs must provide payment industry-specific functionality.

Differences between the two types of Hardware Security Module

Summing up, the first major difference between the two types of Hardware Security Module is that they have different uses. While the General Purpose HSM is used for digital signatures, to encrypt or decrypt information, to verify and validate digital identity or to generate and custody KPI keys, the Financial HSM can be used to generate, manage and validate the PIN, to recharge the card, to validate the card, user and cryptogram during payment transaction processing, to share keys securely or to issue payment credentials for payment cards and mobile apps.

Another difference is related to cryptographic commands. While the General Purpose HSM offers general cryptographic commands, the Financial HSM offers more specific cryptographic commands so that information does not leave the HSM.

Finally, the security standards met by each one are also different, as we have seen above.

The best HSM solution is at Utimaco

The HSM solution has become one of the best ways to protect all our confidential information. They have multiple advantages, are useful in many sectors and offer unique features. At Utimaco we have the best HSM devices on the market so you can shield your information and be safe on the Internet. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us. We will be pleased to help you.

What is the difference between a General Purpose HSM and a Financial HSM? (2024)


What is the difference between a General Purpose HSM and a Financial HSM? ›

While the General Purpose HSM offers general cryptographic commands, the Financial HSM offers more specific cryptographic commands so that information does not leave the HSM. Finally, the security standards met by each one are also different, as we have seen above.

What is general purpose HSM? ›

General Purpose HSMs (Hardware Security Modules) can be used in various industries and applications where secure key management, data protection, and cryptographic processing are essential. Here are some examples of use cases for General Purpose HSMs: Secure key storage and management.

What are the different types of HSM? ›

There are two primary types of HSMs: general purpose and payment hardware security modules.

What is HSM in finance? ›

A payment HSM is a hardened, tamper-resistant hardware device that is used primarily by the retail banking industry to provide high levels of protection for cryptographic keys and customer PINs used during the issuance of magnetic stripe and EMV chip cards (and their mobile application equivalents) and the subsequent ...

What is the difference between key manager and HSM? ›

A key management system is employed to provide efficient management of the entire lifecycle of cryptographic keys in accordance with particular compliance standards, whereas an HSM serves as the core component for the secure generation, protection, and usage of the keys.

What is the difference between KMS and HSM? ›

CloudHSM is generally used for scenarios requiring stringent regulatory adherence and complete control over the Hardware Security Module (HSM). On the other hand, KMS offers a cost-efficient and user-friendly solution suitable for general key management tasks.

What are the basics of HSM? ›

Hardware security modules (HSMs) are hardened, tamper-resistant hardware devices that secure cryptographic processes by generating, protecting, and managing keys used for encrypting and decrypting data and creating digital signatures and certificates.

What are the disadvantages of HSM? ›

Despite their benefits, HSMs also have some disadvantages that you should be aware of. One of the main disadvantages is that they are expensive and complex to deploy and maintain. HSMs require specialized hardware, software, and personnel to operate and manage them.

What is an example of a HSM? ›

For example, a company might use an HSM to secure trade secrets or intellectual property by ensuring only authorized individuals can access the HSM to complete a cryptography key transfer.

How much does an HSM cost? ›

Major HSM Providers

These solutions have a costly overhead a Gemalto HSM can be ~$29,000, Thales can be ~$9,500, and Utimaco can be ~$15,000. In addition, you need to store these HSM devices in a secure location which can cost an arm and a leg or even more.

Do banks use HSM? ›

What does a Payment HSM do? The payment industry, banks, and fintech companies rely on specialized payment HSMs to securely process functions such as: Verifying user-entered PIN against reference PIN held by card issuer.

What is the difference between HSA and HSM? ›

HSMs are tamper-resistant/tamper-responding devices with memory/processor inside the protected envelope. With an HSM, your key lives inside, and all operations happen on the security processor. HSA is an Amazon term for a PC with an HSM inside.

How does payment HSM work? ›

Since the payment HSM generates all the data that pertains to the transaction, including cryptographic keys, CVC codes, and PINs, it can also authenticate all the codes for any transaction to identify whether the individual trying to make a payment or access funds is authorized to do so.

Does an HSM generate keys? ›

Hardware Security Modules can generate, rotate, and protect keys, and those keys generated by the HSM are always random. HSMs contain a piece of hardware that makes it possible for its computer to generate truly random keys, as opposed to a regular computer which cannot create a truly random key.

Is HSM a key management system? ›

This communication is typically governed by the PKCS #11 standard which provides the requirements for this interaction. The result is a set of standard APIs that are used to ensure secure interaction between the KMS and HSM. HSMs are also commonly thought of as key management systems in their own right.

What is the difference between HSM and CipherTrust manager? ›

CipherTrust Manager internally uses a chain of key encryption keys (KEKs) to securely store and protect sensitive data such as user keys. When an HSM is used, the CipherTrust Manager generates and uses a set of keys on the HSM partition that protect the KEKs chain and become the root of trust.

For what purpose the HSM or SSM are used? ›

HSM is considered for analyzing special cases Soft systems methodologies (SSM) areemployed in handling systems that cannotbe quantified. The answers developed arethus not quantified. Hard systems methodologies (HSM) involves using simulations, e.g. computer simulations.

When should you use a HSM Why? ›

When you use an HSM to protect cryptographic keys, you add a robust layer of security, preventing attackers from finding them. nShield HSMs are specially designed to establish a root of trust, safeguarding and managing cryptographic keys and processes within a certified hardware environment.

What does HSM mean in safety? ›

The Highway Safety Manual (HSM) introduces a science-based technical approach that takes the guesswork out of safety analysis.

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