What Is Passive-Aggressive Behavior? (2024)

What Is Passive-Aggressive Behavior? (1)
Medically Reviewed by Zilpah Sheikh,MD on September 21, 2023

Written by Camille Noe Pagán

5 min read

What Is Passive-Aggressive Behavior?

Passive-aggressive behavior is when you express negative feelings indirectly instead of openly talking about them. During World War II, when soldiers wouldn't follow officers' orders, experts described them as “passive-aggressive.” A new term back then, but still relevant today.

Passive aggression can happen at home, online, at work, or with strangers. You might use this behavior because you feel angry, resentful, or frustrated, but you act neutral, pleasant, or even cheerful. You then find indirect ways to show how you really feel.

Examples of Passive-Aggressive Behavior

When someone uses passive aggression, they might say one thing, like “Sure, I'd be happy to!” and do another, like brood and complain while completing the task.

They might also do something that seems kind on the surface but is opposite to another person's wishes. For example, if you tell a coworker you're trying to lose weight, a passive-aggressive colleague might bring you a cake the next day.

Here are some red flags that indicate if someone is being passive-aggressive:

  • Resenting or opposing others' instructions outright, though they may still do what they’re told
  • Delaying a task that someone else requested or making intentional mistakes
  • Having a sarcastic or argumentative attitude
  • Routinely complaining about feeling underappreciated
  • Criticizing others

Examples include:

Passive-aggressive behavior in a relationship might include giving your partner the silent treatment if they say or do something that hurts you. It also includes ghosting someone instead of dealing with an issue directly.

Passive-aggressive behavior at work might include arriving at a meeting late because you don't like the timing scheduled by your boss. It also includes undermining someone's understanding or experience with phrases such as “Like I already told you...” or “Do you comprehend what I'm saying?”

Passive-aggressive comments include backhanded compliments and patronizing or sarcastic statements. Examples are saying things such as “You'd look more professional without those tattoos,” or “It'd be nice to have as much time off as some other people,” instead of dealing with feelings and issues head-on.

Causes of Passive-Aggressive Behavior

Anger, frustration, and displeasure are normal emotions. People who rely on passive aggression rather than direct communication to show these emotions often grow up in a family where such behavior is common. It might not have felt safe for them to directly express their feelings as a child.

But people can also pick up this behavior as adults. They may act this way because it helps them get what they want. They may do it to avoid confrontation. Many people are only passive-aggressive in some situationsfor example, at workbut not in others.

Researchers also link passive-aggressive behavior to:

  • Anxiety disorders
  • ADHD
  • Depression
  • Substance abuse
  • Personality disorders

Is Passive Aggression a Mental Illness?

Passive aggression isn't a mental illness. However, people with mental health conditions may act in passive-aggressive ways. Passive aggression could damage your personal and professional relationships.

While it's not a personality disorder, passive-aggressive behaviors are common in those diagnosed with:

  • Narcissistic personality disorder (NPD)
  • Borderline personality disorder (BPD)

If your behavior is passive-aggressive and causing problems in your relationships, ask your doctor about starting therapy to find the cause of your behavior and make changes. Therapies such as cognitive behavior therapy (CBT), interpersonal therapy, dialectical behavior therapy (DBT), and social skills training, can help you with better communication skills and the ability to make better choices.

How to Recognize Passive-Aggressive Behavior

This behavior includes avoiding direct conflict but expressing negative emotions. It sends mixed messages.

Recognize passive-aggressive behavior in others. If there’s a disconnect between what someone says and does, and you’re confused, hurt, or disoriented after your interactions with them, they may be showing passive-aggressive behavior.

Recognize passive-aggressive behavior in yourself. If your actions hurt others or make them defensive or cower in response to things you say, it might be a sign that you’re being passive-aggressive.

How to Stop Being Passive-Aggressive

Many people don't realize that they're being passive-aggressive. The behavior may feel “normal” to them. Or they might think it's the best way to avoid hurting someone's feelings or to prevent something bad from happening, like losing their job.

If your behavior is passive-aggressive, and causing problems in your relationships, ask your doctor about starting therapy. It can help you learn better communication and make better choices. Therapies that can help with passive-aggressive behavior include:

  • Cognitive behavior therapy (CBT)

  • Interpersonal therapy

  • Dialectical behavior therapy (DBT)

  • Social skills training

Everyone can behave in a passive-aggressive manner from time to time. But if it’s a pattern, that's when it's a problem. If the passive aggression of a friend, family member, or colleague is troubling you, try being direct about what you want or need without labeling their behavior as “passive-aggressive.”

Using “I” statements can be helpful. For example, “I don't like it when you regularly show up for meetings late. It makes me feel like this isn't important to you. Would you please try to be on time going forward?” Sometimes, behaving assertively can show the other person how to behave that way, too.

You may have to keep telling a passive-aggressive person your needs before you see an improvement in the way they act. If the behavior doesn't change, consider getting the advice of a therapist. A therapist can help you understand ways you may be contributing to the situation. They can give you communication skills to improve future interactions. They can also help you decide if it's time to step away from the relationship.


  • Passive-aggressive behavior is when you express negative feelings indirectly instead of openly talking about them.
  • Passive aggression can happen at home, online, at work, or with strangers.
  • Passive-aggression isn't a mental illness.But people with mental health conditions may act in passive-aggressive ways.
  • Many people don't realize that they're being passive-aggressive.
  • Therapy can help change passive-aggressive behaviors.

Passive-Aggressive FAQs

Are people aware when they’re being passive-aggressive?

Many people don't realize they're being passive-aggressive. The behavior may feel “normal” to them

Is the silent treatment passive-aggressive?

Yes. So is being sullen, tardy, cynical, and sarcastic.

What personality type is passive-aggressive?

Passive-aggressive behavior is not associated with a specific personality type, though it does include certain behaviors. It's also not a personality disorder. However, passive-aggressive behavior can be found in those with personality disorders.

What Is Passive-Aggressive Behavior? (2024)


What Is Passive-Aggressive Behavior? ›

What Is Passive-Aggressive Behavior? Passive-aggressive behavior is when you express negative feelings indirectly instead of openly talking about them. During World War II, when soldiers wouldn't follow officers' orders, experts described them as “passive-aggressive.” A new term back then, but still relevant today.

What is an example of passive-aggressive? ›

Examples of Passive-Aggressive Behavior

Kennedy, some examples include: Giving someone the silent treatment. Refusing to discuss what you're upset about, even when asked. Sharing your frustrations with other people but not with the person you're upset with.

What is the six word phrase to stop passive-aggressive behavior? ›

The good news is that there is a way to stop this behavior, both in ourselves and in others. The key is to remember this six-word phrase: "Attack the problem, not the person."

How can you tell if someone is passive-aggressive? ›

Specific signs of passive-aggressive behavior include:
  1. Resentment and opposition to the demands of others, especially the demands of people in positions of authority.
  2. Resistance to cooperation, procrastination and intentional mistakes in response to others' demands.
  3. Cynical, sullen or hostile attitude.

What is the most passive-aggressive thing to say? ›

Here's what to watch out for — and what to say instead.
  • “Good for you.” While this statement can be used to express sincere happiness for another person's success, it's often used passive aggressively, said Howes. ...
  • “I'm sorry you feel that way.” ...
  • “It's fine.” ...
  • “Whatever.” ...
  • “If you say so.” ...
  • “You're just too sensitive.”
Mar 13, 2024

What is a passive-aggressive apology? ›

Passive-aggressive apologies are also insincere and intended to make the recipient feel badly. An example of this is emphatically repeating, “I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry!” Coerced apologies or those that fulfill someone's expectations are not sincere. Transactional - “I apologized now, so it's your turn.”

Is gaslighting passive-aggressive? ›

Passive-Aggressiveness as Gaslighting

In other words, it's a tool of the gaslighter who intentionally does things to make a partner doubt reality and even their sanity. The ambiguity of passive-aggressiveness provides the cover of plausible deniability.

Is passive-aggression a form of control? ›

Passive-aggressive behaviour is a hallmark of controlling and abusive relationships, but it's easy to become confused about what we mean by passive-aggressive behaviour and what it looks like. Passive-aggressive is when someone is indirectly or covertly aggressive, rather than being open and transparent about it.

Why passive aggression is toxic? ›

Passive-aggressive behavior can be intensely frustrating for the target because it's hard to identify, difficult to prove, and may even be unintentional. Passive aggression can lead to more conflict and intimacy issues, because many people struggle to have a direct and honest conversation about the problem at hand.

How do you fix passive-aggressive behavior? ›

  1. Simply asking for what you want.
  2. Accepting things may not always go your way.
  3. Telling someone why you're upset with them.
  4. Communicating honestly and assertively.
  5. Letting go of things beyond your control.
  6. Empathizing with others.
  7. Being open-minded.
  8. Respecting others' opinions and perspectives.
Feb 5, 2023

Is passive-aggressive a toxic trait? ›

It is crucial to be aware of the following ten toxic personality traits and remain vigilant in identifying them. Passive aggression: Passive-aggressive behavior involves expressing anger or frustration indirectly rather than openly communicating.

Is silent treatment passive-aggressive? ›

Silence and non-responsiveness are not only passive-aggressive forms of manipulation and attention seeking; they can also be used as tools to promote changes in behavior.

What causes a passive personality? ›

Some studies show that passive behavior may stem from being raised or growing up in an environment where guardians disallowed or discouraged the direct expression of emotions. In such an environment, you may find it hard to express your feelings openly, which may trigger frustration or anger.

Is passive-aggressive the same as narcissism? ›

Passive aggression

Most people have probably used this manipulation tactic at one time or another, possibly without realizing it. But people with covert narcissism often use passive-aggressive behavior to convey frustration or make themselves look superior.

What is an example of passive behavior? ›

Passive behavior includes violating y our own rights through inaction or by failing to express your thoughts, feelings, or desires. Example: “We can do whatever you want. Your ideas are probably better than mine.” Aggressive Behavior is when someone stands up for their own rights without regard for others.

What is the root cause of passive-aggressive behavior? ›

Passive aggression often stems from underlying anger, sadness, or insecurity, of which the person may or may not be consciously aware. Passive-aggressive behavior may be an expression of those emotions or an attempt to gain control in a relationship. Bearing that in mind can inform how you respond.

What are examples of aggressive behavior? ›

A few examples of aggressive acts:
  • acts of physical violence.
  • shouting, swearing, and harsh language.
  • gossiping or spreading rumors about a classmate.
  • purposely breaking your roommate's favorite mug.
  • slashing your co-worker's tires.
Mar 3, 2022

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