What is Parenting Literacy? | blog.parentingliteracy.com (2024)

Parenting literacy is the extent to which one possesses the knowledge, skills, and emotional dispositions that are conducive to raising healthy, happy, intelligent, spritual, and socially adept children.

As a Developmental Psychologist, parent, and member of the human species, I believe parenting literacyis one of the most important types of literacy, for the fate of our species depends on the quality of parenting. In general, parents exert the greatest of all social influences upon their children. All of us are influenced in one way or another by parenting,most directly by our own parents, but also, indirectly, by the parents of every person we come into contact with. With few exceptions, every hero and every villian was influenced by parents.

The view adopted in this website is that parenting literacy is malleable. Yes, some people seem to have more “talent” at this than others. But a huge amount of scientific literature is showing that much of what we call talent is influenced by prior training, and that anyone who can learn can become a better parent. Even dogs become better parents with experience. And if dogs can get better, so can we.

A central issue, to which I will return repeatedly in the near future, is the fact that it isdifficult to define what constitutes core knowledge (or literacy) in parenting. It is currently politically correct to state that there are many ways to raise a healthy child and that each parent is free to adopt whatever means they wish (i.e., as long as they do not hurt their child in certain ways) to raise their children.

Fortunately, we are living in aperiod ofhuman history during which we are learning a lotabout the developmental outcomes thataccompany different parental inputs or actions. One result is that a growing concern of civil society is on the damage we are doing by such activities as child abuse and neglect.This is extremely important. It is a central focus of such groups as the UNICEF-NGO Working Group on Violence Against Children (of which I am a member).

However, the purpose of this website, and of the Accelerated Development Center International (ADC International) is with the question of what is the best that a parent can be. As important as it is to understand what to avoid, it is also important to understand what to aim for. It makes more sense to me to focus on the best thatparents can do rather than on what we (I am also a parent) should not do. That is why I am working with my Research Team at Teachers College and ADC Internationalto study the nature and nurture of parenting skills.

For now, I would like to offer the definition of parenting literacy that appears above as a sort of starting point for a discussion about how best to define the core knowledge, skills, and emotional dispositions of parenting, at least in the United States. Once we decide what is best for us, we will then be in a better position to discuss what members ofother social groups consider best for them, and their children.

What is Parenting Literacy? | blog.parentingliteracy.com (2024)


What is parenting literacy? ›

Parenting literacy refers to what parents need to know in order to be good parents. More specifically, it is the extent to which one possesses the knowledge, skills, and emotional dispositions that are conducive to raising healthy, happy, intelligent, spiritual, and socially adept children.

Why is parental involvement important for literacy development? ›

Reading aloud to your child helps them learn about the world by providing knowledge that will let them understand what they see and hear. Children who hear their parents and others reading aloud have larger vocabularies. These kids understand the world better and think more clearly.

How parents can help with literacy? ›

Taking part in literacy experiences at home can develop your child's reading ability, comprehension, and language skills. Activities that you can engage in at home include: joint reading, drawing, singing, storytelling, reciting, game playing, and rhyming.

What is the role of parents in early literacy? ›

At the same time, parents need to be role models for their children, to develop an interest in reading for them and to help them get started, for example by stipulating how many pages of books they read each day or what types of books they read to develop an interest in reading for them.

What is an example of a family literacy? ›

Examples of family literacy might include using drawings or writings to share ideas; composing notes or letters to communicate messages; keeping records; making lists; reading and following directions; or sharing stories and ideas through conversation, reading and writing.

Why is family literacy important? ›

Family literacy programs have numerous benefits, both for individuals and for the wider community. For children, exposure to books and reading from a young age is linked to improved language and cognitive development, as well as to higher levels of academic achievement.

What are 3 benefits of parental involvement in education? ›

Children whose families are engaged in their education are more likely to: earn higher grades and score higher on tests; graduate from high school and college; develop self-confidence and motivation in the classroom; and.

What is parental involvement important? ›

2. Parent involvement changes social-emotional outcomes, too. The APA study showed that not only does parental involvement lead to improved academic outcomes, but it also has a positive impact on students' social and emotional skills and decreases instances of delinquency.

What is the meaning of literacy? ›

The word literacy is defined as the ability to read, write, speak and listen in a way that lets us communicate effectively and make sense of the world.

What improves literacy skills? ›

8+ Ways to Support Literacy Skills Development
  • Capture children's interest before you read. ...
  • Introduce vocabulary during a read-aloud. ...
  • Share the see-show-say strategy with families. ...
  • Highlight children's favorite books. ...
  • Establish read-aloud routines. ...
  • Read in small groups. ...
  • Support children who are learning two languages.
Aug 3, 2021

How can literacy help you? ›

Literacy empowers and liberates people. Beyond its importance as part of the right to education, literacy improves lives by expanding capabilities which in turn reduces poverty, increases participation in the labour market and has positive effects on health and sustainable development.

How do literacy skills help? ›

Literacy in education is the foundation for all other academic knowledge and skills. Learning to read with comprehension and write effectively opens the door to shared knowledge, understanding, communication and critical thinking. This broader view influences our perception of our world and how it impacts us.

Why is it important for parents to read to their children? ›

The benefits of reading to children include helping them build language skills, learn about the world, and develop empathy and emotional awareness. Reading together also provides an opportunity for parents and children to connect.

When should parents introduce their children to literacy? ›

My advice, if you are a parent or caregiver, start introducing your children to literacy once they are born — reading to them, talking to them, singing to them, showing them how to write their names, writing down their stories, teaching the alphabet and letter sounds, playing with language sounds (e.g., “K-K-K-Katie”), ...

What is structured literacy for parents? ›

Structured literacy is based on the science of how kids learn to read. Skills are taught in a direct way and a logical order. It's especially helpful for kids with reading challenges like dyslexia.

What are the four components of family literacy? ›

Family literacy programs integrate (1) interactive literacy activities between parents and children; (2) support in parenting activities; (3) parent or family adult education and literacy activities that lead to readiness for postsecondary education or training, career advancement, economic self-sufficiency, and ...

What is parent literacy workshop? ›

This workshop aims to give parents ideas and strategies to bring out the best in your child and to help them make connections in learning.

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Name: Clemencia Bogisich Ret

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Introduction: My name is Clemencia Bogisich Ret, I am a super, outstanding, graceful, friendly, vast, comfortable, agreeable person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.