What is Blacklist, Blocklist and Denylist? - Friendly Captcha (2024)

In the realm of cybersecurity, the terms ‘Blacklist’, ‘Blocklist’ and ‘Denylist’ are frequently used. They refer to a list of entities that are denied access or privileges in a computing system. These entities could be IP addresses, email addresses, URLs, or any other identifiers that a system uses to grant or deny access.

These lists are integral to maintaining the security and integrity of a system. They help prevent unauthorized access, mitigate spam, and protect against various forms of cyberattacks. In this article, we will delve into the specifics of each term, their applications, and their differences.

Understanding Blacklists

A blacklist is a list of entities that are denied access or privileges in a system. The term is derived from the practice of maintaining a list of individuals or entities that are to be denied certain privileges or services. In the context of cybersecurity, blacklists are used to prevent specific IP addresses, email addresses, or other identifiers from accessing a system or service.

Blacklists are commonly used in email servers to prevent spam. They can also be used in firewalls to block specific IP addresses from accessing a network. The effectiveness of a blacklist depends on how accurately it can identify and block unwanted entities.

Types of Blacklists

There are several types of blacklists, each serving a specific purpose. IP blacklists, for instance, are used to block specific IP addresses from accessing a network. Email blacklists, on the other hand, are used to prevent spam by blocking emails from specific addresses or domains.

URL blacklists are used to prevent users from accessing malicious websites. These blacklists are often used by web browsers and antivirus software to protect users from phishing attacks and other forms of cybercrime.

Limitations of Blacklists

While blacklists are effective in blocking known threats, they have their limitations. One of the main drawbacks is that they can only block known threats. This means that new threats that have not yet been identified and added to the blacklist can still access the system.

Another limitation is the potential for false positives. This occurs when a legitimate entity is mistakenly added to the blacklist, preventing it from accessing the system or service. This can lead to disruptions in service and potential loss of business.

Understanding Blocklists

A blocklist, like a blacklist, is a list of entities that are denied access or privileges in a system. The term ‘blocklist’ is often used interchangeably with ‘blacklist’, but there are subtle differences between the two.

While a blacklist is a list of known threats, a blocklist can include entities that are not necessarily threats but are still denied access for other reasons. For example, a website might blocklist certain IP addresses to prevent traffic overload, even if those IP addresses are not associated with any malicious activity.

Applications of Blocklists

Blocklists are used in a variety of applications. In addition to preventing spam and blocking malicious IP addresses, they can also be used to manage network traffic. For example, a website might blocklist IP addresses from certain regions to prevent traffic overload.

Blocklists can also be used to enforce content restrictions. For example, a streaming service might blocklist IP addresses from certain regions to enforce regional content restrictions.

Limitations of Blocklists

Like blacklists, blocklists also have their limitations. They can only block known entities, meaning that new or unidentified entities can still access the system. They also have the potential for false positives, which can lead to disruptions in service.

Another limitation is that blocklists can be circumvented. For example, an IP address that has been blocklisted can still access the system by using a different IP address or a proxy server.

Understanding Denylists

A denylist, like a blacklist and blocklist, is a list of entities that are denied access or privileges in a system. The term ‘denylist’ is a more recent addition to the cybersecurity lexicon and is often used as a more descriptive alternative to ‘blacklist’.

The function of a denylist is essentially the same as that of a blacklist or blocklist. It is a list of entities that are denied access to a system or service. However, the term ‘denylist’ is often preferred because it more accurately describes the function of the list.

Applications of Denylists

Denylists are used in a variety of applications, much like blacklists and blocklists. They are used to prevent spam, block malicious IP addresses, manage network traffic, and enforce content restrictions.

One of the main advantages of using the term ‘denylist’ over ‘blacklist’ or ‘blocklist’ is that it is more descriptive. It clearly communicates that the list is used to deny access, rather than implying that the entities on the list are inherently bad or malicious.

Limitations of Denylists

Like blacklists and blocklists, denylists also have their limitations. They can only block known entities, and they have the potential for false positives. They can also be circumvented by using different identifiers or proxy servers.

However, the main limitation of denylists is the same as that of blacklists and blocklists: they can only block known threats. This means that new threats that have not yet been identified and added to the denylist can still access the system.


In conclusion, blacklists, blocklists, and denylists are all tools used in cybersecurity to deny access to certain entities. While they have their differences, they all serve the same basic function: to protect a system or service from unwanted access.

Despite their limitations, these lists are an essential part of maintaining the security and integrity of a system. They help prevent unauthorized access, mitigate spam, and protect against various forms of cyberattacks.

What is Blacklist, Blocklist and Denylist? - Friendly Captcha (2024)


What is Blacklist, Blocklist and Denylist? - Friendly Captcha? ›

In conclusion, blacklists, blocklists, and denylists are all tools used in cybersecurity to deny access to certain entities. While they have their differences, they all serve the same basic function: to protect a system or service from unwanted access.

What is the difference between blocklist and denylist? ›

Denylist (sometimes referred as blocklist, formerly known as blacklist) is a list of sites, programs, or other elements that are not allowed to be started or visited. Denylist s are used to enhance the security of computer systems.

What is the difference between blacklist and allowlist? ›

Google Chrome. Google Chrome, a widely used web browser, has implemented changes to replace “blacklist” and “whitelist” with “blocklist” and “allowlist” in their security features. For instance, Chrome's Safe Browsing feature uses “blocklist” to indicate‌ harmful websites and “allowlist” to specify trusted websites.

What is the difference between blacklisted and blocked? ›

There is no difference between a blocklist and blacklist, and the terms are often used interchangeably across the email industry. Over the years, industry leading blocklist providers such as Spamhaus, Spamcop, Barracuda, and Validity decided to use blocklist instead of blacklist.

What does it mean when a website is blacklisted? ›

If malware is definitely detected on the site, the website will be inaccessible to visitors, or “blacklisted.” Blacklisting means that the site will be removed from search results so that it can't be found through search, and a warning will prevent direct visitors from entering the site.

How do you find out if you're on a blocklist? ›

At this time, one of the best places to look to see whether you are on a blocklist is at BlacklistAlert.org. (Yeah, yeah, we know, blacklist vs blocklist – we told you that even some services use it.) While we don't specifically endorse any such service, BlacklistAlert has consistently returned reliable results.

How do I get off a blocklist? ›

Most reputable blocklist vendors will have a clear self-service path to delisting. This will involve sending over your contact information and any comments about what you've done to fix the reason for the block. Others will provide a case-specific email address and subject line.

What are the disadvantages of being blacklisted? ›

A blacklist is considered retaliatory as it is intended to create financial hardship for those named on the list, These lists can be created by different entities, including governments and individuals. Anyone who appears on a blacklist may be barred from getting funding, doing business, or getting jobs.

What are the advantages of blacklisting? ›

Advantages and disadvantages of blacklisting

They can block known threats immediately, which may help protect systems from damage. They are relatively easy to administer, as only the entities to be blocked need to be added. They are less likely to block legitimate entities than whitelists.

What does "enable blacklist" mean? ›

In computing, a blacklist is an access control system that denies entry to a specific list (or a defined range) of users, programs, or network addresses.

What happens when your account is blacklisted? ›

Implications of Being Blacklisted. The principal repercussion is the difficulty of establishing new bank accounts. Some institutions may outright refuse to open a new account, while others may provide limited services. Being blacklisted can have serious repercussions for an individual.

What happens when you are blacklisted? ›

At this point, a person is blacklisted, reflecting judgement granted. The consequences of being blacklisted are that credit providers will reject your loan application. In addition, being blacklisted negatively affects your credit score which might prevent you from getting any future credit.

Is it bad to be blacklisted? ›

Being placed on a blacklist entails including individuals or organisations regarded as untrustworthy or a security risk due to past actions or affiliations. It typically refers to perceived credit concerns or improper management of funds.

How do I unblacklist a website? ›

How to get your website removed from Google's blocklist
  1. Remove any malware or suspicious content. Your first goal should be to fix whatever problem got you blocklisted to begin with. ...
  2. Resubmit your site to Google. Once your site's all cleaned up, you'll need to ask Google to remove it from their blocklist:
Oct 13, 2023

What kind of websites will the search engine blacklist? ›

One of the most common reasons a website will end up on the Google blacklist is when it's hacked and filled with malware, spam, and spyware. While the website owner may have not been responsible for the hack, they will most certainly be held accountable when their site is added to the Google blacklist.

How do I know if my website is blacklisted by Google? ›

Check if Google is blocking my website
  1. Visit the Google Transparency Report.
  2. Enter your website URL into the Check site status search field.
  3. Submit your search to view the report.

What is the opposite of blocklist? ›

Whitelisting is the opposite of blacklisting. Instead of blocking specific addresses or devices, whitelisting allows only specific addresses or devices to access data or networks. This is usually done by keeping a list of trusted users or devices and only allowing traffic from those addresses.

What does blocklist mean on Iphone? ›

Your personal block list is the key to preventing unwanted spam, scams, and phone harassment. When someone calls you from a phone number on your personal block list, they'll hear a message saying that your phone number has been disconnected and is no longer in service.

What does it mean to reject numbers in blacklist? ›

Blacklisting or blocking a phone number means that any incoming call from that phone number is not allowed to be connected to the contact center. This tutorial describes how to blacklist specific phone numbers. You will learn how to: Add a "blacklisted" flag to contact records.

What is a blocklist file? ›

In computing, a blacklist, disallowlist, blocklist, or denylist is a basic access control mechanism that allows through all elements (email addresses, users, passwords, URLs, IP addresses, domain names, file hashes, etc.), except those explicitly mentioned. Those items on the list are denied access.

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Introduction: My name is Kieth Sipes, I am a zany, rich, courageous, powerful, faithful, jolly, excited person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.