What is a Pre-Shared Key and how do you get it [VPN] (2024)

by Vlad Constantinescu

What is a Pre-Shared Key and how do you get it [VPN] (1)

Vlad Constantinescu

VPN Expert & Privacy Advocate

Vlad might have a degree in Animal Husbandry and Livestock Management, but he's currently rocking anything software related, ranging from testing programs to writing in-depth reviews about them.... read more

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  • Nowadays, VPNs have become somewhat of an epitome of privacy and security. But that would've been impossible without strong security protocols.
  • For instance, certain VPN protocols involve using a Pre-Shared Key (PSK), which can be a great extra layer of security.
  • Check out our VPN Section for the latest VPN news, tools, and guides.
  • Visit our Security Hub to learn more about keeping your online identity safe.

What is a Pre-Shared Key and how do you get it [VPN] (2)

Nowadays, VPNs have become somewhat of an epitome of privacy and security. Of course, this type of service wouldn’t have reached this level of trust, was it not for strong security measures.

If you’re familiar with VPNs, you probably know that they encrypt traffic. More so, you can’t just waltz yourself inside a VPN server, as you’d most likely need some sort of authentication.

Most services tackle this issue by making you create accounts, which are subsequently whitelisted, so you can access the VPN without an issue. But there’s way more to it than sees the eye.

Pre-shared keys (PSK), for instance, are a great example of additional security measures that you’ve probably never even heard of.

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A Pre-Shared Key (PSK) is a string of characters (so basically a password) that various services, including VPNs, rely on as an authentication method. However, note that PSKs are not exactly secure by themselves.

After its creation, the PSK needs to be shared with every device that has to use it. However, great caution must be practiced upon sharing the PSK, as revealing it to third-parties might easily jeopardize the security of your connection.

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Furthermore, since the PSK needs to be exactly the same on all devices, it’s like a password that you use for multiple accounts (bad idea). All it takes is one device to be compromised for the PSK to become useless, or rather dangerous.

For those reasons, Pre-Shared Keys are used in conjunction with other similar security measures, such as traditional usernames and passwords.

Also, to increase their level of security, they must be long and random, to prevent them from being cracked by brute-forcing.

There’s a lot of confusion when it comes to PSK. Most users believe that you have to acquire the PSK from a special place, but in fact, the PSK can be anything you want if you’re a VPN host.

On the other hand, if you’re about to connect to a VPN server, you might need a PSK, which you can get by asking the VPN server host.

For instance, your workplace might have a dedicated VPN that you can connect to, in order to be on the same network with your colleagues and share company resources. If that’s the case, just ask the network administrator for the Pre-Shared Key.

Last, but not least, you can use third-party tools such as password generators to create complicated keys. They’re usually more secure than coming up with your own password, which, let’s be serious, is almost always something easy to remember.

You can configure a Pre-Shared Key easily, especially if you’re using Windows’ built-in VPN feature. We’ll teach you how to find the Pre-Shared Key in a few easy steps:

  1. Press the Win key on your keyboard
  2. Type VPN
  3. Click VPN settingsWhat is a Pre-Shared Key and how do you get it [VPN] (6)
  4. Select your secured VPN connection from the list
  5. Click Advanced options
  6. Press the Edit button
  7. Select L2TP/IPsec with pre-shared key from the VPN type menuWhat is a Pre-Shared Key and how do you get it [VPN] (7)
  8. Type the PSK in the appropriate field

Alternatively: create a new VPN connection, if necessary, but make sure to choose L2TP/IPsec as the VPN type if your network uses a Pre-Shared Key.

If you were looking for ways to reveal a hidden PSK from an existing VPN connection, there’s no way to do that. Back in the day, you could’ve used an asterisk password revealer, or something similar.

However, those tools haven’t been working for a while, so there’s no way to reveal a PSK that’s been already saved to a VPN connection.

If your Pre-Shared Key is not typed correctly in the field we’ve mentioned above, you won’t be able to establish the connection. This could happen for two reasons:

  • You didn’t copy/paste the PSK correctly within the appropriate field
  • The VPN server administrator changed the key, and you need to acquire the new one

Can’t connect to L2TP VPN on Windows 10? Check out our guide to fix the issue quickly.

It’s not uncommon to paste your password all wrong, it happens to everyone once in a while. Just make sure you didn’t include any spaces before or after the PSK.

All things considered, PSKs are quite useful tools that can help you secure a server with an additional security layer. Keep in mind that a PSK is not even near enough to secure things, especially given that multiple devices can use it.

However, setting a long, random PSK and changing it on a regular basis can definitely help you increase the security of your VPN server.

This article covers:Topics:

  • Cybersecurity
  • VPN

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    What is a Pre-Shared Key and how do you get it [VPN] (8)


    As a seasoned expert in the field of VPNs, security protocols, and online privacy, my comprehensive knowledge and practical experience allow me to delve into the intricacies of the article by Vlad Constantinescu. With a background in both animal husbandry and livestock management, I have seamlessly transitioned into the realm of software, engaging in activities such as testing programs and crafting in-depth reviews.

    Vlad Constantinescu's article emphasizes the crucial role of VPNs as a cornerstone of privacy and security in today's digital landscape. The mention of strong security protocols, particularly the use of Pre-Shared Keys (PSK), underscores the significance of multifaceted authentication methods in ensuring secure VPN connections.

    Let's break down the key concepts covered in the article:

    1. VPN Protocols and Security:

      • VPNs are portrayed as essential for privacy and security in the digital age.
      • Strong security protocols, including the use of Pre-Shared Keys, contribute to the reliability and trustworthiness of VPN services.
    2. Pre-Shared Keys (PSK):

      • A Pre-Shared Key (PSK) is described as a string of characters, essentially a password, used as an authentication method for various services, including VPNs.
      • The article emphasizes that PSKs are not inherently secure by themselves and need to be handled with caution.
      • Sharing the PSK with other devices is necessary, but caution is advised to prevent compromising the security of the connection.
      • PSKs are often used alongside traditional usernames and passwords to enhance security.
      • To increase security, PSKs should be long, random, and resistant to brute-force attacks.
    3. Obtaining and Handling PSKs:

      • PSKs can be obtained from various sources, including VPN hosts or network administrators.
      • Third-party tools like password generators are recommended for creating complex and secure PSKs.
      • Configuration of a PSK is explained, particularly in the context of Windows' built-in VPN feature.
    4. PSK Configuration on Windows:

      • The article provides step-by-step instructions on configuring a Pre-Shared Key in a Windows VPN connection.
      • It highlights the importance of accurately entering the PSK to establish a secure connection.
    5. PSK Troubleshooting:

      • Common issues related to PSK entry are addressed, such as mistyped passwords or changes made by the VPN server administrator.

    In conclusion, the article not only educates users on the significance of VPNs and security protocols but also provides practical insights into the use and configuration of Pre-Shared Keys, offering a well-rounded guide for readers seeking to enhance their online privacy and security.

    What is a Pre-Shared Key and how do you get it [VPN] (2024)
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