What is a Feeder Fund? (2024)

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What Is A Feeder Fund?

Feeder Fund Definition: A feeder fund is an investment fund that feeds into a larger master investment fund. The feeder allows smaller investors to place capital into funds that they otherwise wouldn’t have access to via direct investment. It is similar to a fund-of-funds except the feeder fund exactly mirrors (i.e. it has a pro-rata share) of the holdings of the master fund.

Benefits of a Feeder Fund

The primary benefit of a feeder fund is access. Feeders can be a way into a larger fund and allow individual investors to invest along side pension funds, endowments, or super high net worth individuals.

Let’s run though a simple example. Say you and I are highly interested in Fund ABC’s newest fund. We would love to be limited partners (LPs) in the fund but there is one problem… the fund has a minimum investment size of $5 million USD. They are primarily raising capital from endowments and family offices. Our desire is to write a check of only $250k. Fund ABC (like most funds) will not lower their minimums this much and therefore we are unable to make a direct investment into Fund ABC.

The good news is there still may be a way to investment in Fund ABC. In this instance we can band together with other investors and create a feeder. If we can collectively raise $5m then Fund ABC will very likely be happy to take our capital. They may not want to deal with individual investors asking loads of questions for only a $250k check. But if a feeder with a single point of contact has raised $5m they will likely be more than happy to accept the investment. The feeder model is much easier on the fund than dealing with the paperwork and diligence questions resulting from lots of individual investors writing small checks.

Related to getting access, the other main investor benefit of feeder funds is the ability for investors to gain diversification. If I have $1 million to allocate, I very likely do not want to place it all with one sponsor. Instead I’d rather diversify across sponsors. The ability to access funds at a lower minimum investment size and the corresponding diversification investors can achieve are the two big reasons investors like feeder funds.

Drawbacks of a Feeder Fund

We’ve talked about the pros of a feeder fund. What are the cons of a feeder fund?

The main drawback is cost.

Back to our example of Fund ABC. Let’s assume this fund has a typical waterfall structure of 2/20. This means they charge 2% per year for management fees are entitled to 20% of the profits.

A feeder will typically charge an additional 1% management fee. Why? The feeder costs money to start-up and maintain and therefore will charge investors an additional 1%.

You’re now incurring 3% per anum in management expenses. That is steep and will eat into your financial returns. The investor will have to weight the pros and cons. Is the access and diversification worth the added cost?

Feeder Funds Summary

To recap, a feeder fund is an investment vehicle that feeds into a larger fund. A feeder is typically created because investors cannot access the larger fund directly. Most commonly this is because of high minimums. Feeders provide investors with access and diversification but it comes with a higher cost.


About the Author: Paul

What is a Feeder Fund? (1)

Personal finance nerd & WealthFam founder 💰 Started and sold a 7-figure online business 💻 Former CPA and 9 to 5 cube dweller 💼 Believer that with knowledge & hustle we can all reach financial independence 🔥 Thankful every day for the gift of being alive 🙏 Say hey on Twitter or join our Facebook Group 👋

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What is a Feeder Fund? (2024)


What is a feeder fund in simple terms? ›

A feeder fund is a fund which pools investment capital and invests into a master fund. The master fund invests in the market, makes portfolio investments, and trading in securities. An investment advisor, in turn, handles all the investments.

What are the benefits of a feeder fund? ›

One advantage of feeder funds is their low fees, which stem from the relative cheapness of having one company run a large investment. Additionally, domestic and international investors can invest in them simultaneously, allowing them access to the same investment portfolio.

Is a feeder fund worth it? ›

Feeder funds are good investment options because they can provide the investor with numerous benefits such as: Lower minimum entry requirements- feeder funds typically have lower minimum entry requirements/affordable costs than the larger funds they invest in.

What is a feeder fund in Investopedia? ›

A feeder fund is one of many smaller investment funds that pool investor money, which is then aggregated under a single centralized master fund.

What is a feeder fund example? ›

For example, if feeder fund A's $100 contribution and feeder fund B's $200 contribution provided the total investments to a master fund, then fund A would receive one-third of the master fund returns while fund B would receive two-thirds of the returns.

What is the definition of a feeder? ›

a person or thing that supplies food or feeds something. a bin or boxlike device from which farm animals may eat, especially such a device designed to allow a number of chickens to feed simultaneously or to release a specific amount of feed at regular intervals. a person or thing that takes food or nourishment.

What are the disadvantages of feeder funds? ›

Feeder funds offer several advantages, including diversification, access to professional management, and the potential for favorable tax treatment. However, they also come with drawbacks such as layered fees, potential conflicts of interest, and regulatory complexities.

What are the pros and cons of a fund? ›

Some of the advantages of mutual funds include advanced portfolio management, dividend reinvestment, risk reduction, convenience, and fair pricing, while disadvantages include high expense ratios and sales charges, management abuses, tax inefficiency, and poor trade execution.

What is the difference between a fund and a feeder fund? ›

Fund of funds often charge an additional layer of fees since they invest in multiple underlying funds. These fees can impact your overall returns over time. On the other hand, feeder funds may have lower expenses as they directly invest in a single underlying fund.

How do feeder funds make money? ›

The feeder funds invest all of their assets in the master fund which, in turn, conducts all trading activity. Through their investments in the master fund, the feeder funds participate in the profits of the master fund on a pro-rata basis, in proportion to the amount invested in the master fund.

What is the difference between a feeder fund and a unit trust? ›

Feeder funds are unit trust funds that, apart from cash, may only hold units or shares in another unit trust fund. The fund in which the feeder fund invests is known as the master fund or sometimes as the target fund. The feeder fund is a passive investment strategy.

What is the difference between a feeder fund and a parallel fund? ›

Parallel Funds are different from Feeder Funds. While Feeder Funds “feed” into the main “Master Fund” which carries out all the investing activities, Parallel Funds invest alongside each other in the same portfolio investments.

What is a rated feeder fund? ›

A rated-debt feeder fund structure might be deployed by a private investment fund seeking to incentivize one or more insurance companies to participate indirectly in the investment strategy of the private investment fund (the “main fund”) at a reduced cost of capital.

How does a fund of funds work? ›

A fund of funds (FOF)—also known as a multi-manager investment—is a pooled investment fund that invests in other types of funds. In other words, its portfolio contains different underlying portfolios of other funds. These holdings replace any investing directly in bonds, stocks, and other types of securities.

Is it customary for a feeder fund to be able to keep all client fees? ›

It is not customary for a feeder fund to keep all client fees, as typically a portion of the fees are allocated to the master fund to compensate for the investment management services provided. The fee arrangement with Madoff Securities had a significant impact on feeder funds and investors around the world.

What is the difference between a feeder fund and a mutual fund? ›

To recapitulate, feeder funds are a type of mutual fund that does not earn any money directly but invests in master funds to achieve greater returns.

What is the difference between a feeder fund and an umbrella fund? ›

A master-feeder structure allows multiple funds using the same investment strategy to pool their capital and be managed as part of a bigger investment pool. An umbrella fund allows a fund to create compartments such that each sub-fund can provide different investment strategies or rights to investors.

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