What is a Digital Token? — Definition by Techslang (2024)

A coupon can entitle you to a free drink. A casino chip could be worth one hundred dollars. A digital token works in the same way. It represents a specific amount of digital resources you can own, assign to another, or redeem later.

Digital tokens are either intrinsic or created by software and assigned a certain utility. Examples of intrinsic digital tokens are Bitcoin and Ether. The other type of digital token is asset-backed, which is issued to represent a claim on a redeemable asset, such as legal tender or precious metals.

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Read More about a “Digital Token”

You may have encountered several people or businesses who offer to pay or accept payments in the form of digital tokens. Digital tokens also go by the name “cryptocurrencies” as they are a type of crypto asset. They function as a medium of exchange, albeit on limited platforms, since not all online businesses accept cryptocurrencies.

What Can You Buy Using Digital Tokens?

Although cryptocurrency has become the rage as of late, it still can’t be used to buy everything. So what, exactly, can you buy using a digital token? Here are some examples:

  • Domain names: Domain name registrars, such as Namecheap, accept cryptocurrency payments, specifically Bitcoins.
  • University tuition: A private school in Cyprus was the first university to accept payments in Bitcoin.
  • Hotel accommodation: Expedia, one of the largest travel booking sites, allows its users to pay for their hotel accommodation using digital currency.
  • Electronic gadgets: Some e-commerce stores that specialize in selling electronic devices now accept Bitcoin payments. Newegg is an example.
  • Jewelry: You may now buy watches, earrings, and jewels using digital tokens. Reeds Jewelers is among the merchants that accept such a payment method.
  • Donations: You can also donate to nonprofit organizations, such as Wikimedia, the foundation behind Wikipedia, and Save the Children in the form of cryptocurrency.

These are just some of the items that you can pay for using digital currencies. However, you can buy almost anything using Bitcoins or any cryptocurrency since some retail stores, such as Overstock, accept this method of payment. Shopify has also given its merchants a choice to accept digital currencies.

3 Types of Digital Tokens

Notice that our list above mentions Bitcoins repeatedly. Bitcoin is only one among thousands of cryptocurrencies in the market. This fact could be overwhelming for anyone, even those who are well-versed in the industry. Digital tokens though can be categorized into three major types:

  • Currency tokens: Bitcoin is a type of currency token meant to pay for goods and services. Bitcoin was, in fact, created to replace fiat (paper) money.
  • Utility tokens: Utility tokens are more than a means of payment. Specifically, they give users the power to trade cryptocurrencies at lower fees since utility tokens provide them access to the developers’ platforms. An example of a utility token is Ethereum, although it can also fall under the currency token category. Ethereum, an example of a utility token, was intended for use on a single platform.
  • Asset or investment tokens: By the name itself, these tokens refer to assets that can give investors a positive return on their investment. An example is The DAO, a blockchain company backed by a smart contract.

How Do Digital Tokens Work?

Think of digital tokens as casino chips that you can use as substitutes for cash when playing games. Like casino chips, digital tokens are unregulated but valuable, as they have particular values when converted to paper money.

A digital token facilitates real-world transactions via a decentralized technology—blockchain. Users can make payments and keep money without going through third-party providers, so the deals they enter into are more direct. This transaction method is often preferred because it doesn’t require an intermediary, making it faster and more affordable for both parties.

How Can I Get a Digital Token?

Those interested in getting a digital token can participate in an initial coin offering (ICO). From there, you can buy digital tokens from the organizing company following this process:

  1. Register for an ICO via the company’s website.
  2. Choose the digital token of your choice (i.e., Bitcoin or Ether).
  3. Move the digital tokens you purchased to your wallet.
  4. Buy ICO tokens by sending your tokens to the company’s wallet address.
  5. Receive your ICO digital tokens in your wallet.
  6. Store your ICO digital tokens in your preferred wallet.

If you miss an ICO, you can still buy digital tokens once these are listed on coin exchanges. Often, digital tokens are traded against Ether and Bitcoin, so their price points are higher.

Is Digital Token Use Safe?

Digital tokens are often passed around from one person to another. So the concern about their overall safety and security is understandable. In general, digital token use is safe because each transaction gets recorded on a blockchain, which is tamper-proof. The decentralized ledger gives full transparency of a token’s ownership via the owner’s wallet address.

The digital record also strengthens security because the logs can’t be altered. If there is one thing that you should be wary about, it is the growing number of malicious people scamming others by offering illegitimate ICOs.

What Is a Digital Token Offering?

A digital token offering is a means for people to visit websites and buy digital tokens using paper money (e.g., U.S. or Canadian dollars) or another cryptocurrency like Bitcoin or Ether.

You can liken it to a foreign exchange (forex) platform or a bank that lets people buy foreign currency for their travels, for example. A person from the U.S. who’s going off on a vacation in Greece can go to his bank to buy euros using U.S. dollars.

Digital token offerings, however, exchange the cryptocurrency of your choice for either money or other kinds of coins. They are also known as “initial coin offerings.” Investors typically go to them to “invest” in new cryptocurrencies in hopes that they’ll earn from these in the future.

Example of a Digital Token

Cyber Cosmos is an example of a set of digital tokens in the form of NFT characters created to encourage people, especially women, to join the InfoSec industry. Each token is an investment artwork and represents the author’s ethos of strength, fairness, and equal opportunities for women. In the future, these tokens will also allow users to connect in the Metaverse, the virtual reality intended to supplant the Internet.

Digital tokens have been around for about two decades now, and more people are becoming familiar with them. The number of items you can buy using cryptocurrencies is one proof that they are slowly getting accepted. Whether or not traditional industries would also start taking digital tokens as payment, only time will tell. After all, blockchain, the technology that powers digital currencies, has a lot of potential in healthcare, agriculture, music, and other sectors.

Key Takeaways

  • A digital token represents a specific amount of digital resources you can own, assign to another, or redeem later.
  • You can use digital tokens to buy domain names, electronic gadgets, and jewelry; pay for university tuition fees and hotel accommodations; and make donations.
  • Three kinds of digital tokens exist today—currency, utility, and asset or investment tokens.
  • In general, digital token use is safe because each transaction gets recorded on a blockchain, which is tamper-proof.

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What is a Digital Token? — Definition by Techslang (2024)


What is a Digital Token? — Definition by Techslang? ›

A short definition of Digital Token

What is a digital token in simple words? ›

Also sometimes referred to as a crypto token, digital coin, or often simply, "token" or "coin." A digital representation of value or rights that is offered and sold for the purpose of: Facilitating access to, participation in, or development of a distributed ledger, blockchain, or other digital data structure.

What is the definition of a token? ›

In general, a token is an object that represents something else, such as another object (either physical or virtual), or an abstract concept as, for example, a gift is sometimes referred to as a token of the giver's esteem for the recipient.

What is the difference between a digital token and a cryptocurrency? ›

Cryptocurrencies are the native asset of a specific blockchain protocol, whereas tokens are created by platforms that build on top of those blockchains. For instance, the Ethereum blockchain's native token is ether (ETH).

What is the difference between physical token and digital token? ›

A digital token or software token is a digital key that is installed on an online platform or an electronic device. Conversely, a physical security device, or a hardware token, is a physical device or dongle.

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Examples of token in a Sentence

Noun please accept this parting gift as a token of our lasting affection Adjective All the people who work there are men except for a couple of token women. The ad campaign features a few token minorities.

How do digital tokens work? ›

A digital token facilitates real-world transactions via a decentralized technology—blockchain. Users can make payments and keep money without going through third-party providers, so the deals they enter into are more direct.

What is a token in networking? ›

A token ring is a data link for a local area network (LAN) in which all devices are connected in a ring or star topology and pass one or more tokens from host to host. A token is a frame of data transmitted between network points.

What is the difference between a word and a token? ›

Tokens are typically numbers or some form of other identifier that get placed into greater vectors which are what get fed into models. They're subwords at about four English characters. Open AI uses "Byte-Pair Encoding (BPE)". Consider the phrase "Hello, world!".

Is a token the same as a word? ›

So one word can be made up of multiple tokens. Some words are one token and some are more. For example, the two words, I'd like, have three tokens: I 'd like, sort of like saying, "I would like." Now, different models have different mechanisms with which they split inputs into tokens.

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A short definition of Digital Token

It represents a specific amount of digital resources you can own, assign to another, or redeem later. Digital tokens are either intrinsic or created by software and assigned a certain utility. Examples of intrinsic digital tokens are Bitcoin and Ether.

Is Bitcoin a digital token? ›

A “token” often refers to any cryptocurrency besides Bitcoin and Ethereum (even though they are also technically tokens). Because Bitcoin and Ethereum are by far the biggest two cryptocurrencies, it's useful to have a word to describe the universe of other coins.

What is the difference between a digital asset and a digital token? ›

While cryptocurrencies are the native asset of a blockchain network, tokens are created by organizations and individuals on top of the blockchain. For example, the Ethereum blockchain's native token is ether (ETH), but other existing tokens on the Ethereum blockchain exist to provide unique functionality.

How is a digital token created? ›

Usually creating a new coin or token requires some computer coding expertise, but you also can choose to hire a blockchain developer to create a digital currency for you. Launching a token on an existing blockchain platform like Ethereum can be accomplished with relatively little technical expertise.

Is Ethereum a digital token? ›

Anyone can use Ethereum—it's designed to be scalable, programmable, secure, and decentralized—to create any secured digital technology. Its token is designed to pay for work done supporting the blockchain, but participants can also use it to pay for tangible goods and services if accepted.

Why use digital token? ›

With Digital Token, you no longer face the hassle of having to bring along your physical token as it replaces all SMS OTPs or authentication through a seamless and secured journey with just your mobile phone.

What is an example of a digital payment token? ›

Examples of digital payment tokens are Bitcoins, Ether, Litecoin, Dash, Monero, Ripple and Zcash.

What is digital tokenization? ›

Tokenization is the process of creating a digital representation of a real thing. Tokenization can be used to protect sensitive data or to efficiently process large amounts of data. A terracotta soldier figurine emerging from a digital tablet.

What is a digital security token? ›

Security tokens are digital assets that represent transferred ownership rights or asset value to a blockchain token. A security token is created using a process called tokenization. Security tokens are not yet available to retail investors, but many institutions are working to get them approved by regulators.

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