What is a conversion rate (CVR) and why is it important? | Adjust (2024)

Find out how Adjust can help you with conversion rates for your mobile marketing campaigns.

What is a conversion rate (CVR) and why is it important? | Adjust (1)

Glossary What is a conversion rate?

The definition of conversion rate

A conversion rate records the percentage of users who have completed a desired action. Conversion rates are calculated by taking the total number of users who ‘convert’ (for example, by clicking on an advertisem*nt), dividing it by the overall size of the audience and converting that figure into a percentage.

How to calculate conversion rate?

Conversion rate can be calculated by taking the total number of users who have completed an action and dividing it by the overall size of the audience exposed to that ad, then multiplying that by 100. For example, an advertiser runs a campaign with an audience of 20,000 people. Out of that group, 800 people clicked on the ad (ie. converted). To calculate this example, divide 800 by 20,000 to get 0.04, or a 4% conversion rate.

Why are conversion rates important?

Conversion rates are an effective way of comparing and contrasting the performance of multiple advertising channels. As with the example above, conversion rates are particularly important when running mobile user acquisition because they can measure the success of each campaign. They can also be used to set ROI expectations when scaling a campaign.

Conversion rates don’t always have to refer to clicks – they can also refer to conversion events further down the funnel. For example, it is possible to calculate the percentage of users who went on to install an app or complete an in-app action. This is important for advertisers and marketers alike because it helps them to identify valuable users. This information can then be fed back into the funnel to aid targeting and optimize campaign performance.

When used correctly, conversion rate analysis can reveal which channels are most effective for promoting a particular app, helping an advertiser to determine the effectiveness of their copy and use it to guide strategic decisions. If your data shows that a conversion rate is lower than expected, they can also be used to spot issues with an app’s UX (for example, when users are having problems signing in) and highlight other areas of improvement.

There isn’t a single conversion rate that can be used to define success across the mobile advertising industry, but research into industry benchmarks and vertical-specific conversion expectations can help. You can use this research to compare these figures with the performance of your in-house advertising campaigns across a selection of channels and advertisers.

Conversion rates and Adjust

Adjust offers several solutions to help businesses measure and compare campaign conversion rates effectively. Our conversion tracking tools help advertisers and marketers to identify where conversions come from, sending conversion data to either Adjust’s dashboard or a custom alternative for future measurement.

Adjust also helps businesses to integrate event tracking into their mobile apps. This helps marketers and advertisers track actions – such as account registrations – which can be contrasted with the overall performance of an advertising campaign.

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What is a conversion rate (CVR) and why is it important? | Adjust (2024)


What is a conversion rate (CVR) and why is it important? | Adjust? ›

Conversion rate is a marketing metric (shown as a percentage) used to calculate digital engagement with your brand in order to optimize your marketing strategy. Conversion rate measures the transition of passive browsing to actions taken by customers, on websites, apps, or other digital formats.

What is CVR and why is it important? ›

CVR, or conversion rate, in in-app advertising is the percentage of users who saw an app-install ad, clicked on it, and converted through some pre-specified action. CVR tells app advertisers how well their ad converted users.

What is the conversion rate CVR? ›

Conversion rate, or CVR, is a common metric used in digital marketing to denote the percentage of website visitors who 'convert' by taking a desired action, such as making a purchase, filling out an online form, or subscribing to a newsletter.

What is conversion rate and why is it important? ›

A conversion rate records the percentage of users who have completed a desired action. Conversion rates are calculated by taking the total number of users who 'convert' (for example, by clicking on an advertisem*nt), dividing it by the overall size of the audience and converting that figure into a percentage.

What is conversion rate optimization and why is it important? ›

What is conversion rate optimization or CRO? Conversion rate optimization is the practice of increasing the percentage of users who perform a desired action on a website. Desired actions, also called conversions, can include purchasing a product, clicking 'add to cart', or filling out a form.

What is a CVR used for? ›

Cost Value Reconciliation is a tool specific to the construction industry, and it measures costs against budgets on construction projects. It gives you an ongoing account of a contract's profitability by measuring cost against value at different points in a contract's lifecycle, right through to completion.

What is CVR significance? ›

Your CVR metric is important because it helps you understand your business's return on investment (ROI). When you invest in marketing, you want to invest in strategies that help you grow your business. By tracking your CVR metric, you'll know whether you drive the results you desire.

What is a good CVR rate? ›

An average conversion rate for a website is between 2 percent and 5 percent. Website conversion rates higher than 5% are considered to be “good” or above the average.

What is the rate of CVR? ›

Conversion rate = (conversions ÷ total audience) x 100

There is not one sole standard conversion rate, though in the marketing industry it's typically defined as the number of conversions divided by the total number of visitors on your site, with the conversion rate as a percentage.

How do you calculate CVR rate? ›

To calculate your conversion rate, divide the number of conversions (users who completed the desired action) by the total number of interactions with your content (such as views or clicks), then multiply by 100 to get the percentage. This formula helps track the success rate of marketing actions.

What is conversion and why is it important? ›

Conversion rate refers to the percentage of website visitors that complete a specific action. Typically speaking, conversion means that a visitor purchased something on your site. As long as the user takes the desired action, it is a conversion.

Why is conversion value important? ›

Conversion values help you measure and optimize the true business impact of your ad campaigns more accurately. If you assign values to your conversions, you'll be able to learn the total business value that Google Ads generated, rather than simply the number of conversions that have happened.

Why is conversion important in business? ›

The action considered a conversion can vary depending on the business goal, from making a purchase or signing up to email marketing. Conversion rates provide critical insights into the effectiveness of a campaign, website, or sales funnel, making them especially useful for marketers.

Why is CRO so important? ›

Conversion rate optimization (CRO) can turn website visitors into customers, helping you take advantage of a new influx of traffic to your site by making free trials, purchases, and signups attractive to your users. Getting potential customers to your site is only the first step.

Why is goal conversion rate important? ›

Tracking the conversion rate of your goals can tell you how well your website is doing in specific areas you're interested in. A low goal conversion rate means not many people are doing what you want them to, while a high one conversely shows you what is going well.

Why are conversion ads important? ›

Conversion tracking is an essential tool for any business that uses Google Ads. By tracking conversions, you can measure the success of your campaigns, identify high-performing keywords and ads, optimize your campaigns for better results, and use Smart Bidding strategies to maximize your conversions.

What is the goal of the CVR? ›

CVR, or Conversion Rate, is a metric that quantifies the effectiveness of your marketing efforts by measuring the percentage of completed goals, or conversions, against the total interactions. Conversions can vary depending on your objectives; they could be anything from email sign-ups to completed purchases.

How the CVR can be effectively used in commercial decision making? ›

It provides a real-time snapshot of financial health, enabling managers to make informed decisions based on current project data. CVR compares the actual costs incurred to the value of work completed, highlighting any discrepancies that may indicate issues with budgeting or project execution.

What does CVR mean in healthcare? ›

Cerebrovascular reactivity (CVR) is an indicator of cerebrovascular reserve and provides important information about vascular health in a range of brain conditions and diseases.

What is an example of a CVR? ›

An example of CVR is the AOL-Time Warner merger, where the CVR gave AOL shareholders the right to receive additional shares of Time Warner stock if certain performance targets were met.

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Name: Barbera Armstrong

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Introduction: My name is Barbera Armstrong, I am a lovely, delightful, cooperative, funny, enchanting, vivacious, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.