What is a Bills of Material (BOM) ? - Sage Software (2024)

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Summary: Bills of Material (BOM) plays a significant role for companies involved in manufacturing finished products. It enables the manufacturing unit to plan inventories, design, and estimate the final cost of the entire manufacturing process.

What is a Bill of materials?

A bill of materials is a list of assemblies, raw materials, components, sub-assemblies, and essential parts required to manufacture a finished product. This finished product might be the final product itself or may serve as a raw material for producing another bigger product. Several departments, including manufacturing, logistics, operations, purchasing, and engineering, are involved while collecting accurate data for creating the BOM, and therefore, departmental collaboration plays a substantial role in BOM creation. Note that different teams create different BOMs. For example, the manufacturing team generates manufacturing bills of materials (MBOMs) and the engineering team creates engineering bills of materials (EBOMs).

Along with the raw materials required for production, the bill of materials also mentions the quantity of each component. You can generate multi-level BOM if your products are available in different configurations, colors, and sizes. Moreover, you can also define by-products or scraps produced during the manufacturing process in the bills of materials. BOMs also facilitate effective revision control for the New Product Development and Introduction (NPDI) process with supply chain partners.

A word of caution: Whenever you share a BOM with a contract manufacturer, ensure it’s revised to avoid product launch delays and manufacturing errors.

Top 8 reasons why a bill of materials is critical for your business?

1. Components or subassemblies not specified in the bill of material will not be acquired.

2. A bill of materials lists all the components of a product.

3. A bill of material makes the manufacturing process more cost-efficient.

4. Once you know the cost of all components required to manufacture the finished product, it becomes easy to identify which components you should purchase from a vendor and which ones you can manufacture.

5. A BOM helps identify waste products produced while manufacturing a finished product.

6. BOM also ensures that repair and maintenance of components, subassemblies, and finished products are maintained.

7. BOM provides a reasonable estimate of the cost price of the finished product.

8. BOM allows companies to ascertain whether manufacturing or buying the product makes sense.

Components of a Bill of material

It’s best to include specific pieces of data corresponding to a product in the BOM record to ensure the product is built as it was intended. Whether you are creating a BOM for the first time or have done that multiple times, the following list will help you improve the BOM creation process.

  • Part number

Assign part numbers to each component or assembly, which helps identify at a later stage quickly. You can either use an intelligent or non-intelligent scheme to assign part numbers. Irrespective of the scheme you chose, don’t assign multiple part numbers to the same part.

  • Description

Provide a detailed description of all parts/assemblies to help yourself and others to identify specific parts quickly and differentiate between similar-looking parts.

  • Part name

By assigning distinct names to each component/assembly, you can significantly decrease the time spent identifying them.

  • Phase

The manufacturing bill of materials must record each component’s production stage in its lifecycle. A common notification used for recording this purpose is “In Production”. Similarly, you can use notifications like “In Design” or “Unreleased” to indicate components that have yet not received approval. Recording the “Phase” of each component plays an essential role during New Product Introduction (NPI) as it facilitates the creation of realistic project timelines.

  • BOM level

Assign a number to each part to help anyone understand where that part fits in the BOM’s hierarchy. This process makes it easy for business stakeholders to decipher the entire structure of the BOM.

  • Unit of Measure

The engineering bill of materials should contain information regarding the amount of materials that will be consumed or purchased. Commonly used notifications are feet, inches, and ounces. Unit of measure ensures that the right quantities of similar products are delivered to the manufacturing plant.

  • Reference designators

If printed circuit board assemblies (PCBAs) are a critical part of your product, then including reference designators in the package makes sense. They tell the user the exact location where parts will fit on the PCBA. This way, you will save time and eliminate confusion while fitting the parts.

  • Procurement type

The bill of materials should also document how each component is purchased — off-the-shelf or tailored according to the customer’s specifications. This process helps enhance manufacturing efficiency, procurement, and planning activities in the short and long term.

  • Quantity

Maintain and update the number of parts to be used in each assembly/sub-assembly in the bill of materials. It will allow purchase managers to ascertain the exact quantity of raw materials they need to restock the inventory.

  • BOM notes

Maintaining additional notes along with product-related information is very useful. This way, you can quickly update a new employee about the project — work that has already been done and future plans.

Various types of Bills of Material

The following list provides the various types of bills of materials:

  • Configurable BOM
  • Service BOM
  • Manufacturing Bill of Materials (MBOMs)
  • Single-level BOM
  • Multi-level BOM
  • Engineering Bill of Materials (EBOMs)
  • Assembly Bill of Materials
  • Sales BOM

Let’s discuss the two most important types of BOMs from the list mentioned above.

  • Manufacturing Bill of Materials (BOMs)

This list contains materials required to manufacture finished products and their quantities. The procurement department uses this list to maintain an appropriate inventory level and update the ERP system with the latest BOM details.

Two formats to display a bill of material

Bills of material can be displayed in two formats:

  • Explosion format

In this format, the finished product is exploded into its constituent parts. This process moves in the reverse direction, i.e., from end to start.

  • Implosion format

In this format, the constituent parts are connected to form an assembly at the highest level. This process moves in the forward direction, i.e., from start to end.

<<<Also Read: 10 types of BOM and why they matter?>>>

4 essential questions you must answer before creating the bill of material

1. Will your bill of material contain records regarding consumables?

Most manufacturers struggle to decide whether to keep items like fasteners, glue, wires, boxes, and labels in the BOM. Remember that if these parts aren’t accounted for in the bill of material, they will most probably not be there in your product as well. So, please document these parts in the BOM.

2. Who will use the BOM record?

Your bill of material should include as many details as possible. The reason is that people you will never meet face-to-face should be able to understand and utilize the BOM appropriately. In addition, the BOM must contain each bit of information stakeholders might need throughout the product’s lifecycle.

3. How are you going to attach files to the BOM record?

Attaching supporting documents like work instructions and CAD drawings with your BOM is critical. When these documents are linked with their specific components in the BOM at the appropriate place, it helps avoid confusion, reduce quality issues, and eliminate unnecessary rework.

4. What is the right reconciliation process for your BOM?

Your bill of material may change multiple times during the design phase. So, it would be best to have all the BOM versions stored safely inside your ERP system, allowing you to compare them and check the revisions you have made. The reconciliation process includes:

  • Check all versions of the BOM to identify all components and subassemblies and how they fit together.
  • Check the changes made by a particular engineering change order (ECO).
  • Observe who made the changes and when.

What is a Bills of Material (BOM) ? - Sage Software (2024)


What is a Bills of Material (BOM) ? - Sage Software? ›

Manufacturing Bill of Materials (BOMs)

What does BOM bill of materials consist of in software? ›

A software bill of materials (SBOM) is an inventory of all constituent components and software dependencies involved in the development and delivery of an application. It has become an increasingly common and critical component of software development lifecycle (SDLC) and DevSecOps processes.

What is the BOM representation bill of materials? ›

A bill of materials (BOM) is a structured list identifying all materials and components required to construct a product, as well as the instructions for procuring and using the materials.

What does a Bill of Material BOM file include? ›

Every line of the bill of materials includes the product code, part name, part number, part revision, description, quantity, unit of measure, size, length, weight, and specifications or features of the product.

What is an example of a BOM bill of materials? ›

A BOM is sometimes referred to as a product structure, assembly component list or production recipe (in process manufacturing industries). For example, if a bicycle manufacturer wants to build 1,000 bicycles, the bill of materials will consist of all the individual parts needed to build the bicycle.

What does BOM provide? ›

The Bureau of Meteorology is Australia's national weather, climate and water agency. Through regular forecasts, warnings, monitoring and advice spanning the Australian region and Antarctic territory, we provide one of the most fundamental and widely used services of government.

Why do we need SBOM? ›

SBOMs provide critical visibility into software components and supply chains. The aim is that they can be shared without friction between teams and companies as a core part of software management for critical industries and digital infrastructure. An SBOM can help: Identify & avoid vulnerabilities.

How to calculate bill of material? ›

Calculation. Estimate in advance the list of raw/sub materials required for manufacturing and their consumed quantity. Calculate the actual required quantity considering various factors such as safety stock and current stock, and apply the result in purchase order tasks such as purchase plan and MRP.

What is the format of the bill of material? ›

There are two formats in which a bill of material can be displayed: 1. Explosion Format: It means to explode the end product into its component or parts (i.e., end to start) Implosion Format: It means to connect the individual parts to form an assembly at the highest level (i.e., Start to end).

What is the difference between bill of quantity and bill of material? ›

While a bill of quantities (BOQ) includes an itemized list of all project costs — including materials and labor hours — a bill of materials (BOM) only includes materials. Some general contractors include a BOM in the bid packages for subcontractors, on large and small projects alike.

What is the purpose of the bill of materials? ›

Therefore, the bill of materials can be your central record of everything needed to build your product. It helps you plan what you have to purchase by estimating costs. The BOM also can assist in planning and controlling inventory in order to avoid delays and waste.

What is the BOM management process? ›

What is BOM management? BOM management is the capturing, configuring, and managing of all product data that is developed throughout the lifecycle of a product. Effective BOM management is critical to a manufacturer's success no matter the size or the number of parts in the product.

Does a bill of materials include overhead? ›

Total manufacturing cost comprises direct materials, direct labor, and manufacturing overhead. The BOM can help identify your product's direct materials cost.

What is the bill of materials simplified? ›

A bill of materials (BOM) is a comprehensive, structured list of raw materials, subassemblies, intermediate assemblies, subcomponents, parts, and the quantities needed to manufacture a product. It has various applications and is sometimes referred to as a production recipe, assembly list, or component list.

Who uses bill of materials? ›

All people involved in the processes of designing, engineering, planning, assembly, and shipment of a product make use of the BOM at some point.

How to create a BOM? ›

To effectively create a BOM, you must list each part's name, number, level, and phase of production. Including a short description, quantity, measurement unit, and procurement type are also vital factors. Understanding how to make a bill of materials requires technical knowledge of each component of the product.

How to create a software bill of materials? ›

By examining the artifacts and any associated sources such as manifests, metadata, and lock files, source or binary tools will generate a Software Bill of Materials at the source code stage. At this stage, you can either do a software component analysis or a binary analysis of your software.

What is the BOM data structure? ›

BOM Configuration

Most BOMs include the part number, name, description, quantity, specification, cost, availability, and other procurement details. There are two main BOM structures, Single-level and Multi-level BOMs. Each is created for use at various stages of the product development lifecycle.

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