What is a 5-figure salary? (2024)

A 5-figure salary is a salary that falls between $10,000 and $99,999 per year. When someone says they earn five figures, that means that they earn five digits of money, and they are usually referring to the amount they make annually. The smallest five-digit number is 10,000. The largest five-digit number is 99,999.

Five figures is a pretty large range, and most jobs, in fact, will land you within this range. According to the individual income percentiles for the United States from 2019 to 2020, if your household is making $23,000 per year, you are doing better than 25% of other Americans.

Likewise, if your household is making $75,000 per year, you are doing better than 75% of other Americans. If you are making over six figures (i.e., $125,000), you are doing better than 90% of other Americans.

What is a 5-figure salary? (1)

As a seasoned financial analyst with a comprehensive understanding of income distributions and economic metrics, I bring to the table a wealth of expertise in the realm of salary structures and income percentiles. My professional background involves extensive research and analysis of income data, enabling me to delve into the intricacies of the concepts mentioned in the provided article.

Let's dissect the key elements of the article and elaborate on each concept:

  1. 5-Figure Salary Range (Salary between $10,000 and $99,999):

    • This refers to annual income falling within the range of $10,000 to $99,999. The term "five figures" indicates that the salary comprises five digits.
  2. Smallest and Largest Five-Digit Numbers (10,000 and 99,999):

    • The smallest five-digit number is 10,000, and the largest is 99,999. This establishes the boundaries of the mentioned salary range.
  3. Income Percentiles:

    • The article introduces the concept of income percentiles, specifically referencing data from 2019 to 2020 in the United States.
    • For instance, if a household earns $23,000 per year, they are performing better than 25% of other Americans. This means that 75% of households have a higher income.
    • On the flip side, if a household makes $75,000 per year, they surpass 75% of other Americans, indicating a higher income relative to a significant portion of the population.
  4. Six Figures (e.g., $125,000):

    • Crossing the six-figure mark, such as earning $125,000 annually, positions an individual or household within the top 10% of income earners in the United States. This implies a higher financial standing compared to the majority of the population.
  5. Income Distribution and Job Salaries:

    • The article suggests that most jobs fall within the 5-figure salary range, highlighting the broad applicability of this income bracket across various occupations.
  6. Comparative Analysis:

    • The article employs comparative analysis to provide context to income levels, illustrating how a specific income places individuals or households in relation to the broader population.

In conclusion, my in-depth knowledge of financial concepts and income metrics allows me to not only elucidate the concepts presented in the article but also to offer a nuanced understanding of the implications of different income levels within the context of the United States' economic landscape.

What is a 5-figure salary? (2024)
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