What If Insurance Offers a Low Settlement? | Blaine Barrilleaux (2024)

Home » Legal Blog » What If My Insurance Company Offers A Low Settlement For My Personal Injury Claim?

In most personal injury cases, you will likely receive a settlement offer in writing after your medical bills and other information regarding your injury has been gathered. However, receiving a settlement offer does not mean you have to sign the paperwork immediately. Some insurance companies will send a low settlement offer due to incomplete medical documentation or lack of evidence proving the seriousness of your injury. The first settlement offer is usually just a starting point that you or an injury lawyer can negotiate.

What If Insurance Offers a Low Settlement? | Blaine Barrilleaux (1)

The person handling your claim may argue you were partly at fault for your injury or conclude it was not significant. It’s essential that you keep copies of all your medical records or therapy sessions so you can receive compensation. This type of documentation can be vital to your case. Insurance companies do not look out for the best interests of the person suffering an injury, and they have nothing to lose if you settle for their low offer. In fact, their goal is to convince you to accept the lowest offer possible.

Often times, people will decide to take the first settlement offer because they are struggling financially. It can be hard to refuse an offer when the bills are overwhelming.

If you have been injured in an accident and are seeking a claim, you need the help of one of our personal injury lawyers in Lafayette. Our attorneys know how to negotiate your claim, and can help you receive the right settlement for your injuries. If you or someone you love has suffered an injury due to another person’s negligence, it’s time to fight for the right settlement.

Settlement claims can be hard to understand, and you may be unsure about how to request a higher amount for your injury. The Law Offices of Blaine Barrilleaux has personal injury lawyers in Lafayette who are ready to help you receive the settlement you deserve for your injuries. If you’re uncertain on how to negotiate a settlement offer, we can help.

What If Insurance Offers a Low Settlement? | Blaine Barrilleaux (2)

Handling a Low Settlement Offer

If you have received a low settlement offer, don’t panic. You don’t have to settle for the first offer you receive from an insurance company. The claims adjuster hopes you will settle for the first offer, especially if it is low. Many times, people don’t know they can negotiate a settlement and are not required to settle for the first offer.

Claims adjusters may try to convince you that the settlement they offered is the highest amount you can collect for your injury. Do not fall for their tricks. Your claim may be worth more than what they are suggesting.

We understand that settlement claims can be intimidating, but if you have one of our attorneys assisting you, it can alleviate some of the worries you have about your settlement. If you have received a low settlement offer, and are uncertain about how to negotiate, The Law Offices of Blaine Barrilleaux has personal injury attorneys in Lafayette to assist you.

The attorneys at The Law Offices of Blaine Barrilleaux have the knowledge to help you. If you examine an offer and believe you deserve more, you can counteroffer. However, you don’t want to request an unreasonable amount in a counteroffer. It’s important to evaluate your case and determine an appropriate amount. During the settlement negotiation, there may be more than one counteroffer, but if you hire an injury lawyer in Lafayette, we can help you create an ideal settlement for the injuries you have suffered.

Contact an Injury Lawyer in Lafayette

We know insurance companies tend to low-ball settlements that won’t cover all the medical bills or the pain and suffering you’ve experienced. We understand that settling a claim takes time and that you may feel rushed to settle. Do not feel like you have to rush the settlement. We don’t want you to settle for less compensation when you could receive more for your injuries. If you or someone you love is seeking a settlement claim, you need to contact the Law Offices of Blaine Barrilleaux to talk with one of our injury lawyers in Lafayette. We want to help our clients gain the compensation they deserve for their injuries, so they can get their lives back. Call us today at (337) 989-1212. We are ready to help you receive the settlement you’re entitled to for your injuries and the pain and suffering you may have endured.

What If Insurance Offers a Low Settlement? | Blaine Barrilleaux (2024)


How do you respond to a settlement offer that is too low? ›

How Should I Respond to a Low Settlement Offer?
  1. Try to remain calm and examine the offer. After receiving a low settlement offer, the most important thing to do is to stay calm. ...
  2. Provide a formal, written response. ...
  3. Formulate your counteroffer. ...
  4. Settle after you've recovered.

How do you counter a lowball settlement offer? ›

Communicating with the Claims Adjuster

Your legal representative can help you write a letter that states your intentions. Within the letter, you can indicate that you reject the offer and highlight why you deserve a higher settlement amount. You should also counter their reasons for offering the lowball initial offer.

What to do when insurance company lowballs? ›

Retain a Lawyer

A lowball offer is a red flag that the insurance company is not treating you fairly. If you have not yet hired an experienced San Diego car accident lawyer, you need to do so immediately.

Why do insurance companies offer low ball offers? ›

They quickly offer you a lowball settlement in hopes that you'll take it before you learn from a lawyer what your claim is really worth. Don't fall for lowball offer tactics. Contact a lawyer instead. In virtually all cases, a skilled lawyer can get you far more than what the insurer initially offers.

How do you politely decline a lower offer? ›

Dear [Hiring Manager's Name], I want to express my sincere appreciation for offering me the position of [Job Title] at [Company Name]. While I am grateful for the opportunity, I have decided to respectfully decline the offer as I have received an offer that better aligns with my career goals and aspirations.

How do you respond to an insultingly low offer? ›

A lowball salary offer can be frustrating and insulting, but don't let your emotions get the best of you. Don't accept or reject the offer on the spot, or express your disappointment or anger. Instead, thank the employer for the offer and ask for some time to think it over.

Why is the first settlement offer so low? ›

Another reason for these low offers is that insurance companies hope to close the case quickly. They know that the sooner a claim is settled, the less chance there is of new information coming up that could increase the claim's value.

Do you respond to lowball offers? ›

Acknowledge it's a low ball offer

It's important to be direct in the process, and acknowledge that you see the offer as too far under the market value. Don't respond immediately; instead, let them know you'll get back to them. Then consider what tactic could work best.

Should you counter a low offer? ›

When a seller gets a lowball offer, or an unreasonably low offer on the house, it's generally a good idea to counter. For the seller, the act of countering an offer tells the buyer that they're still interested in selling to them if they improve the terms of their deal.

How do you ask for a higher settlement? ›

Lawyers Negotiate for Higher Settlements by Assessing Damages Accurately. Nothing is more important for negotiations than accurately assessing a client's damages. This step includes gathering information and documentation from expert witnesses, such as medical professionals and economists.

How do you negotiate a higher settlement? ›

How to Negotiate the Best Deal on Your Settlement Agreement
  1. Prepare Well for the Settlement Agreement Negotiation. ...
  2. Decide which negotiation tactics to use. ...
  3. Ask for a Protected Conversation with your Employer. ...
  4. Don't ask for too much. ...
  5. Don't ask for too little. ...
  6. Find out how the settlement payments will be taxed.

How do you negotiate a better settlement? ›

Tips On Negotiating A Settlement Agreement
  1. Use a solicitor that knows what they're doing. ...
  2. Consider carefully whether the first offer is reasonable. ...
  3. Be patient with your resignation letter. ...
  4. Listen to what your employer has to say. ...
  5. Be realistic and know your worth. ...
  6. Don't undervalue yourself.
Aug 8, 2023

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