What E-books Sell Best?  - Koji Blog (2024)

Struggling to land on a topic for your ebook? Not to worry! We’re here to walk you through the self-publishing process every step of the way; from the building to the marketing stage and beyond!

Below, we’ll showcase some of the top-selling ebook formats so that you can build a book that aligns with your customers. Let’s take a look!

What E-books Sell Best? - Koji Blog (1)

Common E-book Formats

Learning how to sell an ebook is easy, but what format makes the most sense for your audience? Note that you can use the Sell an E-book Koji template to sell any number of the following:

  • Novels: Self-publish your novel or memoir, no middle men needed. You can break your books down into chapters or sell as a series to make a book last longer.
  • How-To Guides: Teach your readers how to build your favorite DIY project or educate them on your field. There’s nothing like step by step instructions from a source you trust.
  • One-page PDFs: Single-page PDFs are lucrative pieces that are easy to create and keep creating. Whether you’re selling a recipe or a digital planner, there are plenty of PDF ideas out there.
  • Self-Help: Have some knowledge you’ve picked up along your journey? Create a self-help book to inspire and educate your readers.
  • Children’s Ebooks: Don’t forget that children can enjoy ebooks too! Put your digital illustration skills to work.
  • Compilation: Do you have a collection of poetry? Lyrics? Photographs? Favorite quotes? Build a compilation book highlighting your favorite pieces.

Setting up your e-book storefront is easy with Koji. Configure your template, set your price, and share to start selling!

What Is A Koji?

A Koji is a type of interactive media that can help you sell your products, downloads, services or premium content. To create a Koji, simply select a template and customize before sharing the unique URL on Instagram, TikTok, YouTube, WhatsApp, or anywhere else!

Top-Selling Book Categories For Fiction and Nonfiction Books

The best selling book for any seller is the one the appeals most to his or her audience. That being said, there are some general insights to keep in mind to help guide your subject matter. As showcased by The Writing Room, nonfiction books tend to outsell fiction in the following subgenres ranked by order of popularity:

  1. Religion
  2. Self-Help
  3. Inspiration
  4. Education

Fiction still carries its weight, though. The most popular categories for best-selling fiction books are as follows:

  1. Romance
  2. Crime/Mystery
  3. Science fiction/fantasy
  4. Horror

What E-book Should I Sell?

With all that in mind, what ebook should you create and market to your audience? Here are a couple of considerations to help guide you toward the right ebook for your customers:

Listen To Your Audience

It sounds obvious, but genuinely keep an ear out to your audience. Usually, upon crafting a dedicated audience, demand will create itself. You’ll start to hear echoes for guides or more long-form content from your followers. Create what your followers are asking for and use their insights to build a product they’ll enjoy. When in doubt, there’s nothing wrong with reaching out to your top fans or building a poll in your social stories to pilot some ideas.

Start Small

Our data shows that customers unsurprisingly gravitate towards small-ticket items. Start with smaller ebooks while you’re building your business to test the waters and find the ideal price range for your audience. We recommend keeping ebooks or PDFs under $5 to kick off your product line.

Experiment and Adapt

Great marketing comes down to adjusting to the punches. Use your creator dashboard analytics to grow your sales and discover trends in your customer’s purchasing habits. Remember, there’s no limit or extra cost for creating more Kojis, so feel free to test out different editions of your ebooks, and fill up your library as an author.

Marketing your ebook is no easy feat. That being said, it’s a lot easier if you start by building a product that fits the needs of your customers upfront. Happy writing!

What E-books Sell Best?  - Koji Blog (2024)
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Author: Rueben Jacobs

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Author information

Name: Rueben Jacobs

Birthday: 1999-03-14

Address: 951 Caterina Walk, Schambergerside, CA 67667-0896

Phone: +6881806848632

Job: Internal Education Planner

Hobby: Candle making, Cabaret, Poi, Gambling, Rock climbing, Wood carving, Computer programming

Introduction: My name is Rueben Jacobs, I am a cooperative, beautiful, kind, comfortable, glamorous, open, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.