What Assets Do I Have To List In Bankruptcy? | Bankrate (2024)

Key takeaways

  • When filing for bankruptcy, it is best to over-disclose to avoid the risk of unintentionally hiding assets.
  • Assets that require disclosure fall into three main categories: personal property, real property and intangible property.
  • Every state carries its laws when it comes to asset disclosure, so you'll need to determine what falls under exemption in your home state to avoid legal issues.

Chapter 7 bankruptcy is a type of bankruptcy filing commonly referred to as liquidation because it involves selling the debtor’s assets in bankruptcy. Assets, like real estate, vehicles, and business-related property, are included in a Chapter 7 filing.

However, not all assets under Chapter 7 are liquidated — certain assets are exempt from sale proceedings and can stay with the debtor.

What are the three types of assets when filing bankruptcy?

To understand which assets are at stake for liquidation under Chapter 7, it’s helpful to know the types of assets that can be included in a bankruptcy estate.
There are three types of assets in bankruptcy:

  • Personal property. This is what’s considered material goods — examples include clothing, furniture, artwork and vehicles.
  • Real property. Real property includes land and improvements or buildings tied to land, such as a house or barn.
  • Intangible property. As the name suggests, intangible assets include property that isn’t physically material but has value. For example, child support, alimony and retirement savings are intangible property.

Exempt and nonexempt assets

Some assets are exempt from bankruptcy proceedings. Federal exemptions exclude certain assets from liquidating, and many states have unique exemptions. These exemptions can include clothing, tools needed for work or health-related purposes and other assets.

As a part of the liquidation process, a court-appointed trustee is assigned to a bankruptcy estate to gather and oversee the debtor’s nonexempt assets. Nonexempt assets aren’t protected under the Bankruptcy Code and are sold for cash. The cash is then redistributed to creditors.

Do I have to list everything?

When listing assets in bankruptcy, debtors must file a full record of all asset types they own. As part of the bankruptcy filing procedure, debtors must provide the court with a list of their assets, also known as a schedule of assets.

Secured and unsecured assets must be reported when filing a schedule of assets. Examples of assets in bankruptcy filings include:

  • Business-related property.
  • Financial assets, such as investments or deposit accounts.
  • Land or a primary or secondary home.
  • Personal and household items.
  • Property related to farming and commercial fishing.
  • Vehicles.
  • Any other property otherwise not stated.

If a debtor claims any of the listed assets as exempt, they need to file a separate schedule listing the assets for exemption.

The court relies on the debtor to file a complete schedule of assets so the trustee can administer and liquidate the estate as needed. Only assets owned by the debtor at the time of filing are included in the bankruptcy estate and considered for liquidation.

What happens if you don’t list all of your assets?

When you sign your bankruptcy petition, you attest under penalty of perjury that the information and assets you’ve put forth are complete and true. Those who hide or deliberately fail to report assets from the bankruptcy case risk having their bankruptcy discharge petition denied or revoked.

Additionally, omitting assets — whether accidentally or intentionally — could be considered bankruptcy fraud, a criminal charge. If found guilty of perjury, the penalty is up to $250,000 in fines, up to 20 years in prison, or both.

What is a no-asset bankruptcy case?

In a no-asset bankruptcy case, an estate doesn’t have nonexempt assets that can be liquidated. According to the Administrative Office of the U.S. Courts, most Chapter 7 bankruptcy petitions have this designation.

In this situation, the trustee files a “no asset” report with the court. Since the estate doesn’t own unprotected assets that can be sold, unsecured creditors won’t receive distributions from the bankruptcy case.

Nonexempt assets the trustee later uncovers can still be recovered and sold from the bankruptcy estate. The debtor’s unsecured creditors are notified by the court and must file proofs of claim within a specified time frame to secure sale proceeds.

Key considerations

Debtors listing assets in bankruptcy should be aware of a few details that can affect the value of their estates and the assets they can claim as exempt:

  • Each state has a unique asset exemption list. States can enforce their list of exempt assets in addition to federally exempt assets.
  • State-exempt assets have a value limit. States also set limits on exempted assets up to a certain dollar amount. For example, jewelry is an exempt asset in California if the aggregate value is $8,725 or less.
  • Married couples can file individual or joint bankruptcy petitions. A debtor can file for bankruptcy individually or with their spouse. Regardless of how a debtor files, the non-filing spouse must also provide a list of their assets so the court can determine the scope of a household’s financial situation.
  • Secured debt can be reaffirmed. A debtor can choose to reaffirm secured debt for property such as a car or home. This means that under a written agreement with their creditor, the debtor promises to continue making payments and to be liable for the debt.

Next steps

When filing for bankruptcy, disclose all your assets, no matter how trivial you think they are. Err on the side of over-disclosure rather than trying to hide assets.

To complete the bankruptcy schedule forms, you’ll need details about each asset you own or have an interest in. This includes a description of assets, asset values and the value of the portion owned. If you need additional guidance about filing your schedule of assets, consult with a bankruptcy attorney to learn more about your state’s tax exemption laws.

What Assets Do I Have To List In Bankruptcy? | Bankrate (2024)


Do you have to list everything in a bankruptcy? ›

You must transparently list everything you owe, including obligations to your grandmother, best friend, ex-spouse, or business partner. The rule prevents filers from: unfairly choosing which creditors to pay, and.

What do bankruptcy trustees look for in bank statements? ›

The trustee will examine your bank statements for evidence of unreported income and property transfers. The trustee might also compare the amount paid toward monthly bills to the amounts reported in your schedules. Learn more about completing bankruptcy forms.

How does a bankruptcy trustee find hidden assets? ›

The bankruptcy trustee is skilled at looking for any sign of hidden assets. The trustee might find hidden assets by reviewing your debts, public records, payroll deposits, bank records, and tax returns.

What cannot be wiped out by bankruptcies? ›

Filing for Chapter 7 bankruptcy eliminates credit card debt, medical bills and unsecured loans; however, there are some debts that cannot be discharged. Those debts include child support, spousal support obligations, student loans, judgments for damages resulting from drunk driving accidents, and most unpaid taxes.

What is considered an asset in bankruptcies? ›

What Constitutes an Asset in Bankruptcy? Assets refer to any property or possessions you own or have a right to own. Assets are more than a home or vehicle and include anything you own, from a stamp collection to the shoes on your feet.

Do you have to include all accounts in bankruptcies? ›

You'll want to open checking and savings accounts at a bank that doesn't service any of your debt and use the new account for banking purposes before filing bankruptcy. Again, you don't need to close other accounts—leave them open and report all accounts when filling out your bankruptcy paperwork.

Can a trustee see your bank account? ›

They have a right to perform a full audit of your accounts or check them any time it is necessary. However, it is rare for them to keep close tabs on every account.

How do you shield assets from bankruptcy? ›

Seven Ways to Protect Your Assets from Litigation and Creditors
  1. Purchase Insurance. Insurance is crucial as a first line of protection against speculative claims that could endanger your assets. ...
  2. Transfer Assets. ...
  3. Re-Title Assets. ...
  4. Make Retirement Plan Contributions. ...
  5. Create an LLC or FLP. ...
  6. Set Up a DAPT. ...
  7. Create an Offshore Trust.
Aug 18, 2022

How do you identify hidden assets? ›

Here are common locations to look for hidden assets:
  1. With friends and family. One common tactic used to hide assets is transferring them to friends or family members temporarily. ...
  2. Tax returns. ...
  3. Bank accounts. ...
  4. Business records. ...
  5. Tax assessor's office. ...
  6. New accounts or property. ...
  7. Their family business. ...
  8. Crypto accounts.
Dec 5, 2023

Do bankruptcies ever get denied? ›

The “fresh start” that Chapter 7 bankruptcy promises people who have more debt than they can pay, is not guaranteed. Chapter 7 bankruptcy may be denied, possibly for reasons that don't have anything to do with whether you are qualified.

Can you spend money during bankruptcies? ›

During bankruptcy, it's important to distinguish between necessary expenses and luxurious purchases. While you are allowed to spend money on essential items such as housing, utilities, food, and transportation, extravagant expenses might be scrutinized by the bankruptcy court.

Why should you not file for bankruptcies? ›

Your Credit Score Will Likely Suffer

Bankruptcy is recorded on your credit reports and remains there for seven years from the filing date for Chapter 13, or 10 years from the filing date for Chapter 7. A bankruptcy on your credit reports has a deep, long-lasting negative impact on your credit scores.

Do you have to include all your debt in a bankruptcy? ›

When you file any type of bankruptcy case, you must list all of your debts and all of your assets.

Do you have to sell everything in Chapter 7? ›

Chapter 7 bankruptcy exemptions allow most filers to protect all their property during their bankruptcy case. Property includes everything from you home and car to household goods and personal items.

Do I have to include all my credit cards in bankruptcy? ›

Keeping or "Excluding" a Credit Card With a Zero Balance in Chapter 7 Bankruptcy. You must list all your debts when filing for bankruptcy without exception. So "excluding" or not reporting an active credit card account you'd like to keep after bankruptcy isn't an option.

Do you have to include everything in chapter 13? ›

In any type of bankruptcy, a debtor must declare all income, assets and debts. There is no opportunity to hold back a debt.

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