What are the Stun Gun Laws in California? A Guide To Stun Guns In CA (2024)

Posted in California Law on March 2, 2022

Protecting yourself and your loved ones is vital now more than ever, and carrying a stun gun may be the safer way to do it.

In California, it is legal to purchase, own, and carry stun guns in most places and situations, but do you know everything you need to know about these weapons to protect your rights and your family? We have gathered more details on the latest laws for you.

How California Defines a Stun Gun

Stun guns, also known as tasers, are defined by the California legislature as hand-held devices with the power to temporarily immobilize someone with an electrical current shock. Stun guns deliver the electrical charge by direct contact. Tasers, on the other hand, are used from a distance, shooting electrified darts that are attached to wires.

Regardless of the type, both devices temporarily paralyze the neuromuscular system of the target. They can either be used as self-defense or an offensive weapon as a temporary line of protection. If misused, however, stun guns can be dangerous for the operator and the target.

Where are Stun Guns Allowed in California?

California has lighter restrictions than other states on the use and possession of stun guns; for example, people are allowed to conceal-carry them without a permit, since they are not firearms, in most places.

There are state laws in place, however, that restrict carrying stun guns into these locations:

  • Government buildings (state or local)
  • Schools (anywhere on the property)
  • Airports beyond TSA checkpoints
  • Any secured passenger terminals (airports, harbors, or ports)
  • A meeting open to the general public (held in any venue)

Keep in mind that on-duty law enforcement officers are exempt from these location restrictions. Punishment depends on the location, but most misdemeanors are a maximum of one year in jail and/or $1,000 in fines. And if the targeted victim was part of the school staff or an on-duty police officer or firefighter, the punishment is increased.

California Laws on Who and Who Cannot Carry Stun Guns

Any California resident has the legal right to buy, own, carry, and use a stun gun for lawful self-defense without obtaining a permit. But there is state legislation enacted that prohibits them from someone who:

  • Has been convicted of a felony
  • Has a prior conviction of an assault or misuse of a stun gun
  • Is addicted to narcotics
  • Is under the age of 16 or, if over 16, does not have a parent’s written consent

Any of these violations will result in a misdemeanor (jail time and/or fines).

How You Can Defend Your Right to Carry a Stun Gun

If you have been involved in and charged with committing a stun gun crime in California, our team of criminal defense attorneys is prepared to fight for justice in your case.

Three common defense strategies we can discuss with you are proving to the court that you:

  • Have had no prior convictions
  • Did not have possession (not on your person)
  • Were the victim of an illegal search or seizure by a police officer’s failure to get a search warrant when necessary

Contact Graham Donath Law Offices today for a free consultation.

What are the Stun Gun Laws in California? A Guide To Stun Guns In CA (2024)


What are the Stun Gun Laws in California? A Guide To Stun Guns In CA? ›

Under Penal Code 22610 PC, it is primarily legal in California to purchase, possess or carry a stun gun or taser for lawful self-defense. However, you can't have a taser if you are a convicted felon, a drug addict, a minor under 18, or have a prior conviction for assault or misuse of a stun gun.

Do you need a permit for a stun gun in CA? ›

Compared to some other states, California has few restrictions on consumer use of stun guns or Tasers. The state allows anyone to buy, possess, or use a stun gun (without a permit requirement), unless they: have been convicted of a felony or assault.

Are stun guns legal in California in 2024? ›

California. It is legal to buy, carry, and use a stun gun in California, with exceptions. It is illegal for felons to purchase or carry a stun gun. Minors must have written consent from a legal guardian to purchase before the age of 18.

What self-defense weapons are legal to carry in California? ›

Five legal self-defense weapons in California are:
  • pepper spray,
  • stun guns or tasers,
  • certain knives (such as a pocketknife or non-switchblade folding knife),
  • personal alarms, and.
  • certain guns (such as handguns or shotguns).
Mar 29, 2024

What is the legal voltage for a stun gun? ›

What is the Maximum Voltage for a Stun Gun. 30,000 is the maximum voltage that could jump across stun gun contacts spaced one centimeter apart. Any claimed voltage greater violates the laws of physics.

Are mini stun guns legal in California? ›

Stun Guns and Tasers: Stun guns and tasers are legal in California, but there are restrictions. For example, you cannot own a stun gun if you are a convicted felon, a minor, addicted to narcotics, or have a prior conviction for misuse of a stun gun.

Is it illegal to carry around a stun gun? ›

Stun guns are legal in most states, however, there are a few exceptions. Hawaii and Rhode Island have laws that prohibit the ownership of stun guns. Different U.S. codes regulate the possession of firearms and dangerous weapons, which include those that rely on conducted energy like stun guns or tasers.

What type of stun guns are legal in California? ›

Under Penal Code 22610 PC, it is primarily legal in California to purchase, possess or carry a stun gun or taser for lawful self-defense. However, you can't have a taser if you are a convicted felon, a drug addict, a minor under 18, or have a prior conviction for assault or misuse of a stun gun.

Can I shoot someone in self-defense in California? ›

In California, you are legally justified in using deadly force in self-defense under certain circ*mstances: you reasonably believed that you, or someone else, was in imminent danger of being killed, suffering great bodily injury, or being the victim of a forcible and atrocious crime, and.

Can you go to jail for self-defense in California? ›

While you can use reasonable force, including deadly force, if necessary, to protect yourself or others from imminent harm, it is not an absolute defense, and you can still be arrested and charged with a crime. The use of force must be proportionate and reasonable in the given circ*mstances.

Can I carry a pocket knife in California for self-defense? ›

This is one of the big questions I always get asked about knife laws in California. Here's the deal:You can legally use a knife for self-defense as long as you have a reasonable fear of imminent danger. Brandishing a knife when there's no threat or using it excessively is illegal.

What size knife is legal to carry in California? ›

Fixed-blade knives with blades of two-and-a-half inches or longer are illegal on college/university/school premises. Plus any knife with a blade longer than four inches is illegal in a public building. Otherwise, California law has no laws regulating the maximum lengths of knives.

Is it legal to carry a bat for self-defense in California? ›

About This Article Briefly: Penal Code § 22210, illegal possession of a billy club, makes it illegal to have a small bat, such as ones sold as souvenirs at Dodger and Angels games, when its possession is as a weapon, even for self-defense, in light of all the conditions of its possession.

What is the difference between a stun gun and a Taser? ›

Key Differences Between Stun Guns and TASERs™

Stun guns require you to be within arm's reach of the potential assailant as they are not effective unless they are touching the assailant's body. The TASER™ is designed to be fired from a distance; however, some models can also be used as drive-stun devices.

Is a stun gun good for self-defense? ›

Stun guns can incapacitate an attacker, but a Taser is usually more likely to stop someone in their tracks. Tasers can be used from a farther distance. If you're looking for an effective self-defense weapon that can keep you safe both at close and long-range, a Taser is the better option.

What is the best stun gun for a woman? ›

Developed by public safety's most trusted partner, the TASER StrikeLight 2 provides industry-best stun-gun effectiveness in the form of a portable flashlight with three distinct light modes. TASER Pulse is an effective, less-lethal defense tool that can immobilize attackers for up to 30 seconds.

What's the difference between a stun gun and a taser? ›

Key Differences Between Stun Guns and TASERs™

Stun guns require you to be within arm's reach of the potential assailant as they are not effective unless they are touching the assailant's body. The TASER™ is designed to be fired from a distance; however, some models can also be used as drive-stun devices.

Is California a stand your ground state? ›

California is both a “Stand Your Ground” and “Castle Doctrine” state. “Stand Your Ground” means that if someone is threatening you or someone else, you or under no duty to retreat if you wish to claim self defense. You are allowed to remain present and defend yourself, no matter what.

Can a minor carry pepper spray in California? ›

People Who May Not Possess Pepper Spray in California

minors (except minors over 16 years old, who may purchase and possess pepper spray as long as their parent is present or gives written permission), and. those addicted to any narcotic drug.

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