What Are Cross-Chain Swaps? | Chainlink (2024)

Individual blockchains are holistic digital environments where all applications are connected by an underlying network. But with the proliferation of blockchain networks, and a lack of connection between blockchains, there is a growing demand for cross-chain infrastructure that provides users with interoperability across many blockchain networks.

What Are Cross-Chain Swaps? | Chainlink (1)

Perhaps one of the most important primitives for the Web3 ecosystem is cross-chain swaps, which provide an important service by enabling the seamless exchange of one digital asset for another. Just as decentralized exchanges were one of the first primitives for individual blockchain networks, cross-chain swaps are poised to be a foundational component of an interconnected, cross-chain world.

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What Is a Cross-Chain Swap?

Put simply, cross-chain swaps are a mechanism for trading a token issued on one blockchain with a token that’s been issued by a different blockchain in a trust-minimized manner.

While users today can already access cross-chain swap functionality through centralized exchanges, this introduces multiple layers of friction (e.g., transferring tokens to an exchange, swapping them directly or indirectly through a medium of exchange such as USD, and then moving the swapped tokens back to a wallet on a different blockchain). Additionally, this process requires users to leverage custodial services and temporarily give up custody of their assets. For something as fundamental as a cross-chain swap, this becomes a key barrier for building a world powered by sovereign digital asset ownership.

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How Does a Cross-Chain Swap Work?

Cross-chain swaps can work in a variety of ways. Many current implementations rely upon cross-chain bridges, which wrap and lock up tokens on a source blockchain to create a 1-to-1 representation on the destination blockchain.

What Are Cross-Chain Swaps? | Chainlink (2)

To perform a cross-chain swap, a user must lock up their tokens on the base blockchain, mint wrapped tokens on the destination blockchain, and then swap using a native decentralized exchange to buy the digital asset they desire. This process can be automated on the backend by cross-chain exchange protocols so that the user only needs to specify the asset they want to swap for and the digital asset they wish to receive. While this is a tried-and-true method of facilitating cross-chain swaps, users must trust in the security of the underlying bridge implementation.

What Are Cross-Chain Swaps? | Chainlink (3)

There are also other ways to architect bridge protocols. The example above is a “lock-and-mint” bridge model. Other bridge protocols may use a “burn-and-mint” approach, in which tokens on a source blockchain are burnt and then minted on the destination blockchain, or a “lock-and-unlock” model where native supply exists independently on different blockchains. That said, cross-chain swaps that use bridging protocols all follow the same framework: Tokens on the source blockchain are locked or burned, and the user receives an equivalent number of tokens on the destination blockchain. Only then can they make the swap.

Atomic Swaps

Another method for facilitating cross-chain swaps is to use time-locked smart contracts through a process commonly known as an atomic swap.

Let’s imagine there are two counterparties (Alice and Bob) in an atomic swap, each aiming to swap one digital asset for the other’s. Both Alice and Bob lock up the correct amount of tokens in a smart contract on their respective blockchains. Only once both parties put the correct amount of tokens in each smart contract can they be unlocked. Alice receives the digital assets that Bob has originally locked up, and vice versa.

While atomic swaps are one of the most decentralized options for facilitating cross-chain swaps, it’s not a very generalizable or scalable model. For example, atomic swaps generally require blockchains to use the same hashing function, both counterparties to agree on the amount and exchange price, and the ability to wait a variable amount of time for the swap to go through.

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Cross-Chain Liquidity

Cross-chain infrastructure, from bridges to exchanges, plays a crucial role in securely unlocking cross-chain liquidity. As more blockchains enter the Web3 industry and the adoption of new and existing blockchains continues to grow, liquidity becomes trapped across these digital environments. Fragmented liquidity decreases market efficiency across all blockchains, diminishes the utility of digital assets, and acts as a barrier for developers aiming to capture users across many blockchains.

Cross-chain bridges, swaps, exchanges, and other tools enable the formation of various types of cross-chain liquidity pools—connection points that help various blockchains access or transport liquidity from another blockchain. This is absolutely crucial for creating a unified Web3.

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Chainlink for Cross-Chain Applications

At its core, the cross-chain problem that blockchains face today can be boiled down to data delivery and synchronization across blockchains. After all, tokens are simply a specific type of data stored on a blockchain’s decentralized ledger.

The Cross-Chain Interoperability Protocol (CCIP) is an open standard for cross-chain interoperability that’s currently in development. It’s designed to use Chainlink decentralized oracle networks (DONs) to enable programmable token bridges and secure, arbitrary, and trust-minimized messaging between blockchains. The core goal of CCIP is to establish a universal connection between blockchain networks—both public and private—to unlock isolated tokens and empower the creation of cross-chain applications.

What Are Cross-Chain Swaps? | Chainlink (4)

In the context of cross-chain swaps, CCIP can support more efficient liquidity routing by enabling secure and seamless data delivery on liquidity conditions, token balances, and more metrics across various blockchains. Additionally, the programmable token bridge can enable any Web3 developer to build for a cross-chain environment without needing to directly manage the underlying bridge infrastructure. Cross-chain exchanges can then build better user interfaces, facilitate swaps at a lower cost, and offer a wider range of assets due to the unparalleled connectivity provided by the adoption of an open standard.

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Cross-chain swaps remove the need for centralized intermediaries by enabling direct exchanges of value and information between blockchain networks. Simply put, they offer a more secure, transparent, and seamless way for users to trade assets across various blockchains.

What Are Cross-Chain Swaps? | Chainlink (5)

As Web3 continues to grow and more applications and tokens are built on top of the growing network of blockchain ecosystems, cross-chain infrastructure like CCIP can play an increasingly important role in creating a unified user and developer experience.

What Are Cross-Chain Swaps? | Chainlink (2024)


What Are Cross-Chain Swaps? | Chainlink? ›

Last Updated Date: November 30, 2023. Cross-chain swaps are a mechanism for trading a token issued on one blockchain with a token issued by a different chain. Individual blockchains are holistic digital environments where all applications are connected by an underlying network.

What is cross-chain swapping? ›

Cross-chain swaps essentially mean the deployment of assets between two separate blockchains without any centralized third party. With smart contracts, a user on one blockchain can exchange assets directly with another user on another blockchain.

What does cross-chain mean? ›

Cross-chain technology refers to the ability to transfer data and tokens between different blockchains. The Web3 landscape is increasingly becoming multi-chain, with the dApp ecosystem existing across hundreds of blockchains, layer-2 networks, and appchains.

How do cross-chain transfers work? ›

Cross-chain bridges work by utilizing different techniques and protocols to enable interoperability between blockchains. These bridges typically involve a set of smart contracts, decentralized applications (dApps), or centralized entities that manage the transfer of assets between the participating blockchains.

What is the purpose of cross-chain bridge? ›

Cross-chain bridges increase token utility by facilitating cross-chain liquidity between distinct blockchains. A cross-chain bridge typically involves locking or burning tokens on the source chain through a smart contract and unlocking or minting tokens through another smart contract on the destination chain.

What is the difference between swap and cross chain transfer? ›

While atomic swaps enable the peer-to-peer exchange of native assets, cross-chain bridges provide a connection between blockchains. Bridges can facilitate the transfer of wrapped assets via locking/unlocking or minting/burning mechanisms.

What are the benefits of cross chain? ›

Cross-chain bridges allow assets to flow freely between blockchains, creating a more unified and liquid cryptocurrency market. This benefits both users (easier access to assets) and projects (deeper liquidity pools). Eigen Layer facilitates interoperability and secure asset transfers across various blockchain networks.

How do you know if you're cross chaining? ›

Cross-chaining is when you're in your big chainring and the biggest cog on your back cassette, or on your small chainring and your smallest cog. The problem is that this stretches your chain diagonally to its limits, and needlessly so, since you could just shift to your other chainring and find a similar gear ratio.

Why is it called blockchain? ›

As described in Blockchain for Dummies, “Blockchain owes its name to the way it stores transaction data—in blocks linked together to form a chain. As the number of transactions grows, so does the blockchain.

What is the cross-chain protocol? ›

Cross-Chain Transfer Protocol (CCTP) enables USDC to flow securely between blockchains – unifying liquidity and simplifying user experience.

What is the difference between cross-chain and blockchain? ›

Even though these terms are frequently used interchangeably, they actually refer to two different concepts. While multi-chain technology allows the use of many blockchains inside a single ecosystem, cross-chain technology allows the assets to move between different blockchain networks.

What is the difference between cross-chain and side chain? ›

Sidechains are blockchains interoperable with an existing mainchain. A special transaction is needed to transfer assets from one chain to another. These are called cross-chain transactions.

How are cross-chain bridges hacked? ›

On the other hand, poorly written and unaudited smart contract code can have the exact opposite effect: Malicious hackers have exploited flaws in smart contract code to hack enormous amounts from cross-chain bridges.

Is cross-Chain Bridge safe? ›

Over $3.3 billion worth of crypto assets were lost to hacks between 2021 and 2022. Despite their immense utility, cross-chain bridges are not without their share of risks. Bridges, along with smart contracts and oracles, make up the bulk of the points of vulnerability within the blockchain ecosystem.

Why are cross-chain bridges vulnerable? ›

The vulnerability of cross-chain bridges lies in their unique asset conversion process. Assets are not directly transferred but undergo smart contract executions like depositing, locking, or burning on one blockchain, followed by crediting, unlocking, or minting on another blockchain in the form of a wrapped token.

What is an example of cross-chaining? ›

cross-chaining comes in two flavours. First, there's when you put the bike in the small, inner chainring at the front, and the small, outer cog at the back. Secondly, there's when you ride in the big, outer chainring at the front and the big, inner cog at the back.

What is the difference between cross chain and blockchain? ›

Even though these terms are frequently used interchangeably, they actually refer to two different concepts. While multi-chain technology allows the use of many blockchains inside a single ecosystem, cross-chain technology allows the assets to move between different blockchain networks.

What is the cross chain protocol? ›

Cross-Chain Transfer Protocol (CCTP) enables USDC to flow securely between blockchains – unifying liquidity and simplifying user experience.

Can crypto be swapped between chains? ›

A cross chain swap is an advanced type of cryptocurrency transaction that enables the exchange of assets between different blockchain platforms. This process is crucial in the diverse and segmented world of digital currencies, where various blockchains host distinct assets and decentralized applications (dApps).

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Name: Frankie Dare

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Introduction: My name is Frankie Dare, I am a funny, beautiful, proud, fair, pleasant, cheerful, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.