What are California's Knife Laws? (2024)

Posted in Criminal Defense on May 23, 2019

California has modern, up-to-date concealed knife laws that are largely weapon friendly. If you live in the state of California, you can conceal carry most large and small knives, with a few exceptions. It is legal to purchase and possess bowie knives, as well as large knives, with no restrictions in size. It is only when one tries to conceal carry misleading, undetectable, or ballistic knives that one could get into legal trouble.

What are California's Knife Laws? (1)

What Does California Laws Say?

California has laws in place specifically regarding the concealment of knives, rather than only the purchase or possession of knives. Understanding what types of knives you can open carry, concealed carry, or not own at all is important if you wish to stay on the right side of the law. In broad legal terms, California has three categories of knives.

Three Types of Knives

  1. Knives one can wear openly, but not conceal. It is against the law to conceal carry a dagger or dirk, but it is not illegal to carry these knives openly. It is illegal to carry these knives in purses, satchels, briefcases, other containers, or pockets. It is legal, however, to carry a dirk or dagger out in the open, in a sheath attached to the waist. Examples of dirks and daggers include ice picks and chef’s knives.
  2. Knives one can wear openly or conceal. It is legal to both open carry and conceal folding knives, pocketknives, box cutters, and utility knives in California. If the pocketknife is a switchblade, however, it is not legal to carry this type of knife. Most utility knives fall under this category, unless the knife has an exposed blade that’s locked into position. In these cases, the knife is technically a dirk or dagger, and must comply with related laws.
  3. Knives that are always illegal to carry. California law does not allow open or concealed carry of certain types of knives: ballistic knives, novelty knives, misleading knives, undetectable knives, and switchblades with a blades more than two inches long. Misleading knives such as lipstick or cane knives are always against the law, as are knives that will not trigger metal detectors.

Additional restrictions exist in certain locations. It is always against the law to carry a knife into a school, as schools are weapons-free zones. It is also illegal to bring knives into certain public buildings, such as courthouses and airports. It is typically against the law to carry a knife onto property the U.S. government owns.

Punishments for Breaking California’s Concealed Knife Laws

The point of California’s knife law is to prevent knife-related crimes for example assault or other violent crimes. Knives that do not have uses for work or knives that don’t look like knives are the most commonly used in crimes. These are the knives it is illegal to possess or conceal carry in California. Breaking the concealed knife laws can lead to significant penalties, as the state needs to prove that it will not tolerate people carrying weapons they should not possess. Enforcing concealed weapons laws can keep California safer, and ideally prevent violent crimes.

The punishment for breaking California’s knife law is typically a misdemeanor, with potential fines and jail time. Someone could serve up to three years in jail or a state prison for breaking the knife laws – even if that person had no intent of committing a crime with the weapon. If someone does commit a crime, the courts can impose an additional sentence for breaking the concealed weapons law.

Defenses for an alleged concealed knife crime could include the knife did not meet the legal definition of the one prohibited, the defendant did not know he or she carried the knife, the defendant worn a dirk or dagger openly, or that the police found the knife during an unlawful search or seizure. If you were accused of a crime involving a deadly weapon, don’t hesitate to call our Riverside defense lawyers, we offer free case evaluations and will defend your rights.

What are California's Knife Laws? (2024)


What are California's Knife Laws? ›

Bottom Line on California Knife Laws

What size knife is legal to carry in California? ›

Fixed-blade knives with blades of two-and-a-half inches or longer are illegal on college/university/school premises. Plus any knife with a blade longer than four inches is illegal in a public building. Otherwise, California law has no laws regulating the maximum lengths of knives.

Why are switchblades illegal in California? ›

Because of how easily they can be concealed, switchblade knives are considered to be highly effective weapons. As a result, carrying a switchblade on one's person or in one's vehicle or offering to sell or provide a switchblade to another person is a criminal offense under California Penal Code Section 21510 PC.

Is it legal to carry a kabar in California? ›

Yes, believe it or not, California allows the open carry of fixed-blade knives like your trusty Kabar. That means you can strut your stuff with this beaut strapped to your belt, visible for all to see. Think of yourself as a misunderstood hero in a dusty Western – just hold the tumbleweeds.

Can I carry a 4 inch knife in California? ›

As you can see, length limits are really important in determining if a knife is legal to carry or not. Anything over 2 inches when folded is illegal for concealed carry. Open carry fixed blades can't be longer than 5 inches.

Can you carry a 4 inch pocket knife in California? ›

If a folding knife is openly carried in an extended and locked position (ie: if it's unfolded), then it becomes a dirk or dagger and must be carried in a sheath on the waistband. California allows people to carry folding knives of all sizes, but switchblades must have a blade that is 2 inches or less.

Are switchblades illegal in California? ›

Review of California Penal Code 21510 PC

It's a misdemeanor crime under Penal Code 21510 to knowingly, carry, possess, or sell a switchblade. In other words, it is illegal to knowingly own, possess, or carry a switchblade.

What knives are not illegal in California? ›

Pocketknives, Swiss Army knives, box cutters, and utility knives are all considered folding knives. Under California Penal Code Section 17235, all folding knives are legal in the state and can be concealed if they are in the folded position.

What kind of pocket knife is illegal in California? ›

California Penal Code § 21310 which provides that it is unlawful to carry any dirk or dagger concealed is the primary statewide restriction applicable to knives. While this may seem to be only a modest limitation, the definition – § 16470. Dirk defined; dagger defined – is overbroad to the extreme.

Can I carry a machete in California? ›

Yes, in California, the general rule is that it is legal to buy, own, transport, and carry any knife, machete included, that is not restricted.

Can I carry a Bowie knife in California? ›

However, when it comes to carrying them in public, the laws become more specific. You can legally carry a Bowie knife openly in a sheath worn on your belt where it's visible to others. This falls under the category of “openly carrying” a knife, which is permissible in California.

Is it illegal to carry a dirk or dagger in California? ›

California defines carrying concealed dirk or dagger under Penal Code 21310. This law states it's a crime to carry a concealed long-thrusting knife that is capable of causing great bodily injury or death if it's used to stab another person.

Can I carry a knife for self defense California? ›

Folding Knives: With the exception of switchblades (which are illegal), folding knives such as Swiss army knives, pocket knives, and box cutters are legal to carry. However, they must be in a closed position when carried in public. Personal Alarms: California has no restrictions on possessing or using personal alarms.

Can a felon carry a knife in California? ›

In California, it is legal for a felon to possess a knife with a blade that is two and one-half inches or less in length. Additionally, a felon cannot possess a switchblade, ballistic knife, or a knife with a blade that is longer than four inches.

Can you own an OTF knife in California? ›

In california switchblades are perfectly LEGAL to Own and possess in your home. There is nothing in the CA penal code outlawing possession. They are just illegal to carry out in public places is all the law says about them.

How big of a knife can you check? ›

There are no restrictions on blade length or locking mechanisms when packing your knife. However, it must be encased in a sheath or protective casing. If it's not, the TSA may open your checked luggage and confiscate the knife.

Can you carry a knife in your backpack in California? ›

On the other hand, pursuant to California Penal Code Section 21310, some knives must be carried in plain view. This means that they cannot be carried in public while being stowed away in a pocket, purse, backpack, or other bag. Instead, they can only be worn on the carrier's waist in a sheath.

How big a knife can you carry in USA? ›

In the United States, there is NO legal limit for pocket knife size. In some stated, counties and cities there may be size limits. In these places, 2.5″ is a fairly common size limit, but it's wise to check out YOUR local laws to see if there is a limit and if so, what it is.

What is the difference between a folding knife and a switchblade? ›

Legality: Switchblades are heavily restricted and illegal in many regions, whereas folding knives are broadly legal. Deployment: Switchblades can be opened extremely quickly with one hand. Folding knives require two hands for deliberate opening. Locks: Folding knives have locking mechanisms to keep the blade open.

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