Ways To Refinance A HELOC | Bankrate (2024)

In this article

  • What is a HELOC and how does a HELOC work?
  • When is it a good time to refinance a HELOC?
  • Why should I consider refinancing a HELOC?
  • 5 ways to refinance a HELOC
  • What are the requirements to refinance a HELOC?
  • How often can I refinance a HELOC?
  • Alternatives to refinancing
  • FAQs

Key takeaways

  • Refinancing your HELOC can lower your monthly payment or reduce the interest rate.
  • It’s often smart to try to refinance as the draw period is coming to an end and you have a substantial outstanding balance.
  • You can refinance your HELOC into a new line of credit, a fixed-rate home equity loan, a mortgage or a fixed-rate HELOC.

You should have seen it coming, but you didn’t. You took out a home equity line of credit (HELOC) a few years ago, and have just been repaying the interest on your withdrawals. Now the draw period is ending, you have to begin paying off your principal balance plus interest — and these larger payments are a real burden.

Solution-wise, we have one word for you: refinance.

Refinancing your HELOC can make your monthly payments more affordable, either by reducing your interest rate or the payment size (or possibly both). And there are several options or doing it. Here are five of those ways to refinance your HELOC.

What is a HELOC?

A home equity line of credit (HELOC) is a type of financing that allows you to borrow against the value of your home. Lenders approve you for a certain balance amount, aka a line of credit. You can draw on this in varying amounts, just as you would use a credit card. During this draw period, which typically lasts around five to 10 years, you’re often responsible for interest-only payments — although you can make more substantial payments toward your principal, too — and then re-borrow the replenished funds. Once the draw period ends, you enter a 10- to 20-year repayment period, during which you can no longer withdraw funds, and you’ll be obligated to payments on interest and the principal. Unlike other types of loans, a HELOC is secured, meaning it uses your home as collateral for the loan. This allows the HELOC to have a lower interest rate than unsecured debt, like a credit card. However, it also means that if you fall behind on payments, the lender may be able to foreclose on your home.

When is it a good time to refinance a HELOC?

Just about any point in your repayment period can be a good time to refinance the HELOC, unless the debt’s almost entirely paid off (and it wouldn’t be worth the hassle and expense to refi). However, it’s often especially smart to try to refinance as the draw period is coming to an end and you have built up a substantial outstanding balance.

You could also try to refinance during the draw period if you have some additional projects you’d like to fund, or if it’s looking like you’ll need more money than you originally thought.

Why should I consider refinancing a HELOC?

If you choose to pay only the interest on your HELOC — instead of paying down a part or all of the principal — during the draw period, you may be in for a shock when you reach the end of it and the repayment period begins— especially if interest rates have risen since you first took out the loan. But even if rates haven’t substantially changed, your payments are bound to become bigger, since they will now include principal as well.

If you think you won’t be able to manage the payment increase, you can refinance your HELOC. Even if the new interest rate is higher than that of your original credit line, this might be the best option because it could give you the extra time you need to repay the funds.

You might also consider refinancing if your credit score and income have substantially improved — meaning you’ll qualify for a better interest rate or terms now than when you established the HELOC. Also keep an eye on interest-rate trends. HELOCs’ rates fluctuate, so if the trend is downward, you’ll benefit no matter what. But there may be some especially appealing deals/teaser rates on new lines of credit.

5 ways to refinance a HELOC

If you think that you may not be able to cover your monthly bill during the repayment period, there are a few ways to refinance or change your HELOC:

1. Talk to your lender about new terms

Some banks offer home equity assistance programs and will adjust your interest rate, loan period or monthly payments. If you have a good relationship with your lender, there’s a good chance they’ll work with you. Since HELOCs are often portfolio loans — meaning the lender doesn’t sell them on the secondary market, but retains ownership of them — if you ask for a modification, the lender might listen.

“It’s always a good idea to speak with your existing HELOC lender since they do not want to lose your business,” says Kevin Walton, a residential mortgage loan officer with C2 Financial, based in Thousand Oaks, Calif. HELOC modifications aren’t super-common, he notes, but the room for flexibility exists, especially since the lender’s alternatives — like foreclosing on a home and advertising to drum up new HELOC customers — are expensive propositions. So, “hopefully the lender can accommodate the borrower by modifying the HELOC monthly payment.”

2. Open a new HELOC

Some lenders will let you open a new HELOC and roll some or all of the old one’s balance into it. You’ll have to pay interest on the balance, but you’ll be back in the line of credit’s draw period, meaning you can avoid principal payments. While this may be delaying the inevitable, starting a new line of credit, with a new draw period, may make the most immediate sense.

Keep in mind: Be aware, however, that interest rates may rise, meaning you could pay even more money in the long run.

This option may make the most sense if you are young and have years to build up more home equity. If you’re nearing retirement or want to avoid paying more in interest, it’s probably not a good idea.

3. Pay your HELOC off with a home equity loan

Though it also draws on your ownership stake, a home equity loan differs from a line of credit: It pays the money out in one lump sum, and you immediately start repaying it at a fixed interest rate. A steady monthly payment, a fixed interest rate and potentially a longer repayment period may make this an affordable option for you. Keep in mind that if you go this route, you may increase the amount you pay in interest overall.

4. Refinance your HELOC and mortgage into a new mortgage

Consider refinancing into a 15-year mortgage or 20-year mortgage to reduce total interest payments. Interest rates on primary mortgages tend to be lower than those of HELOCs.

Unfortunately, this strategy is usually more complicated and involves a lot of paperwork. Also, you have to consider closing costs. That’s why taking out a new mortgage to include your HELOC is generally only best if you can get a significantly lower interest rate in doing so.

5. Explore a cash-out refinance

Cash-out refinancing is the process of taking out a new mortgage for more than you currently owe on your home and receiving the difference in cash (hence the name). You can use that extra money to pay off some or all of your HELOC balance.

However, keep in mind that refinancing your mortgage means paying closing costs and fees. You also need to consider whether interest rates have risen substantially since your original mortgage. If you refinance at a higher rate, you could wind up losing money and increasing the size of your monthly payment rather than saving money.

Ask the lender for a HELOC modification. They may not be very common, but the last thing a lender wants to do is foreclose on a home. — Kevin Walton, Residential mortgage loan officer, C2 Financial

6. Take out a personal loan to refinance a HELOC

If you qualify for a large enough personal loan, you can use it to refinance your HELOC. An excellent credit score could mean you’ll get a competitive rate on the loan, but borrowers with lower credit scores generally get less favorable terms and steeper borrowing costs. Still, a personal loan is unsecured, so defaulting won’t put your home at risk of foreclosure.

You’ll also get a predictable monthly payment since personal loans come with fixed interest rates. But if you experience financial hardship and fall behind on the loan payments, your credit rating will likely suffer.

Not all lenders offer personal loans in high enough amounts to refinance a HELOC and, even with sterling credit, you may pay a higher interest rate. But it may still be worth looking into

What are the requirements to refinance a HELOC?

To be able to refinance a HELOC, you’ll need to meet a few requirements.

First, most lenders will want to make sure you have sufficient equity in your home. If you don’t own at least 15 percent or 20 percent of your home outright (based on its current fair market value), it might be hard to get approved.Meeting the percent equity minimum could be a problem if home values have depreciated at all since you opened the HELOC. Also, a refinance lender may have stricter approval criteria than your original HELOC lender, requiring that you have 20 percent equity, for instance, compared to a HELOC lender who only required 15 percent equity.

Lenders will also look at your credit score.You’ll need a score in the 620-680 range to have a chance of qualifying, though many lenders only give the best rates to borrowers in the mid-to-high 700s. Again, a problem if your credit has deteriorated in the last few years.

Debt-to-income ratio (DTI) is another key metrics lenders will look at. This is the percentage of your monthly income that you spend on loan payments. Most lenders prefer DTIs of 43 percent or less.

Benefits and drawbacks of refinancing a HELOC

There are both pros and cons to a HELOC refinance. Here are some of the considerations to keep in mind.

Pros of refinancing

Reduced interest

If interest rates have fallen or your credit score or income has improved since you opened the HELOC, you can reduce your rate by refinancing (especially if you can get a special introductory rate). This will help you save on the amount of interest you pay overall.

Lower monthly payments

With new loan terms, you may be able to stretch out the repayment even longer and decrease the monthly payments on your remaining balance, making them more affordable. If nothing else, you’ll have a new draw period, in which you can make minimal, interest-only payments again.

Cons of refinancing


When you refinance a home equity line of credit, it’s not free. Whether you opt for a new HELOC, mortgage or cash-out refinance, you’ll incur closing costs.

Reduced home equity

Refinancing it may mean decreasing the equity you’ve worked hard to build in your home, depending on the option you choose: A cash-out refinance, for instance, involves opening a new, bigger mortgage and receiving the difference in cash.

How often can I refinance a HELOC?

Like a mortgage, you can refinance a HELOC as frequently as you want to, assuming you can find a willing lender.

However, realistically, refinancing a HELOC on a regular basis isn’t a good idea. Each refinance comes with fees and closing costs, so you’ll pay a lot of money if you refinance too often.

Alternatives to refinancing

There are other ways to get help with HELOC payments:

  • Fixed-rate HELOC: Some lenders offer the option to convert some or all of your variable rate line of credit into a fixed-rate credit line. This may be a good move if you spot a low rate and want to ensure more predictable payments.
  • Reverse mortgage: Generally available to homeowners aged 62 and up, a reverse mortgage lets you borrow part of your home’s equity as tax-free income (the lender’s paying the homeowner — hence, the name). You can use a reverse mortgage to pay off your HELOC, and don’t even have to pay interest on the money until you die or move out of the home. However, reverse mortgages can have unexpected consequences, and it’s mandated you receive counseling before taking one out.
  • HUD assistance programs: The Department of Housing and Urban Development offers several programs designed to help homeowners struggling with housing payments — including HELOCs.


  • Yes, you can refinance a HELOC into a mortgage. You can do this by getting a cash-out refinance and using the funds to pay off the line of credit, or by consolidating the outstanding balance on a HELOC into a traditional refinance of your home’s primary mortgage. The latter route will result in a single, fixed monthly payment.

  • HELOCs usually come with a draw period and a repayment period.

    During the draw period, which is usually the first five or 10 years, you can take money out of the HELOC when you need to. You’re required to make interest payments on the amount you’ve borrowed, but have no obligation to pay back principal.

    Once the draw period ends, your HELOC enters the repayment period. During this time, you’ll have to make full principal and interest payments.

  • Refinancing involves taking out a new loan to pay off the balance of one or more other loans. This gives you the opportunity to adjust things like the repayment term and interest rate of a loan, swap from a fixed-rate to a variable-rate loan or vice versa, or move your loan to a different lender.

  • Determining whether to refinance a HELOC often boils down to timing and your financial circ*mstances. If you’re nearing the end of the draw period on a HELOC with a substantial balance remaining and are not prepared for the higher repayments, it can make sense to refinance. In addition, if your income or credit score has improved substantially since you initiated the HELOC, it may also make sense to refinance in order to secure a lower interest rate. However, if the balance on your HELOC is nearly paid off, it may not be worth the expense and paperwork to refinance.

  • If you qualify for a large enough personal loan, you can use it to refinance your HELOC. An excellent credit score could mean you’ll get a competitive rate on the loan, but borrowers with lower credit scores generally get less favorable terms and steeper borrowing costs. Still, a personal loan is unsecured, so defaulting won’t put your home at risk of foreclosure.You’ll also get a predictable monthly payment since personal loans come with fixed interest rates. But if you experience financial hardship and fall behind on the loan payments, your credit rating will likely suffer.Not all lenders offer personal loans in high enough amounts to refinance a HELOC and, even with sterling credit, you may pay a higher interest rate.

Additional reporting by Mia Taylor

Ways To Refinance A HELOC | Bankrate (2024)


Ways To Refinance A HELOC | Bankrate? ›

You can do this by getting a cash-out refinance and using the funds to pay off the line of credit, or by consolidating the outstanding balance on a HELOC into a traditional refinance of your home's primary mortgage.

Can I take out a HELOC without refinancing? ›

Absolutely. You can tap into your home's equity without refinancing your existing mortgage. Home equity loans and Home Equity Lines of Credit (HELOCs) are popular choices that let you borrow against your home's equity while keeping your original mortgage intact.

Is it worth refinancing a HELOC? ›

Refinance your HELOC into your mortgage

Shortening it would increase your monthly payment but decrease the total interest you'll pay over the life of the loan. Extending it would lower your monthly payment, but you'll pay more in interest over the term of the loan.

How do I get out of a bad HELOC loan? ›

How do I get out of a HELOC? There are many ways to refinance out of your current HELOC, including refinancing into a fixed-rate home equity or personal loan, a new HELOC or a cash-out refinance.

Can you cancel a HELOC if you don't use it? ›

You may cancel the HELOC for any reason. To cancel, you must inform the lender in writing within the three-day period.

Can you close out a HELOC at any time? ›

Borrowers often wonder if they can pay off their home equity line of credit (HELOC) early. The short answer? A resounding yes, because doing so has many benefits. If you're making regular payments on your HELOC, you may be able to pay off your debt sooner, so you're paying less interest over the life of the loan.

Is a HELOC a bad idea right now? ›

While they're not as popular as they were a year ago, the loans may still be a smart option for some homeowners in need of cash (especially with the average homeowner now sitting on about $300,000 in equity, according to recent data).

Is there a better option than a HELOC? ›

A home equity loan can be a better choice than a HELOC when you know that you need a predetermined amount of money for a specific purpose, like a home improvement project or paying off high-interest debt. That's because you'll typically get a lower, fixed rate than you'd pay on a HELOC.

Will HELOC rates go down in 2024? ›

HELOCs benefit most from rate decreases. With the Fed looking to lower rates later in 2024, a HELOC may be more beneficial than a home equity loan because the rate could go down. Also, with a HELOC, you can draw funds as you need them, and you only have to pay interest on the funds you actually take out.

Is a HELOC a trap? ›

But it also carries risks. With a HELOC, your home is used as collateral, and you could lose it to foreclosure if you fail to make your payments. HELOCs also typically have variable interest rates that can cause your monthly payments to change over time.

Can I renegotiate my HELOC? ›

HELOC refinance options include:

Refinancing to a new HELOC, paying it off entirely with a cash-out refinance, or refinancing to a fixed-rate home equity loan. Lower Monthly Payments: With interest rates very low, there's a good chance you can save money by refinancing the HELOC to a new lower rate.

Does a HELOC damage your credit? ›

HELOC applications require a hard credit pull, which does temporarily lower your credit score. Closing a HELOC and carrying a big debt balance could lower your credit score. Using HELOC funds to pay off other, higher-interest debt can improve your credit score. Timely HELOC payments help build a strong credit history.

How do the rich use HELOC? ›

Invest in more real estate: Using a HELOC to purchase additional real estate can be a lucrative investment. Rental properties can generate steady income and appreciate over time, increasing your overall net worth. Fund home improvements: Investing in home improvements with a HELOC can enhance your property's value.

How to use a HELOC strategically? ›

One of the most common and practical uses of a HELOC is for home improvements. By investing in renovations and upgrades that increase your home's value, you are effectively building wealth in the long run. A higher home value means greater equity, which can be realized when you eventually sell your home.

Does a HELOC hurt your debt-to-income ratio? ›

Home Value Drops. If the value of your home decreases, that means you've lost equity and could owe more than your home is worth. Having a HELOC could increase your debt-to-income ratio, making it more difficult to be approved for other loans or credit.

What happens if you get a HELOC and don't use it? ›

Even if you open a home equity line of credit and never use it, you won't have to pay anything back.

Is getting a HELOC a good idea? ›

Should you get a HELOC? HELOCs can be a good option if you have substantial equity in your home and you know you'll need access to cash with some regularity over a period of time — college tuition bills over the course of several years, for example.

Can you release equity without remortgaging? ›

If you have already paid off your mortgage, or never had one, you can still release equity. Both the Lifetime Mortgages and Home Reversion Plans can be used for this purpose, and you can still live in the property for as long as you want.

Can anyone take out a HELOC? ›

If you have at least 20% equity in your home and a credit score of 620 or higher, you may qualify for a home equity line of credit (HELOC). 1 A HELOC is a convenient and often inexpensive way to borrow money using your home as collateral.

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