Want Stuff? Why We Are Driven to Buy More (2024)

I know people who seem to be buying things all the time. A steady stream of brown boxes arrives at their doorsteps, carrying their latest online purchases. Weekly trips to the mall are a fixture on their calendars. Why do we want stuff? Psychological science provides a number of possible answers.

It Feels Good

At the heart of it all, stuff makes us feel good, and we all love feeling good. Many human behaviors are rewarded with pleasurable feelings (caused by the chemical dopamine). Buying stuff can release those same pleasure chemicals, and for many of us, our natural addiction to feeling good can hence be easily satisfied by buying something.

Products can make life easier; look at the number of separate kitchen appliances available to make every element of cooking faster and more convenient. Buying can also help us counter the stressors of life.

Long discussed as retail therapy, research supports the notion that buying is a coping response and is tied to stress and depression. While not the antidote for everyone's ills, shopping can provide short-term relief for many. Shopping can also be entertaining, distracting, fill an empty schedule, or aid procrastination.

Got a project you are not enjoying or looking forward to? Go buy something instead. Buying something is also a common celebration. Achieved that goal? Reward yourself with that book you have been wanting.

We Cannot Help It

There are many reasons we just cannot help buying stuff. We find it hard to resist a good deal, love getting something on sale, and in fact, are more likely to pay for an expensive item on a discount than if that item was first available at the lower price. A bracelet for $80? No way. The same bracelet now $80 price slashed from $120? Yes, please.

This is not the venue to discuss free will, but I will hazard that many purchases are driven by unconscious processes, primarily by conditioning. The more you are exposed to advertising, the more likely you are to crave products. Network television, magazines, and even the internet are peppered with ads. Each ad is engineered to make the product seem appealing using basic principles of conditioning.

In many ads, having a product is shown to be associated with many rewarding factors. Wear our brand, and people will enjoy hanging out with you. Drink our beverage, and you will be surrounded by smiling, attractive friends. Repeated exposure to the ads makes the product seem more appealing (a phenomenon called the mere exposure effect), and we tend to desire the rewards associated with the products shown. The more you watch, the more you want that item to reap all that comes from owning it.

We Need It

While conditioning can explain many purchases, early work by Abraham Maslow suggested humans are driven by a number of needs. Although originally arranged as a hierarchy, where it was thought we need to accomplish the first need before moving on to the second, today, it is assumed (as Maslow also suggested) that the different needs overlap.

While not extensively tested empirically, and not culturally universal, the major needs—physiological, safety, love-belonging, esteem, and self-actualization—can be seen as major motivations to buy stuff. If you have resources, you can purchase commodities that will go a long way toward satisfying these common human needs.

We Like Novelty

It is easy to get bored. Humans are designed to habituate to what stays the same. While at first, you notice a noisy fridge, you can easily ignore it over time. While a new car is exciting to drive or a new pair of shoes nice to wear around town, the thrill of driving the car or wearing the shoes becomes passé. We need a newer car or newer shoes to bring back the excitement.

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Just like children who plead for a new toy only to then, weeks (or days) later, leave it unattended as their attention is drawn to a newer toy, adult attention is likewise drawn to novelty. In fact, new research shows that social media programming that personalizes ads to individual web surfers can increase the novelty value of a product and increase purchasing (see Dodoo & Wu, 2019).

We Feel Special

When you have something that no one or few others have, you may feel special. This may explain why people stand in long lines or even travel to distant lands to be the first to buy something. When you are unique, you get more attention, and this attention can be reinforcing. A far cry from being the kid with the cool, novel lunchbox, in today’s world, buying the newest app and flaunting its use can give you the attention and may also contribute to a drive to buy.

You can extend feeling special to cover enjoying having something others do not have. Having more stuff is a sign of prosperity and the easiest way to flaunt your status. More cars in your garage? Clearly, you are well-off. A large closet full of designer shoes? You are implicitly showing you can afford them (regardless of the truth of that).

Social comparison may be at the heart of feeling special. We often compare ourselves to those who have more (upward social comparison) or those who have less (downward social comparison). Getting closer to those in higher status and further away from those in lower status by buying things could be an implicit (or conscious) drive for many.

As you can see, many factors can influence purchasing and the accumulation of stuff. Why, then, do we keep it all? Well, that’s a story for another day.

Want Stuff? Why We Are Driven to Buy More (2024)


Why we are driven to buy more stuff? ›

We seek to recover from loss, loneliness, or heartache by purchasing unnecessary items. We seek fulfillment in material things. And we try to impress other people with the things that we own rather than the people that we are. But these pursuits will never fully satisfy our deficiencies.

Why do we crave buying things? ›

Our brains tend to like it that way. This is your brain on shopping: When you see something new-to-you, your brain gives you a small pulse of the feel-good neurotransmitter dopamine.

Why do we always want more stuff? ›

A large part of our brain is dedicated to reward processing. When we imagine something as better, it feels rewarding. Rewards are all the things you look forward to in life—vacations, a new home, a good meal, a new relationship. Rewards are things we believe would make our life better if we had them.

Why do I keep wanting to buy stuff? ›

We Crave Excitement

Shopping can release the same endorphins in your brain that are released during sex, taking drugs, or eating chocolate. It's thrilling to spend money. For a second, we believe the brand new thing we have will make our lives so much better.

Does buying more stuff make us happier? ›

“Research suggests there's actually a lot of psychological and therapeutic value when you're shopping — if done in moderation, of course,” he says. “Whether you're adding items to your shopping cart online or visiting your favorite boutique for a few hours, you do get a psychological and emotional boost.” he adds.

Does owning more stuff make you happier? ›

Studies confirm it. Buying material things don't make us happy. The pursuit and purchase of physical possessions will never fully satisfy our desire for happiness.

Is shopping good for mental health? ›

Retail therapy can improve your mood. It has been proven that unplanned shopping can help relieve negative moods. Interestingly, resisting the urge to buy something has similar mood-boosting effects.

How do I stop wanting to buy things? ›

Remove temptation and encouragement to shop by unsubscribing from your favorite store newsletters. Steer clear of one-click shopping. Don't help friends shop. Stop window shopping, reading magazines, and following shopping recommendations from your favorites on social media.

Why can't I stop buying things? ›

Most of our stuff, we buy because of one feeling: the feeling of uncertainty. This is the underlying groundlessness, shakiness, insecurity we feel about the future and the present moment. It's the uncertainty we feel all day long, every day, to varying degrees.

What do humans desire most? ›

The Human Desires Map

There are four basic Desires that define us as humans: Power, Attraction, Comfort and Play. These four Desires are simplified, borrowed, connected, pieced-together versions-of well-studied sociological and psychological literature … which is all rather dense and tough to read.

Why am I happier with less stuff? ›

Other research indicates that purchasing material goods brings lasting periods of joy that outweigh the joy derived from experiences or time. Some studies indicate that people with less money and less possessions are more grateful for what they have, and therefore happier, than those with money and things in abundance.

Why do we want things more when we can't have them? ›

Perceived scarcity [ed. note, click here for more on The Scarcity Principle]: When something is scarce or in short supply, its perceived value increases. You want it more because you think other people also want it.

Is it normal to want more in life? ›

Whether we're striving for a new job, more meaningful relationships, or personal enlightenment, we need to actively want something more in order to live well. In fact, neuroscience shows that the act of seeking itself, rather than the goals we realize, is key to satisfaction.

Is it a good thing to always want more? ›

But there is a problem with the lifestyle choice of desiring more. When we constantly desire more, we are never satisfied. Because no matter how much we accumulate or achieve, more always exists. By definition, it is unquenchable.

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Name: Reed Wilderman

Birthday: 1992-06-14

Address: 998 Estell Village, Lake Oscarberg, SD 48713-6877

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Job: Technology Engineer

Hobby: Swimming, Do it yourself, Beekeeping, Lapidary, Cosplaying, Hiking, Graffiti

Introduction: My name is Reed Wilderman, I am a faithful, bright, lucky, adventurous, lively, rich, vast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.