Venther (2024)

This article is about Venti and Aether. You may be looking for the ship between Venti and Lumine.

Venther (1)6Venther (2)1

Venther is the slash ship between Venti and Aether from the Genshin Impact fandom.


  • 1 Canon
    • 1.1 Archon Quest
    • 1.2 Carmen Dei
    • 1.3 Windblume Festival (2021)
    • 1.4 Archon Quest Chapter 2
    • 1.5 Summertime Odyssey
    • 1.6 Of Ballads and Brews
    • 1.7 Windblume Festival (2023)
    • 2.1 Voicelines
    • 2.2 Carmen Dei
    • 2.3 Of Ballads and Brews
    • 2.4 Eight Locales Over Mountains and Seas
  • 3 Fanon
  • 4 Fandom
  • 5 Trivia
  • 6 Gallery
    • 6.1 Official Art
    • 6.2 Manga/Webcomic
    • 6.3 Fanart
    • 6.4 Official
      • 6.4.1 Archon Quest
      • 6.4.2 Carmen Dei
  • 7 Variations
  • 8 Navigation


Archon Quest[]

Prologue Act I: The Outlander Who Caught the Wind

After witnessing a dragon flying overhead, Aether and Paimon venture into the heart of the forest to investigate. They encounter a mysterious figure dressed in green who tries to calm the dragon. Despite their attempts to observe quietly their Anemo powers activate, startling the dragon and causing it to become aggressive. The figure turns alert and asks, "Who's there?" before using his Anemo powers to flee, with the dragon flying away shortly thereafter. After arriving in Mondstadt and testing the wind glider Amber gave him, the nation is attacked by the dragon in the forest now called "Stormterror". Swept off the ground and into the sky by one of Stormterror's tornadoes, Aether's fall is prevented with the help of a mysterious stranger using "the power of a thousand winds". The mysterious stranger then instructs Aether on how to temporarily defeat Stormterror.

Prologue Act II: For a Tomorrow Without Tears

After leaving the Knights of Favonius headquarters, Paimon points out that he only told them about the dragon and the crystal in the forest, leaving out the green guy they saw. Aether replies that he wants to investigate the matter himself first, and that he doesn't think he's a bad guy. Paimon then notices a similar-looking green figure running past them, which turns out to be the same green guy, but he disappears again. Activating Elemental Sight, Aether follows his footsteps and finds him in front of the Anemo Archon Statue Plaza, performing for a group of spectators. After finishing his tale of Dvalin and the Anemo Archon, the green guy notices Aether and Paimon recognizing them as the ones who scared Dvalin away in the forest. After officially introducing himself as Venti the bard, Aether and Paimon proceed to question him about Dvalin aka "Stormterror". They then show him the red teardrop crystal which, to the surprise of everyone, is now purified. Venti then takes out his own red teardrop crystal and hands it to Aether asking if he can purfiy it as well. After purifying the crystal Venti is impressed and proceeds to praise Aether, pointing out that he has some "wonderful abilities," and stating that someone like him is going to end up getting written in a bard’s poem. After pointing out that Dvalins life is likely to still wither away even if he isn't taken down one dilague option has Aether expressing his sympathy for the dragon and another has him ask if there's anything he can do to help. Venti points out he has his own plans and ask Aether to meet him at the "Symbol of Mondstadt's Hero." aka Windrise. After he leaves, Aether makes a comment about his voice seeming familiar.

After arriving at Windrise, Venti ask Aether what he was doing here then states he was wondering if he would happen to follow him. Aether states he wants to know more about the Anemo Archon to which Venti states it has been many a moon since Mondstadt last saw their own god. After defeating a Eye of the Storm that appeared Aether and Venti converse about Dvalin and how his hatred came to be due to his degradation aka the black blood flowing through his heart that has poisoned him for years. Venti then points out that he was in the same position as Dvalin before arriving to Windrise, cursed and left to waste but states being here with Aether beneath the great tree makes him feel like when the tear was purified, like the poison was leaving his body. Paimon then asks him how exactly he got poisoned to which Venti says it's due to Aether and Paimon interrupting him when he was trying to communicate with Dvalin. To make up for it, he tells Aether he will come with him to the Mondstadt Cathedral to claim a certain "Holy Lyre der Himmel." After arriving outside the Cathedral, Venti then states that with the Holy Lyre der Himmel he can help draw out Dvalin's gentle nature. Paimon questions whether this would actually stop Stormterror and Venti says of course as he is "the best bard in the world." He then tells Aether to look into to his eyes and asks whether or not he finds him trustworthy. In one of the three dialogue options Aether can say that the color of Venti's eyes were like the sky in his hometown to which he amusedly responds by saying that such a line does not work on a bard.

Once in the cathedral, Venti tries to persuade the Sister to let him borrow the Holy Lyre, even going so far as to reveal his identity as Barbatos, the Anemo Archon, but to no avail. Aether then tries to persuade her, but is turned away as well. Venti reveals he knew it wouldn't work and just wanted to know how influential Aether - the hotshot of the Knights of Favonius- is. He then comes up with a new plan which is to have Aether steal the Holy Lyre, at first he protest to which Venti states his reasoning being that he himself has no other talents aside from singing and since Aether is the superstar of Knight of Favonius and has made great contributions to Mondstadt. Should he get caught he could easily talk his way out of it. Aether then remembers Venti telling the Sister that he is Barbatos and expresses surprise at this revelation. He then states that he just can't abandon him if he really is a god. Venti questions why his decision to help him hinges upon him being a god or not Aether then says he'll help Dvalin even if he is not a god . When Venti questions this one of the dialogue options has Aether saying that he does not want to see another separation.

After sneaking past the guards in basem*nt of the Cathedral, right as they reach the Holy Lyre, a Fatui Electro Cicin Mage steals it away Aether and Paimon get the chance. They are then caught by a Knight of Favonius and flee the Cathedral with Venti. They glide to Angel's Share where Venti request for Diluc for his least conspicuous table to which he tells them the second floor and then covers for them by purposefully misleading the Knights when they show up looking for them. After explaining to Aether who Diluc was and paying his song about the dragon, Diluc promises to help by organizing some contacts. This contact is then revealed to be Jean and, after some explaining and planning, the group of Aether, Paimon, Diluc and Jean head out to a Fatui hideout to take back the Holy Lyre. They successfully retrieve it, but Venti says that he doubts the Lyre will work due to the fact that it has seen thousands of years of history which has caused its anemo power to run dry. Aether partially fixes the Lyre by using the same purifying magic used on the teardrops. To further replenish its power Venti suggests that they get even more teardrops. After retrieving more tears, Aether purifies them and the group successfully manages to fully repair the Holy Lyre. They then choose Starsnatch Cliff as the place to meet with Dvalin. After Venti plays the Lyre for a bit Dvalin appears but just as him and Venti were reaching a critical moment in their conversationt, an Abyss Mage suddenly appears and decieves the dragon. Blinded by his hatred for Mondstadt, Dvalin takes flight and departs in a rage.

Prologue Act III: Song of the Dragon and Freedom

After the Holy Lyre has been damaged beyond repair, Venti suggests confronting Dvalin directly at Stormterror's Lair. He says that their trump card in doing so is not the Holy Lyre, but Aether due to the possibility of him being able to purify Dvalin's curse just as he did to the teardrops. After arriving at Stormterror's Lair and breaking it's seal, Venti then states that just like last time, he shall channel Anemo energy for Aether as he confronts Dvalin. This causes him to realize it was indeed Venti's voice he heard as he broke his fall when Dvalin attacked Mondstadt. After defeating Stormterror, the platforms give in causing everyone lose their footing and freefall until Dvalin swoops in and catches them all.

After the Stormterror threat is quelled and Dvalin has returned to his normal self, they go back to the Cathedral to return the Holy Lyre. Upon seeing how badly damaged the Holy Lyre was Barbara panics, which leads to Venti asking Aether to hand him the Lyre so can use a magical illusion to "fix" it. Venti then runs out the Cathedral after stating that the magic he used wasn't going to hold forever which causes Aether and Paimon to follow him. Just as they exit the Cathedral, two Fatui Agents attempt to sneak attack Venti from behind only to be stopped by Aether. This distracts then which allows the Fatui Harbinger La Signora, to attack Venti and Aether with her Cryo powers. Venti attempts to shield them off but his egs are frozen to the floor and Paimon is frozen and flung away. The two Fatui Agents from before take advantage of thi distraction and restraint Aether which causes Venti some alarm before his attention is brought back to La Signora who mocks Ventis status as a god and slaps him. This angers Aether who increases his attempts to escape the Fatui members restraints. Venti uses his Anemo powers to escape but La Signora attacks him before he can finish and forcefully grabs his Gnosis from his chest. She then kicks Venti which knocks him unconscious. Aether cries out to him before being knocked unconscious as well.

When Aether wakes up, Barbara reveals that Venti had left for The Symbol of Mondstadt's Hero. Near the end of the Mondstadt Archon Quest, Aether and Paimon meet up with Venti at Windrise to coverse once again. Aether asks him what is a Gnosis and Venti states he's not supposed to discuss it with ordinary people but supposes he can let Aether and Paimon in on the secret. After explaining what a Gnosis was, who La Signora was and who was the god she served, that god being the Cryo Archon known as the Tsaritsa, Venti then informs Aether to head to the nation of Liyue so that he can atten the Rite of Descension and meet the Geo Archon. Before he leaves Venti stops Aether, which gives a dialogue option to apologize for using the staue's Anemo power without asking to which Venti says to just use it gratefuly or better yet treat him to a glass of dandelin wine. Venti then tels Aether to remember that his journey has meaning and that the destination isn't everything. He tells him to keep his eyes open before he reaches the end and use the chance to take in the world around him. Aether tells him he understands. Aether asks Venti about deities and after Venti answers he apologises and states that he doesn't know which of the Seven may have took his sibling. He then questions if being part of the Seven makes himnot clear of suspiscion to which Aether responds by saying he doesn't look like the god that took his sibling at all and that him and Paimon have known him long enough to trust him. Venti then remarks that they make a great team and asks Aether if he would like to become one of the new Four Winds of Mondstadt after he finds his sister. With their conversation coming to an end, Aetehr and Paimon head off to Liyue.

Carmen Dei[]

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Should You Be Trapped in a Windless Land

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Windblume Festival (2021)[]

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Act II: Missive of Cloud and Fog

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Act III: Realm of Fog and Wind

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Act IV: Dream of Wind and Flowers

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Archon Quest Chapter 2[]

Chapter II Act III: Omnipresence Over Mortals

Aether confronts La Signora in Tenshukaku and challenges her to a duel before the throne so as to avenge all those who were harmed by Delusions and for taking Venti’s Gnosis back in Mondstadt.

Summertime Odyssey[]

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Of Ballads and Brews[]

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Windblume Festival (2023)[]

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Aether“Everyone says that Mondstadt is the land of the wind. But I wonder which direction the seasonal winds come from.”
Paimon“Why don't we ask Venti?”
Aether“He'll probably just dodge the question with a "hehe" or something...”
Paimon“True. The Anemo Archon is just a Tone-Deaf Bard. What does he know about the wind?”
— Aether's Voiceline about the Way the Wind Blows
Aether“On the way back to Mondstadt after rescuing Dvalin... We finally got to see one of the Seven Archons, didn't we? It was interesting to see what kind of god he was.”
Paimon“Hmm... Haven't we known Venti for quite a while now?”
Aether“As Venti, yes... But still, this was the first time that we got to see him as the Anemo Archon, Barbatos. Normally, he hides his true divinity behind the facade of a bard. What does freedom really mean, when demanded of you by a god? That question that he asked Dvalin... I'm still contemplating that, you know?”
— Aether's Voiceline about The God of Freedom
Paimon“Mondstadt is full of wide plains and rolling hills. People say that when Barbatos made this land, he used the storm to flatten the cliffs and valleys...”
Aether“Still, it looks like he missed a few spots.”
Paimon“Like Starsnatch Cliff?”
Aether“Exactly. On the map, it almost looks as if it was meant to be the apex of a vertical structure, but ended up at the wrong orientation.”
Paimon“Wh—What's an "apex"?”
— Aether's Voiceline about Mondstadt's Terrain

Carmen Dei[]

“Ah... You know, you're so smart it almost makes me uncomfortable sometimes... But then, maybe it's right that true friends can tell what the other is thinking.”
— Venti to Aether at the end of Act I in Venti's Story Quest

Of Ballads and Brews[]

“You have to find the thing that makes you happy. Haha, mostly because your happiness is very important to me.”
— Venti to Aether in Of Ballads and Brews Act I: Sounds From Afar

“You, on the other hand... Don't worry, you're the gentlest soul I've ever met.”
— Venti to Aether in Of Ballads and Brews Act III: Aroma of the Past

Aether“Do you want to chat?”
Venti“Sure, the sound of your voice is always a pleasure to hear.”
— Venti to Aether in Of Ballads and Brews Act III: Aroma of the Past

Eight Locales Over Mountains and Seas[]

“The Anemo Archon's not very reliable, but he's a gentle soul.”
— Aether to "Kichiboushi" in Eight Locales Over Mountains and Seas: Two Cities' Recommendations


This ship started due to both characters early interactions and how quickly hey became allies and eventually companions. It further grew after their interactions in the first Windblume Festival which had many fans seeing Ventis actions and words towards Aether be seen as flirting and expression of deep feelings, even more so in Act IV. It steadily gained more popularity due to the Traveler making references towards Venti in events outside of Mondstadt and even referring to him as their best friend in Ballads and Brews. Another reason is due to Venti's dialogue in the Serenitea Pot and the fact that, aside from Nahida, he is the only archon or person in general that the Aether seek comfort from. Even then Aether went to Venti on his own accord unlike with Nahida who knew from observing. This further supported fans' romantic interpretation of their relationship.

On AO3, Venther currently has over 800 romantic works, and over 400 general works .This makes Venther is Venti's 4th most written romantic pairing, and Aether's 5th most written romantic pairing, while their gen tag is Venti's 4th most written gen pairing, and Aether's 4th most written gen pairing.

This ship currently rivals their ships with Xiao, XiaoVen and Xiaother, which happen to be the most popular ships for the two. Because of this there are some cases where fans like to ship all three in a poly relationship. It is also rivaled by other ships, such as Albether, which is Aether's second most popular ship overall .



Venti/Aether tag on AO3
Venti & Aether tag on AO3


venther tag on AO3
aeventi tag on AO3


  • Venti narrates the opening cutscene in the beta version of the game. He tells of the Unknown God who took Lumine away and the nightmares Aether had to endure while he slumbered.
  • In the original Chinese text, Venti's Windblume poem changes slightly depending on whether the Traveler is Aether or Lumine, implying that his poem is about the Traveler themselves.
  • Aether is the twin that appears in the official webcomic for Genshin Impact. In it him and Venti are sitting together in the forest near Mondstadt under the sunrise as Venti tells him the origins of Vanessa and how Mondstadt became free from the oppressive rulings of the Lawrence clan.
  • The Wings of Shimmering Galaxy glider lore reveals that the glider was given to the Traveler by Venti.


Official Art[]

Venther (3)

Venther (4)

Venther (5)

Venther (6)

Venther (7)

Venther (8)


Venther (9)


Venther (10)

🎆💛💚 @gi_de_off

Venther (11)

俩风神面包片包空空夹心 by @pVEAxY1IikF1y9L

Venther (12)

by @doorbell128

by @LIYA01037

Venther (14)

by @andylecia

Venther (15)

by @kaedehara_sora

Venther (16)

by @VirusAP


Archon Quest[]

Venther (17)

Venti asking Aether if he can purify the corrupt tear

Venther (18)

Venther (19)

Venti being impressed at Aethers purification abilities

Venther (20)

The option to compliment Ventis eyes

Venther (21)

Aether and Venti watching Barbara freak out about the Holy Lyre being broken

Venther (22)

Venther (23)

Venther (24)

Aether giving Venti the Lyre for him to fix

Venther (25)

Aether calling out to Venti after he is harmed by Signora

Venther (26)

Aether apologizing for using Anemo powers without asking

Venther (27)

Carmen Dei[]

Venther (28)

Venti telling Aether to meet them at "the usual place"

Venther (29)

Venther (30)

Aether realizing Ventis friend suffered a similar fate as Stanley's friend

Venther (31)

Aether distracting Paimon so Venti has more privacy

Venther (32)

Venther (33)

Venther (34)

Venti calling Aether a true friend and saying they understand each other

Venther (35)


4NEMO refers to the ship between the two, Kaedehara Kazuha and Xiao
5WIRL refers to the ship between the two, Kaedehara Kazuha, Xiao and Shikanoin Heizou
6REEZE refers to the ship between the two, Kaedehara Kazuha, Xiao, Shikanoin Heizou and Scaramouche


Venther (36)

Genshin Impact ShipsHet Genshin Impact ShipsSlash Genshin Impact ShipsFemslash Genshin Impact ShipsMale Genshin Impact CharactersFemale Genshin Impact Characters
poly4ggravate4NEMO5WIRL6REEZEArchon TrioChaebedoChiLitherDCKZEiMikoSaraFatui HarbingersKaeberoseKazuXiaoVenL/YUELuNoeBarbRannschlTVT DREAMXingyunlingXinyunling
family ChicerDendishExorcist FamilyJeanbaraRagbrosKleeBedoLiZorLodishLumitherScaraEi
friendshipChibi SquadCollberDventiGanlleiGuoLingHanako TaoKleeJeanKleeonaKleeQiqiKleeZorLumimonPaiVentiQiTaoTighleiYaoQiqiYoiKlee
cargoAlbepaintingChongyun x PopsicleKlee x BombsVenti x WineXingqiu x BooksYoimiya x Fireworks
CHARACTERSmaleAetherAlbedoAlhaithamArataki IttoBennettChongyunCynoDiluc RagnvindrGorouIl DottoreKaedehara KazuhaKaeya AlberichKamisato AyatoKavehNeuvilletteRazorScaramoucheShikanoin HeizouTartagliaThomaTighnariVentiXiaoXingqiuZhongli
femaleAmberArlecchinoBarbara PeggEula LawrenceFischlFurina de FontaineGanyuHu TaoJean GunnhildrKamisato AyakaKeqingKleeKujou SaraKuki ShinobuLisa MinciLumineMona MegistusNaganohara YoimiyaNilouNingguangNoelleRaiden EiSangonomiya KokomiSucroseXianglingXinyanYae MikoYanfeiYelanYun Jin
Venther (2024)


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15+ ChatGPT Prompts Tips to get the best results
  1. Tip 1: Be clear and specific in your instructions.
  2. Tip 2: Use conversational language.
  3. Tip 3: Avoid ambiguous or open-ended questions.
  4. Tip 4: Provide background information.
  5. Tip 5: Break down complex questions into smaller parts.
  6. Tip 6: Incorporate examples and scenarios.
Sep 8, 2023

Why is Venti shipped with Aether? ›

Another reason is due to Venti's dialogue in the Serenitea Pot and the fact that, aside from Nahida, he is the only archon or person in general that the Aether seek comfort from. Even then Aether went to Venti on his own accord unlike with Nahida who knew from observing.

How to write ChatGPT prompts to get the best results? ›

Writing ChatGPT Prompts That Get Results (with Examples)
  1. Types of prompts ChatGPT supports. ...
  2. Be specific with your prompts. ...
  3. Provide sufficient context in your prompts. ...
  4. Give ChatGPT a persona. ...
  5. Tell ChatGPT to emulate a particular style. ...
  6. Specify the format and length of the response. ...
  7. Write concise prompts.
Jun 25, 2024

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Here are five prompting approaches that research suggests can make ChatGPT's answers more accurate.
  1. Few-shot prompting. The guiding principle here is simple: show, don't tell. ...
  2. Chain-of-thought prompting. ...
  3. Rephrase and respond prompting. ...
  4. SimToM prompting. ...
  5. Step-back prompting.
May 13, 2024

How to make ChatGPT give correct answers? ›

Be specific: Clearly articulate what you are looking for, providing context and any relevant details to receive more accurate and personalized answers. Question phrasing: Ensure your questions are concise, well-structured, and focused. This helps ChatGPT understand your query and generate a more relevant response.

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Get consistency in responses across different API calls to...
  1. Generate a summary of scores and replace [summary] with your summary.
  2. Generate an statistical analysis and replace [statisticalanalysis] with your result.
  3. Generate a score analysis and replace [scoreanalysis] with your result.
Jul 18, 2024

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Be specific with your prompts: When you give specific guidelines or prompts, the model can better comprehend what kind of answers you're looking for. By using precise language and providing detailed prompts, you increase the chances of receiving accurate responses that align with your needs.

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To increase ChatGPT's accuracy, it's crucial to focus on the quality and variety of your training data, as well as ensuring it's well-balanced. Your training data should be free of errors and inconsistencies. Clean your data by removing duplicates and correcting mislabeled entries.

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Author: Rob Wisoky

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Name: Rob Wisoky

Birthday: 1994-09-30

Address: 5789 Michel Vista, West Domenic, OR 80464-9452

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Introduction: My name is Rob Wisoky, I am a smiling, helpful, encouraging, zealous, energetic, faithful, fantastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.