Unethical Behavior in the Workplace | Overview & Examples - Lesson | Study.com (2024)

Unethical behavior or in the workplace encompasses a range of actions, from falsifying records to breaking laws. Activities such as plagiarism and sexual harassment also fall under this category. Companies should have a well-defined organizational structure that includes a set of rules based on ethics for employees to follow. When employees lose sight of the company's core values, the organization is weakened.

There are many examples of unethical actions in the workplace. Deceptive communication, falsification of records, and absenteeism are just a few instances of unethical behavior. Other examples of unethical behavior in the workplace include bribery and embezzlement.

The consequences of unethical behavior in the workplace could be severe depending on the severity of the unethical action and the laws which apply to it. One example of this is environmental crimes within companies. According to the U.S. Environmental Protection Act, there are ten federal environmental crimes encompassing numerous other laws that thousands of companies have broken in recent years. Other consequences for unethical behavior in the workplace include wrongful termination, suspension, or being passed over for promotion opportunities.

If an employee is found guilty of unethical behavior in the workplace, there should be a set method for handling such situations. Of course, depending on the severity and frequency of such behaviors, disciplinary actions could vary from verbal warnings to termination. For severe offenses, employers may choose not to hire such individuals at all.

Unethical behavior affects companies negatively because it can lower employee morale and leave customers feeling betrayed and cheated. For example, if customers hear that a specific company is engaging in illegal activities or has had several workplace accidents, they may trust it less. This could result in the loss of valuable customers and money.

It is generally straightforward for employees which behaviors and actions are considered unethical. While companies should have a well-defined organizational structure that includes a code of ethics for employees, there may be some gray areas. When in doubt, an employee should always consult with their superiors or peers before engaging in any activities that might be deemed unethical by the company or outside bodies.

Examples of Unethical Behavior in the Workplace

Psychologists have found that employees who behave unethically in the workplace may have a range of justifications for their actions.

Higher-Purpose Excuse

A higher-purpose excuse is an excuse in which unethical behavior is justified because it serves some higher good. For example, an employee may be willing to plagiarize in order to finish a project on time

Displacement of Responsibility

When people want to avoid taking responsibility for their unethical behavior, they may use strategies such as making unethical behavior look less significant or changing the label of the unethical behavior. For example, an employee may drop the ball on a project and then throw a coworker under the bus.


Blaming is different from the displacement of responsibility. In displacing responsibility, a person is claiming someone else performed an unethical or detrimental action. In blaming, a person says another person caused the first person to behave unethically. The most common example of this is when a child says, "well you made me do it!"

Euphemistic Labeling

Euphemistic labeling is a form of justification that is based on making the unethical action sound like it is acceptable and ethical. For example, an employee may embezzle money from one department into another because they believe the second department is more deserving and the money was "just sitting there".

Diffusem*nt of Responsibility

The diffusion of responsibility is the phenomenon in which a person does not take responsibility for a task because they think that someone else will do it. This phenomenon can be seen in many different ways, but most often it is seen when there are multiple people who can complete a task and they assume that someone else will take care of it. For example, if a boss gives a group assignment but does not delegate tasks to different individuals, everyone in the group may say, "this is not my problem," and avoid the most unfavorable tasks.

What to Do:

  • Take responsibility for personal unethical behavior.
  • Acknowledge, when possible, how one's actions may have hurt others.
  • Consider options for reform in the workplace. For example, consider asking people who are watching or listening whether they think some behaviors should be considered unethical according to the company's code of conduct.

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Unethical Behavior in the Workplace | Overview & Examples - Lesson | Study.com (2024)


What are four 4 unethical work Behaviours? ›

The ERC reported that employees most often observe the following five unethical behaviors in the workplace: 1) employees misusing company time, 2) supervisors abusing subordinates, 3) employees stealing from their employers, 4) employees lying to their employers, and 5) employees violating company internet policies.

How to solve unethical issues at the workplace? ›

Managing Unethical Behavior in the Workplace: Strategies for Effective Control
  1. Establish a Strong Code of Ethics. ...
  2. Educate and Train Employees. ...
  3. Lead by Example. ...
  4. Encourage Open Communication. ...
  5. Investigate Thoroughly. ...
  6. Implement Clear Consequences. ...
  7. Promote a Strong Ethical Culture. ...
  8. Offer Support and Guidance.
Oct 21, 2023

What are some examples of unethical behavior in the classroom? ›

Allowing another person to do one's work and submitting it under one's own name. Preprogramming a calculator to contain answers or other unauthorized information for exams. Submitting substantially the same paper for two or more classes in the same or different terms without the expressed approval of each instructor.

What are real life examples of unethical? ›

Unethical Behavior Among Individuals
  • Someone lies to their spouse about how much money they spent.
  • A teenager lies to their parents about where they were for the evening.
  • An employee steals money from the petty cash drawer at work.
  • You lie on your resume in order to get a job.
Jul 9, 2021

What are unethical behaviors while employed? ›

What Constitutes Unethical Behavior? Unethical behavior in the workforce is not restricted to overt acts. It includes workers acting out and aggressively confronting supervisors, supervisees, and colleagues, and it includes more subtle behaviors that compromise people, productivity, and organizations.

What type of behavior could be considered unethical in the workplace? ›

Misusing company time comes in many shapes and sizes. It can include anything from changing the hours on a worksheet to covering for an employee who is late for work. This form of unethical behavior also includes being aware that a co-worker uses company time to conduct personal business.

What is a famous case of unethical work practices? ›

Enron's downfall, and the imprisonment of several members of its leadership group, was one of the most shocking and widely reported ethics violations of all time.

What are the four major workplace behaviors? ›

We will focus on four key work behaviors: job performance, organizational citizenship behaviors, absenteeism, and turnover. Note that the first two behaviors are desirable ones, whereas the other two are often regarded as undesirable.

What can you do if your employer is unethical? ›

Report It to the Right Person

If you reasonably believe your employer is doing something illegal or unethical, you should first bring it to your supervisor's attention, Frisch says. If it's your supervisor you suspect, exhaust the chain of command within the company. “Hopefully the company will investigate the matter.

What should you do if you observe unethical behavior in the workplace? ›

If you see, experience, or suspect an ethics breach at your employer, gather and document your facts and questions, check the issue escalation policy, and then talk privately to your immediate supervisor and the chief compliance officer.

What is an example of unethical situation at work? ›

What Is Unethical Behavior at the Workplace? Any unlawful conduct, such as stealing someone's stuff or assaulting colleagues, are some common examples of unethical behavior in the workplace.

What is an example sentence for unethical behavior? ›

THE giving of a surgical procedure as a prize is an unbelievable, dangerous and highly unethical practice. In 2005 the industry's watchdog found it guilty of unethical behaviour. Its heavy-handed sales tactics prompted the pharmaceutical industry's regulatory watchdog to make a ruling of unethical behaviour against it.

Which is an example of an unethical activity? ›

It differs from person to person and society to society. However, some behaviors tend to be off-limits in most ethical frameworks. What is this? For example, theft, violence, lying, and cheating are understood to be unethical in just about every ethical framework.

Which workplace behavior is considered unethical? ›

Experts in the field of workplace ethics define unethical behavior in the workplace as any harmful action that violates the moral standards of a community as a whole.

What is considered unethical behavior? ›

Unethical behavior can be defined as actions that are against social norms or acts that are considered unacceptable to the public. Ethical behavior is the complete opposite of unethical behavior. Ethical behavior follows the majority of social norms and such actions are acceptable to the public.

What are the four common causes of unethical behavior? ›

Why Do Employees Make Unethical Decisions?
  • Pressure to Succeed. Employees may choose to act unethically based on unrealistic expectations to succeed. ...
  • Employees Are Afraid to Speak Up. ...
  • Lack of Training. ...
  • There's No Policy for Reporting. ...
  • Managers Setting Bad Examples.

What is an example of unethical violation? ›

  • Fraud or deceptive practices.
  • Subversion.
  • Unprofessional conduct.
  • Scope-of-practice violations.
  • Being unfit to practice.
  • Improper management of patient records.
  • Violation of state laws, federal laws, or regulatory rules.
  • Failure to report violations or errors.

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