Understanding the Difference Between Named and Default Exports in React (2024)

Understanding the Difference Between Named and Default Exports in React (3)

If you are new to React and have been wondering why some components are exported with a default tag and some aren't, this article will give you a breakdown of the differences.

export function MyComponent() {}vsexport default MyComponent

Exports without a default tag are Named exports.

Exports with the default tag are Default exports.

Using one over the other can have effects on your code readability, file structure, and component organization.

Named and Default exports are not React-centric ideas. They are es6 features. However, this article will deal with the impacts they have in a React ecosystem.

As the title suggests, named exports use the name of the function or class as their identifier.

When you want to import a named component, you use the same name it was exported with. Names must be imported inside curly brackets.

Multiple Exports Per File

Understanding the Difference Between Named and Default Exports in React (2024)


Understanding the Difference Between Named and Default Exports in React? ›

Named exports are useful when you have multiple entities to export, while default exports are suitable for a single, primary entity. By mastering these export techniques, you can efficiently structure your code and make it more readable and reusable.

What is the difference between default imports and named imports? ›

The main differences

Default exports allow us to import the exported value with any name in the importing module, while named exports require us to use the exact exported names when importing. We can have only one default export per module, but we can have multiple named exports.

Is using named and default exports together? ›

It's important to note that a file can have both named and default exports together. This means you can export one main thing using export default , while also exporting multiple additional values using export .

What is the use of export default in react? ›

The default export is also used for exporting components, values, classes, etc. in React JS, but only one element can be exported to another component at a time as a default export. In other words, a file can have only one default export.

What is the difference between export default and export module? ›

In summary, `module. exports` is associated with CommonJS modules used in Node. js, while `export default` is associated with ES6 modules used in modern JavaScript environments, including browsers and newer versions of Node.

What is the difference between named export and default export in react? ›

Use default export when you want to export only one variable or function from a file. Use named export when you want to keep the same name for your variables or functions across different files. However, it's important to note that you can use both default and named exports in the same file.

Why I don't use default exports? ›

Using default exports can make it harder to find things in your code and lead to inconsistencies. Instead, named exports make it easier to discover which members are being exported and what their corresponding names are, especially when using an IDE.

Can we use default and named export in the same file? ›

Named exports are useful when we want to export multiple things from a file, while default exports are useful when we want to export a single value. However, it's important to note that using both named and default exports in the same file can be considered an anti-pattern.

Can you have multiple export defaults? ›

Every module can have two different types of export, named export and default export. You can have multiple named exports per module but only one default export.

Is using named and default exports together consumers of your bundle will have to use? ›

Using named and default exports together. Consumers of your bundle will have to use `MyLib. default` to access the default export, which may not be what you want.

Does React need to be imported in every file? ›

To address these issues, the React team decided to make the React module automatically available in all files that contain JSX. This means that you no longer need to import the React module explicitly, unless you want to use some of its properties or methods directly (e.g. React. Component).

What is JSX in React? ›

JSX is a syntax extension for JavaScript that lets you write HTML-like markup inside a JavaScript file. Although there are other ways to write components, most React developers prefer the conciseness of JSX, and most codebases use it.

What is Babel in React? ›

Babel is a powerful JavaScript compiler that has become an indispensable tool for developers, especially those building React applications. At its core, Babel's primary function is to transform cutting-edge JavaScript code into versions of JavaScript that can be interpreted by older browsers.

What is default export and named export? ›

Named exports are useful when you have multiple entities to export, while default exports are suitable for a single, primary entity. By mastering these export techniques, you can efficiently structure your code and make it more readable and reusable.

How to export a functional component in React? ›

Exporting Function Components in React

Here's how we can do it: function Welcome(props) { return <h1>Hello, {props.name}</h1>; } export default Welcome; In this code, export default Welcome; is making the Welcome function accessible to other modules.

What are the different types of export modes? ›

The two main types of exporting are direct and indirect exporting. Direct exporting is a type of exporting where the company directly sells products to overseas customers. Indirect exporting is a type of exporting practiced by companies that sell products to other countries with the help of an intermediary.

What are named imports in Golang? ›

Import keyword & its Importance

As the name suggests, this keyword imports the specified package from the directory of $GOPATH (if no path is mentioned) or else from the mentioned directory. Importing simply means bringing the specified package from its source location to the destination code, wiz the main program.

What is the difference between import and imports? ›

To import products or raw materials means to buy them from another country for use in your own country. Import is also a noun. On July 3rd the government slashed import duties on cars. Imports are products or raw materials bought from another country for use in your own country.

What is the difference between general imports and imports for consumption? ›

What are “general imports” and “imports for consumption? clears Customs and enters into U.S. consumption channels (i.e. is available for use by U.S. persons or businesses). Merchandise being held in bonded warehouses or U.S. Foreign Trade Zones is not included until it is withdrawn for consumption.

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