Uhhhhh... (2024)

@heme725 Noob friendly in a contest of skill, easiest to use? I'd agree with you on the lifeline being the easiest to learn (And Octane I guess would be very easy to learn, maybe Mirage too (Mirage is easy to use, just not easy to use well)). I agree that Gibby is one of the hardest to use when it comes to tactical and Ult, and I think he's in a good place with both of those, but his passives make him OP. Passives should be more balanced than they are. Lifeline, Wraith (her's is annoyingly inconsistent, tho), Octane, Revenant, bloodhound, Bangalore, and Wattson are in a good place with their passives (Wattson's could be OP in ranked, I don't ever use her, but I really don't think her's is)(also, all the people saying Rev needs a buff to his passive, I'd have to disagree with, I think he's perfectly fine, any more and he'll be OP, any less and he'll need a buff). Crypto, Caustic, and Mirage really need buffs to be on par with the other legend's passives (also, make it so Caustic isn't such a liability on people's teams, he's worthless when it comes to team play). Gibby is OP in terms of Passives. Also, I don't know where I stand with Pathfinder (mostly 'cause I don't use him anymore), but I'm inclined to lean towards balanced in terms of passive.
I wouldn't take too much away (at first I would've, but after some thought, I decided that he doesn't need to be nerfed in that way). My ideas are, nerf his ADS speed, increase sprint out time, decrease weapon swap speed, make him reload a little faster, but I don't know how much (I propose they change the reload speed on some of the legends, mostly the big bois), but most importantly change the speeds of the legends, that way the fortified perk actually makes sense, because, at the moment, it doesn't make any sense. Smaller characters run faster, medium legends run the same speed they already do, and big legends (caustic and gibby) run slower. Then they can keep the low profile and fortified perks. That'd also make legends stick to their classes, so no more playing Gibby like Octane and still doing better than Octane.
Also, seriously, make Caustic an actual defensive character! His passive should be called liability! I can't tell you how many times I've been kill by my own Caustic teammate! Make it so you can still move the same speed in your teammate Caustic's gas! Blurred vision? Yeah, that works great, but the slow down effect should only apply to enemies!

Uhhhhh... (2024)
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Name: Twana Towne Ret

Birthday: 1994-03-19

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Introduction: My name is Twana Towne Ret, I am a famous, talented, joyous, perfect, powerful, inquisitive, lovely person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.