Types of people skills being tested on CASPer (2024)

The CASPer Test can be a different type of evaluation than what many applicants are used to.

Unlike other admission tests, such as the MCAT or DAT, CASPer measures people skills in an effort to gain a holistic view of candidates.

Your goal as a CASPer writer is to demonstrate that you are well-rounded and possess non-cognitive skills. The way in which you showcase these skills is by typing out short essay responses to questions posed on real-life scenarios. What is CASPer?

The CASPer test presents you with a set of hypothetical, every-day scenarios where you have to explain how you would respond; in other sections, you discuss how you’ve responded to certain situations in your own life. So, what is CASPer looking for when they do this? They want to determine your people skills!

CASPer specifically looks at 10 different competencies: collaboration, communication, empathy, equity, ethics, motivation, problem solving, professionalism, resilience and self awareness.

Let's take a closer look at the 10 people skills being measured on CASPer:

Types of people skills being tested on CASPer (2024)


What are the 10 people skills CASPer is testing? ›

Casper measures 10 competencies: collaboration, communication, empathy, equity, ethics, self-awareness, resilience, professionalism, problem solving and motivation.

What kind of answers are they looking for on the CASPer test? ›

They want to determine your people skills! CASPer specifically looks at 10 different competencies: collaboration, communication, empathy, equity, ethics, motivation, problem solving, professionalism, resilience and self awareness.

What do most people score on the CASPer test? ›

What are CASPer quartiles?
  • 25% of applicants score in the first quartile (0-24 percentile)
  • 25% of applicants score in the second quartile (25-49 percentile)
  • 25% of applicants score in the third quartile (50-74 percentile)
  • 25% of applicants score in the fourth quartile (75-100 percentile)

What are the different types of CASPer scenarios? ›

We'll break down three of the most common CASPer test question categories (ethical dilemmas, professional boundaries, and conflicts of interest), and we'll also cover three key CASPer test question types (situational questions, policy questions, and personal questions).

Is 4th quartile Casper good? ›

2nd quartile includes applicants whose score is in the 25-49 percentile in comparison to their peers. 3rd quartile includes applicants whose score is in the 50-74 percentile in comparison to their peers. 4th quartile includes applicants whose score is in the 75-100 percentile in comparison to their peers.

What are the most common personal questions on Casper? ›

Examples of Personal Questions

Describe a time when you supported a member of your team. Describe a time when you received difficult or challenging feedback. Describe dealing with a difficult colleague at work, and your reflections from this experience. Have you ever encountered online bullying?

How to best answer Casper test questions? ›

9 tips for typed responses on the Casper test
  1. Use frameworks to help you organize your thoughts.
  2. Note and scan.
  3. Create a story bank.
  4. Learn basic medical ethics.
  5. Don't just think it – use words that convey empathy and respect.
  6. Practice using time-bound scenarios.
  7. Type quickly.
  8. Let go of perfectionism.
Oct 21, 2022

How to ace the Casper test? ›

Preparing for Casper: 15 Casper Test Tips
  1. Familiarize Yourself with the Format. ...
  2. Review Practice Passages. ...
  3. Practice Within the Test Format. ...
  4. Practice Answering with If/Then Statements. ...
  5. Mitigate Distractions. ...
  6. Prepare Your Technology. ...
  7. Test Your Connection (And Have a Backup) ...
  8. Get in the Right Headspace.

Is 2nd quartile Casper bad? ›

How Is the CASPer Scored? A score in the 1st or 2nd quartile doesn't mean you “failed;” it just means your responses weren't as strong as other candidates who took the test.

Why did I score so low on CASPer? ›

Despite putting in the time and effort to prepare for a test, sometimes things do not go as planned. For the Casper test in particular, the questions are based around various situations and ethical dilemmas, so it can be especially hard to think on the spot. This can lead to a worse score than you had expected.

What is a poor CASPer score? ›

A Casper response is scored relative to other responses to the same scenario. This means your score signifies the strength of your response compared to other test takers' responses. Raters are trained to use a Likert scale ranging from 1 to 9 (1 being poor and 9 being excellent) to evaluate responses.

Is CASPer hard to pass? ›

CASPer is not a pass/fail test. However, half of people score in the third and fourth quartiles (scoring higher than at least 50% of test-takers). While it may not necessarily be “easy” to pass, you can do so with enough preparation.

How many times can you take the CASPer test? ›

You can only take the Casper test once during a single admissions cycle. You will need to retake the Casper test if applying for future admissions cycles, as the exam changes each year, and answers will need to be compared to a new group of applicants.

What types of questions does CASPer ask? ›

CASPer Question Types
  • Diversity Questions. These questions will assess your awareness of diversity in the workplace, and in your general life. ...
  • Prioritisation Questions. ...
  • Public Health. ...
  • Conflict of Interest. ...
  • Moral Dilemmas. ...
  • Relationship Questions. ...
  • Personal Questions. ...
  • Consent.

What questions are on the CASPer test? ›

CASPer Question Types
  • Diversity Questions. These questions will assess your awareness of diversity in the workplace, and in your general life. ...
  • Prioritisation Questions. ...
  • Public Health. ...
  • Conflict of Interest. ...
  • Moral Dilemmas. ...
  • Relationship Questions. ...
  • Personal Questions. ...
  • Consent.

What is the layout of the CASPer test? ›

The test is divided into two response sections, a video response section (six scenarios) and a typed response section (eight scenarios). Each scenario is followed by 2 open-ended questions in the video section and 3 open-ended questions in the typed section of the test. The first section is for your video responses.

How hard is the CASPer test? ›

CASPer is not a pass/fail test. However, half of people score in the third and fourth quartiles (scoring higher than at least 50% of test-takers). While it may not necessarily be “easy” to pass, you can do so with enough preparation.

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Name: Ouida Strosin DO

Birthday: 1995-04-27

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Introduction: My name is Ouida Strosin DO, I am a precious, combative, spotless, modern, spotless, beautiful, precious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.