Tsukuyomi (2024)

Tsukuyomi is noted to be one of the most powerful genjutsu in existence.[1] It is unique to Itachi Uchiha and is only active in his left eye. It is said to represent the "Spiritual World and Darkness" (精神界と闇, Seishinkai to Yami;;; ), the antipode to Amaterasu — a ninjutsu of similar power.[2]

Tsukuyomi (1)

Tsukuyomi requires eye contact to be performed, trapping the target within an illusion completely under the user's control. Itachi's prowess with the technique has allowed him to alter the perception of time with ease within the genjutsu to make a few seconds seem like many days as a means to torture the target. This results in the victim suffering psychological trauma that incapacitates them for a considerable period of time. After Itachi used it on Kakashi in Part I, Kisame was surprised that Kakashi's mind was still intact. Only Tsunade has been shown capable of curing this psychological damage.[3]

In the anime during Part I, Itachi's use of Tsukuyomi typically featured a red moon casting a red light throughout the illusion with a cloudy atmosphere, giving the background a blood-red appearance while the victim within the illusion is in depicted in an inverted grey scale.

It has only been used twice by itachi in the anime.

Such a powerful technique is not without its disadvantages however. Due to the complexity of the illusion and the quickness with which it is executed, an enormous amount of chakra is necessary and an added amount of stress is placed on the left eye, leaving Itachi's vision more blurred. Before using it on Kakashi in Part I, Itachi stated that Tsukuyomi can only be broken by a Sharingan user that shares the same blood as him; as demonstrated when Sasuke overcame Itachi's Tsukuyomi in their battle.[4] Sasuke can also perform Tsukuyomi with his right eye, though his illusion is considered inferior to Itachi's Tsukuyomi since it does not alter the opponent's perception of time indicating he has yet to master it.[5]

The Eye of the Moon Plan involves becoming the Ten-Tails' jinchūriki and using its power to reflect their Mangekyō Sharingan on the moon, which allows them to cast an "Infinite Tsukuyomi" (無限月読, Mugen Tsukuyomi;;; ) throughout the entire world, effectively letting them conquer it.


Pulling from the ancient Japanese myth of Amaterasu, Tsukuyomi, and Susanoo, where when Izanagi washed his face after escaping the underworld his right eye became Tsukuyomi, the Moon god.


  • In Naruto: Ultimate Ninja Storm, Itachi uses Tsukuyomi in a different manner. He has the red moon crush the opponent while the image of the moon warps into a copy of his Mangekyō Sharingan eye.
  • In Naruto 6: Road to Ninja, Tobi casts a trial version of the Infinite Tsukuyomi, the "Limited Tsukuyomi" (限定月読, Gentei Tsukuyomi;;; ), on Naruto and Sakura, which provides the alternate reality setting of the movie.


  1. Naruto chapter 389, page 1
  2. Cite error: Invalid <ref> tag; no text was provided for refs named d2
  3. Naruto chapter 172, pages 15, 18
  4. Naruto chapter 388, page 14
  5. Naruto chapter 478, page 3
Tsukuyomi (2024)


Is it possible to break Tsukuyomi? ›

Nobody. The problem most people miss is Tsukiyomi has no duration it ends the moment it begins. There is literally no way to cancel it or break free of it. Itachi could make that single instant appear to last for 80 years, but it doesn't change the fact no significant amount of time actually passed.

Can anyone resist Tsukuyomi? ›

However, victims of Tsukuyomi have it far worse, as they are ordinarily rendered comatose as soon as Tsukuyomi's illusion is completed. Sharingan users can briefly resist unconsciousness, but only particularly skilled Sharingan users can actually break free of Tsukuyomi's influence.

Can you avoid Infinite Tsukuyomi? ›

A Rinnegan user can block the light of the Infinite Tsukuyomi, saving themselves and those within their range from its control.

How everyone got out of Infinite Tsukuyomi? ›

Despite everything, the Infinite Tsukuyomi isn't invincible. This technique can be countered by a Rinnegan user, as their eye enables them to block the light of the jutsu. At the same time, it can also be released by a combination of the Rinnegan and the chakra of the Nine-Tailed Beasts.

Can a perfect jinchuriki break out of Tsukuyomi? ›

Naruto flat out tells Bee to watch out for Itachi's Tsukyomi, implying that even jinchuriki can't break out of it.

Can the byakugan break out of genjutsu? ›

Yes, the Byakugan can intercept genjutsu, however, it is not immune to it.

Can Goku break out of genjutsu? ›

yes they can technically work on goku, but they likely wouldn't last for very long. normal genjutsu wouldn't work as goku does not have chakra. ocular genjutsu (the sharingan genjutsus) would work as they do not need chakra, however goku would easily break out of said genjutsu.

Can Goku break Itachi genjutsu? ›

Goku, despite having a near unbreakable ki shield protecting him, if he can be put under genjutsu, such as Itachi's Tsukuyomi, and someone like Kisame were to use his water prison, Goku would drown before he gets out of the genjutsu.

Can Sakura break Tsukuyomi? ›

Because that broken hack of a Jutsu literally destroys your entire spirit, and people forget it happens in an instant. Sakura is not mentally fast enough to tank it. Yes, she's good with Genjutsu but the likes of Tsukuyomi are far too great for her to even attempt to scavenge control.

Who is immune to Infinite Tsukuyomi? ›

Certain individuals are immune to the Infinite Tsukuyomi. The dead, such as those brought back with the Impure World Reincarnation, are impervious to the Infinite Tsukuyomi. White Zetsu, Black Zetsu, and those whose body Black Zetsu coats are also unaffected.

Who is the god of genjutsu? ›

The God of Genjutsu | Itachi Uchiha. In the celebration of 20th anniversary of the famous anime "Naruto", I wanted to sketch my favourite character from the series which was none other than the god of genjutsu, Itachi Uchiha itself.

Can Itachi survive Infinite Tsukuyomi? ›

Itachi has the mongekyo sharingan, which granted him the ability of tsukuyomi, a really powerful genjustu. However, it would not protect him against infinite tsukuyomi. The only thing that protects against a genjustu like that is the rinnegan.

Who released everyone from Infinite Tsukuyomi? ›

The only ones around with that kind of power at the time were Hagoromo and Hamura. They were the ones who defeated and sealed Kaguya away. And they both probably had the seals in their hands to release the infinite Tsukuyomi like Naruto and Sasuke did.

Is Naruto in an Infinite Tsukuyomi? ›

According to the theory, Naruto never broke out of the Infinite Tsukuyomi, and everything that happened after Naruto exited the dream state was actually just part of the illusion.

Who killed Madara? ›

Black Zetsu was central to one of the biggest shocks in Naruto during the 4th Great Ninja War. It was he who stabbed Madara Uchiha in the back and struck him down when he was at the pinnacle of his powers. Zetsu was then revealed to be the perpetrator of the plan to bring Kaguya back.

Can Itachi break infinite Tsukuyomi? ›

Itachi has the mongekyo sharingan, which granted him the ability of tsukuyomi, a really powerful genjustu. However, it would not protect him against infinite tsukuyomi. The only thing that protects against a genjustu like that is the rinnegan.

What is Tsukuyomi weakness? ›

Boss: Tsukuyomi Level 83 Weakness: Fire Resists: Elec Blocks: Light Absorbs: Ice Ailment Resistance: Sleep, Mirage, Poison, Confuse, Charm Ailment Immunity: Seal.

Can Jiraiya break Tsukuyomi? ›

Nope, Itachi outright states that only a Sharingan user with the same blood as him can break out of it. Every time Tsunade caught Jiraiya peeking at a woman, why did Naruto also get the punishment?

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