Trust Is Something That Is Earned Rather Than Given (2024)

Trust is such a simple word but rather than being simple, it is complex. Complex in the sense that it is built over a period of time. Not many people understand that trusting someone means having faith in you not to say something or be there for someone when you’re in need. I do not open up to anyone so if I open up to you, I feel that we have a special bond. It takes months, even years, for me to feel that I can open up to you. Don’t get it twisted, trust that took years or months to build up can be broken in a few minutes. If you open up to anyone and everyone, your business will probably get out before you can tell another person. Be careful of who you open up to, there are snakes who will act like they have your back but all they want is news to tell their friends and make fun of you. Trust is more than a word, it is an action. If I open up to you, I expect that you will keep whatever is said between us. I do not expect you to go run and tell everyone you know my personal business. Business is business. It is so hard to trust people now because they can exploit you on social media or they can tell their friends and word travels just as fast as a text message. Once you lose trust, it will make it harder for the other person to ever believe you. It can make your attitudes about certain people, or groups, change. Out of a negative incident, you will see true colors of people. I don’t care about anything anyone says if they ever betrayed my trust. Just know that if I find out that you did wrong to me, I will be patient and wait for karma.

Karma. Karma is another word that has different meanings. Karma is something I hold true to my heart. If you do wrong, I do not wish wrong upon you. Instead, I will let karma run it’s course. If you do wrong to others, it will come back to you. It might not happen instantly but it will happen down the line. You do not want to mess with karma because karma is very dangerous.

Do not let people who betrayed your trust bother you or call you two faced. They should be the last ones to speak considering they were the ones who broke your trust. There are certain things that are kept between two people and are meant for only two people to know, not everything said or done needs to be broadcasted.

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Trust Is Something That Is Earned Rather Than Given (2024)


Trust Is Something That Is Earned Rather Than Given? ›

But the truth is, trust can never be earned. Trust can only be given. Trust is the responsibility of the person who wants high trust. If you want others to trust you – it's your responsibility.

Is trust just given or earned? ›

To understand how trust works, it's important to remember that trust is granted, not earned. Trust allows leaders, employees, relationships, and organizations to flourish and grow. It is fundamental to most everything in life. Lack of trust can lead to damaging relationships and a hostile environment.

Who says trust is earned not given? ›

Quote by Piper Stone: “Trust is earned, not given.”

What is the meaning of trust is earned? ›

The reason you have to say "Trust me" is that you haven't earned it and are forced to ask for it. Trust isn't something that just happens in a relationship. It has to be earned by proving your character over and over. Even in a marriage, trust cannot be demanded. It must be earned over time.

Is trust a choice or is it earned? ›

Trust is a recipe with several ingredients. To trust, we must demonstrate certain personal qualities and values, as well as observe them in others. We earn trust by behaving in trustworthy ways, and we may get a read of a person's own trustworthiness by how they act.

Why trust is earned not given? ›

My personal quote for trust would be "Trust should be earned not given." what it means is you should not trust someone who doesn't deserve it. Trust is a very sacarde and meaningful thing. Trust is almost as valuble as love in a way. Except trust should be kept to fewer people than love.

What does the Bible say about earning trust? ›

22 You will earn the trust and respect of others if you work for good; if you work for evil, you are making a mistake. 23 Work and you will earn a living; if you sit around talking you will be poor. 24 Wise people are rewarded with wealth, but fools are known by their foolishness.

What did Einstein say about trust? ›

Albert Einstein is credited with saying, “Whoever is careless with the truth in small matters cannot be trusted with important matters.” It is such untruthfulness that likely is the underpinning of distrust across our country. For some, it may seem that trust is no longer a sustainable trait.

How is trust earned in a relationship? ›

Building trust within a relationship is taking accountability for your mistake, asking how you can make it better, and making a commitment that you will not make that particular mistake again (or at least making a plan to limit that particular mistake). Always tell the truth.

What did Bible said about trust? ›

"Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths."

Can trust ever be earned back? ›

Whether you're in the wake of a massive betrayal or struggling with a string of small broken promises, if the relationship is going to survive, you have to choose to trust again. Make no mistake: You can do this. I've seen it done many times. Relationships can come back stronger than ever.

Can trust be earned again? ›

Yes, it is possible to regain lost trust by demonstrating a re-commitment to the relationship and showing through your actions that you have learned from your mistakes. By taking steps to rectify past issues and work towards positive change, you and your loved one can begin to gradually build trust back again.

Is trust earned through actions? ›

For us, trust means that “we believe in, count on and rely on. each other to deliver consistently and walk the talk”.

Can you love someone and not trust them? ›

Yes, it's entirely possible to love someone but not trust them. After all, feelings don't just vanish because someone broke your trust. Letting go of love isn't easy, and while it's possible to love somebody you can't trust, it doesn't make for a successful relationship.

Should trust be given freely? ›

Let's explore the pitfalls of waiting for others to earn our trust, and the benefits of extending trust freely. We erode trust by waiting for others to earn our trust. If we meet someone new and think “They have to earn my trust,” then we are intentionally withholding trust from them.

What falls under trust? ›

A trust is a fiduciary1 relationship in which one party (the Grantor) gives a second party2 (the Trustee) the right to hold title to property or assets for the benefit of a third party (the Beneficiary). The trustee, in turn, explains the terms and conditions of the trust to the beneficiary.

How do people earn your trust? ›

Be true to your word and follow through with your actions

The point of building trust is for others to believe what you say. Keep in mind, however, that building trust requires not only keeping the promises you make but also not making promises you're unable to keep.

Is trust automatic or built? ›

We can build trust by assuming that people will be trustworthy. If we meet someone new and choose to trust them right away, we are automatically assuming the best about their intentions and their level of trustworthiness. This type of “assuming positive intent” can lead to a high trust culture in several ways.

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Author: Duncan Muller

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Name: Duncan Muller

Birthday: 1997-01-13

Address: Apt. 505 914 Phillip Crossroad, O'Konborough, NV 62411

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Job: Construction Agent

Hobby: Shopping, Table tennis, Snowboarding, Rafting, Motor sports, Homebrewing, Taxidermy

Introduction: My name is Duncan Muller, I am a enchanting, good, gentle, modern, tasty, nice, elegant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.