Tipping a Housekeeper: When, Who and How Much Should You Tip - eTip.io (2024)

It’s often said that hospitality industry jobs are some of the most underrated in our society. Though they require a lot of work and dedication, they are also often jobs that are done when nobody else is around. This leads consumers to take them for granted and not think of them as often when deciding which services to tip for.

For example, housekeepers are workers that dedicate a lot of time and effort to making sure hotel rooms are consistently clean, but you never actually see them working. In order to make the experience of staying at a hotel completely seamless, housekeepers work when guests are not in their rooms — making them almost “invisible”.

Though this is a great advantage for the guests, oftentimes it devalues the work of housekeepers due to people forgetting that they’re even doing work or should be tipped. Despite this, you should definitely tip your housekeeper if you’re staying at any kind of hotel, even if it’s just for one night.

To help you understand when you should tip your housekeeper, how much you should tip and how you should tip them, here is a guide on how to tip a housekeeper.

How Much Should You Tip Your Housekeeper?

Though the American Hotel & Lodging Association’s Gratuity Guide suggests anywhere between $1 and $5 per day, we recommend that you tip the housekeeper closer to between $3 and $5 each day, as those amounts are more reflective of industry standards.

It’s important to note, though, that you should also tip your housekeeper with regards to the amount that they have to clean up. If you’re somebody who is just leaving them a bed to be made, then you should tip the normal amount. However, if you had a party in your hotel room the night before and are leaving them a significant amount to clean up, you should tip anywhere between $7 and $15.

A good way to predict how much you should tip your housekeeper is to guess how long it would take you to clean the mess that you’re leaving them. Because they have to keep on a schedule and will likely not be paid significantly more for doing more difficult cleaning jobs, contribute generously what you can. After all, you are the person making their job more difficult in the first place, so you need to take responsibility!

The amount that you should tip your housekeeper does not vary from state-to-state. Unlike other forms of tipping (i.e. concierges) the amount a housekeeper is paid is more in relation to the minimum wage, so you should keep that in mind when setting down your tip. Although, if you want to go above and beyond to show a housekeeper that you appreciated their work, never be afraid to tip significantly more! This will not only make their day, but encourage them to work harder when cleaning your room in the future.

Another way to tip your housekeeper can be with a housekeeper tipping calculator. A housekeeper tipping calculator can help you understand just how much you should tip, but you should also keep in mind that most tip calculators available underestimate the right amount for tipping. This is because wages change and inflation is continuing to rise, meaning that you should tip your housekeeper more today than you would have 10 years ago.

When to Tip Your Housekeeper?

If you’re staying at a hotel and are using the housekeeping service, you should be tipping on a daily basis. Housekeeping is one of those unique things where a majority of the income is supplied by tips, so you should always show them that you care for their services and their well-being.

The best time to leave a tip your housekeeper is right before you leave your hotel room for the day. Though there are some who prefer to tip hospitality workers on their way out, this is not compatible with the schedules that normal housekeepers maintain. For example, many hotels have different housekeepers cleaning different rooms every day, meaning that it’s very likely that the same person will not be cleaning your room two days in a row. This is reason enough to leave your tips on a daily basis, allowing the people who actually did the work to get proper compensation. However, if you’re staying only for one day, don’t worry about this distinction—just leave your tip on the way out.

How to Tip Your Housekeeper – Cash, Card or Via an App?

The traditional—and best—way to tip your housekeeper is by leaving cash on the table and a note indicating that it is for the housekeeper to take. This is an important distinction to make because oftentimes housekeepers might be worried about taking money from a room in fear that they will be accused of stealing later on.

Though there are hotels and similar establishments that allow you to tip workers via an app or by card, these often come with associated fees for the employees. By tipping your housekeeper in cash, you can ensure that all of the money goes directly to them! One of the downsides of cash is that there is always the possibility for someone else to steal it, but these chances are low due to the fact that the only person entering your room will be the housekeeper.

In the event that you check out of your room and forget to tip the housekeeper, you can still make sure they are tipped sufficiently! To do this, just be sure to go to the front desk and give them the money. If you come to them the day the housekeeper cleaned your room, there’s a large chance that they’ll be able to pass the money directly to the worker.

In Conclusion

Knowing how much to tip a housekeeper is much more nuanced than it sounds. Because there are so many factors that play into how much to tip a housekeeper, you need to make sure that you understand the entire process. We hope our guide about how to tip a housekeeper has been helpful so that the next time you’re staying at a hotel, you know exactly how much to tip and when to do so!

Tipping a Housekeeper: When, Who and How Much Should You Tip - eTip.io (2024)


Tipping a Housekeeper: When, Who and How Much Should You Tip - eTip.io? ›

If you wait until your departure, you run the risk of shortchanging workers. The standard amount to tip housekeeping is $1 to $5 per day, according to a tipping guide from the American Hotel and Lodging Association.

How much should housekeeping be tipped? ›

According to the American Hotel & Lodging Association (AHLA), guests should tip housekeeping anywhere between $1 to $5 per night for a mid-range or business hotel. For luxury hotels where the staff offers daily cleaning services and nightly turndown services, guests should leave a little more.

Do you tip a house cleaner who owns her own business? ›

Tipping is NOT necessary, though appreciated - but don't feel guilty at all if you don't do it, especially if you are fairly compensating them in wages. You can leave it messy, and just pay the extra time it takes to tidy, as well; or tidy up surfaces so we can get the real cleaning immediately.

Do you tip housekeeping if only staying one night? ›

Despite this, you should definitely tip your housekeeper if you're staying at any kind of hotel, even if it's just for one night.

Do you tip a cleaning lady every time? ›

Sure enough, you can tip them every once in a while, but it's not necessary. For example, if a cleaning lady comes in every week, you can tip them at the end of the month. If different cleaners come in every week, you can tip at the end of every cleaning. Again, the key is to stay within your budget.

Is it rude to not tip housekeeping? ›

You don't have to tip your hotel housekeeper, but these hardworking staff members are often forgotten when it comes to tipping, so the money can go a long way for them.

How much to tip housekeeping at 5 star? ›

A general rule of thumb is $3 to $5 per night for budget and midrange hotels, and up to $10 a night for luxury hotels and resorts (or more if the service is really high end).

Do you tip if it's the owner? ›

"Not tipping the owner is an old tradition that's dying out," Post says. She recommends 15 to 20 percent of the fee, whether or not the stylist owns the place. When more than one person (stylist, colorist, blower) attends to you, split 15 to 20 percent among them according to how much each contributed to the outcome.

What is proper house cleaner etiquette? ›

To help the cleaners make the most of their time in your home, make it a point to clean up a few things before they arrive. Put toys in toy bins. Clear mail, newspapers, and magazines from the coffee or dining table. Put dishes away and clear off counters.

Should I tip someone who is self-employed? ›

My overall point is that it is not your job to scrutinize this person's business model and decide what her profit margin should be. If you choose to continue to patronize this business, yes – it is now considered standard to tip the person who cuts your hair, even if that person owns the business.

Can you refuse housekeeping at a hotel? ›

Guests no longer felt comfortable letting staff enter their rooms. Hotels bear higher cleaning costs due to new hygiene regulations. The proliferation of opt-in and opt-out housekeeping was the result. In both cases, guests can choose whether they want a daily room cleaning during their stay.

Is it rude to not tip room service? ›

Tipping for room service is expected in destinations where tipping is customary and when a room service charge has not already been added to the bill.

Is $2 enough to tip housekeeping in a motel a night? ›

At a mid-range or business hotel, the American Hotel & Lodging Association (AHLA) suggests tipping housekeeping $1–$5 per night.

Do you stay home when someone cleans your house? ›

No, you do not have to be home when the cleaning crew arrives to clean your house. In fact, some cleaning companies may prefer that you not be home while they clean just so they can clean more efficiently and not be sidetracked.

How much to give a cleaning lady for Christmas? ›

Housekeeper. Up to one week's pay and/or a gift. According to a CreditCards.com poll, 47 percent of U.S. adults who have a housekeeper said they gave them a tip during the holidays, an average of $50.

Do you tip cleaners who work for themselves? ›

If you hire a cleaner who works for themselves, the best thing to do is to pay a fair amount for each cleaning. If you are paying a living wage, then tipping isn't necessary. We'd never tell you not to tip if you want to, but it's not required.

What should I tip my cleaning lady for Christmas? ›

Cleaning service: Tip 15 to 20 percent throughout the year; if the same crew cleans your apartment each time, a holiday tip (one week's pay) is appreciated.

What is the etiquette for tipping room service? ›

Room service: If the hotel hasn't already added a gratuity, tip this person the same way you would a server or bartender in the restaurant downstairs: 15% to 20%.

How much to tip housekeeping at all inclusive? ›

Generally, some people aim for tipping housekeeping staff $5 USD per night or double that depending on how messy the room may be.

How much do you tip a hotel attendant? ›

Tipping cheat sheet
Low EndHigh End
Room service15%.20%.
Luggage Attendants$1 per bag.
2 more rows
Jul 18, 2022

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