TikTok's new monetization feature invites creators to make video ads for a chance to earn money | TechCrunch (2024)

TikTok is introducing a new way for creators to earn money on its platform. The company announced on Tuesday that it’s launching the “TikTok Creative Challenge,” a new monetization feature that allows creators to submit video ads to brand challenges and receive money based on video performance. TikTok Creative Challenge is currently in testing as with select brands.

To be eligible for the new feature, creators must be at least 18 years old and have a US-based account with a minimum of 50,000 followers. Once enrolled in the TikTok Creative Challenge, creators will be able to browse through a list of challenges, and view the reward pool, additional details and requirements.

“Submissions should be high-quality, well-edited, original content,” TikTok explained in a blog post. “Once submitted and approved, creators can see the status of their submissions, view performance and check monthly earnings. Rewards are influenced by many factors, including qualified video views, clicks and conversions. Creators will receive notifications for their submissions if revisions are necessary, with the option to revise or appeal.”

Videos that creators submit will not be displayed on their profiles. If their video is approved, it will run as an ad on the app’s For You Feed.

TikTok says creators who are enrolled in the program will get access to resources, including a dedicated Creator Community group and Mentor Program to connect with other creators.

The idea and premise behind the TikTok Creative Challenge is somewhat similar to that of Pearpop, an LA-based startup that facilities brand-to-creator collaboration as well as creator-to-creator collaboration. Pearpop allows creators and brands to buy collaborations with celebrities like Madonna and creators like Sommer Ray. These celebrities and influencers are able to sell the chance to collaborate with them. Or, they can run “challenges” that invite people to post using a specific prompt or sound on TikTok or Instagram for the chance to receive cash rewards determined by engagement milestones.

TikTok’s new offering follows the same sort of model by helping creators cut down on the amount of time and effort it takes to reach out to brands to try to get brand deals.

It’s worth noting that the new feature comes as TikTok opened its revamped creator fund, called the “Creativity Program Beta,” to all eligible creators in the United States last month. TikTok says the new program is designed to generate higher revenue and unlock more real-world opportunities for creators. To be eligible for the program, creators must have a U.S.-based account, be at least 18 years of age and have at least 10,000 followers and at least 100,000 views in the last 30 days.

The TikTok Creative Challenge is the latest addition to TikTok’s suite of monetization tools, which includes LIVE subscriptions, Series and TikTok Pulse. The company also hastips and gifts monetization features.

TikTok opens up its revamped creator fund to all eligible creators in the US

TikTok's new monetization feature invites creators to make video ads for a chance to earn money | TechCrunch (2024)


TikTok's new monetization feature invites creators to make video ads for a chance to earn money | TechCrunch? ›

The company announced on Tuesday that it's launching the "TikTok Creative Challenge," a new monetization feature that allows creators to submit video ads to brand challenges and receive money based on video performance. TikTok Creative Challenge is currently in testing as with select brands.

Does TikTok pay creators for ads? ›

TikTok's ad-revenue sharing program, Pulse, has been a relatively small piece of the pie when it comes to influencer earnings. Eight creators who shared their monthly earnings, view counts, and revenue for every 1,000 video views (RPM) from the program in 2022 earned anywhere from a few pennies to $17.

What are the TikTok monetization features? ›

TikTok has two main ways for creators to monetize their content: TikTok Creator Fund and TikTok Creator Marketplace. To be eligible for these monetization options, creators must meet certain requirements.

What is the new ad feature on TikTok? ›

With the Search Ads Toggle, brands can now show up next to content relevant to their business, product or service while providing users with a more personalized ad experience. [1] TikTok Marketing Science Global Retail Path to Purchase Study 2021 conducted by Material.

How do I monetize my TikTok ads? ›

How to Monetize TikTok
  1. Design in-feed ads using the TikTok ads manager. ...
  2. Join the TikTok Creator Next program. ...
  3. Participate in the TikTok Creator Fund. ...
  4. Create videos that drive sales. ...
  5. Use your videos to collect gifts and tips. ...
  6. Discover partnerships in the TikTok Creator Marketplace. ...
  7. Add affiliate links to your profile.
Feb 3, 2022

How much do Tiktokers get paid for sponsored ads? ›

The Creator Fund offers a path toward monetization, but its payouts aren't too impressive. Influencers can expect to earn between $0.02 and $0.04 for every 1,000 views from the Creator Fund. That's $20-40 for every one million views.

How much does TikTok monetization pay? ›

It's estimated that the creator fund pays around 2 to 4 cents per 1,000 views. How much money does one million TikTok views make? A creator who received one million views could make between $20 to $40.

What is the minimum to monetize TikTok? ›

TikTok Monetization Requirements 2023

A legal citizen in one of the 50 states in the U.S., UK, Germany, Italy, France, and Spain. You have minimum organic followers of about 10,000. You met the 100,000 required views before the application in the last 30 days.

How many followers do you need to get monetized on TikTok? ›

How many followers on TikTok to get paid? TikTok has established a Creativity Program to incentivize TikTokers to continue producing short videos. When you have at least 10,000 followers and 100,000 video views in the last 30 days, you can start getting paid on TikTok via the TikTok Creativity Program.

Are TikTok ads worth it? ›

TikTok ads can be worth it if you have a well-defined target audience, are willing to invest in creative content, and closely monitor and optimise your campaigns. However, success on TikTok requires a deep understanding of the platform and its users, so it's essential to approach it strategically.

What kind of ads work on TikTok? ›

8 Types of TikTok Ads
  • #1: TikTok Video Ads. TikTok Video Ads are one of the most common forms of TikTok advertising. ...
  • #2: TikTok Spark Ads. ...
  • #3: TopView Ads. ...
  • #4: TikTok Image Ads. ...
  • #5: Carousel Ads. ...
  • #6: Playable Ads. ...
  • #7: Video Shopping Ads. ...
  • #8: Branded Effects.
Mar 28, 2024

How long can a TikTok ad be? ›

All video ads on TikTok should be between 5 and 60 seconds. Ads less than 5 seconds and more than 60 seconds will not be approved. If the video is too long or too short, add a new ad to your ad group. Saving changes or editing ad creative will trigger an ad review, which may take up to 24 hours to complete.

When can you start monetizing on TikTok? ›

Accounts with more than 1,000 followers on TikTok can start live streaming and monetizing their videos. Users can buy coins that they later give away to users who are making live videos. When content creators make live videos and receive donations or coins, they can exchange them for real money.

Who is eligible for the Creator Fund? ›

TikTok Creator Fund requirements

They are a legal resident of the U.S., U.K., Germany, Italy, France, or Spain. They are at least 18 years old. Their account has at least 10,000 authentic (i.e., not purchased) followers. Their videos have received at least 100,000 authentic views in the 30 days prior to applying.

How much does TikTok pay per 1000 views? ›

How Much Can You Get Paid on TikTok? According to reports from top influencers, TikTok pays around $0.02 and $0.04 for every 1,000 views. These are reports based on payments received through the TikTok Creator Fund.

What are the features of TikTok 1000 followers? ›

What Happens Once You Get 1,000 Followers on TikTok?
  • Live gifts.
  • Live QnA's.
  • Live donations.
  • Live events.
  • Go Live with other creators and friends.
  • Add links in your bio.
  • Be on the “For You” page more often.

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