Tight Budget? | 7 Ways To Travel On A BUDGET - Becky the Traveller (2024)

There’s no denying travelling is an expensive hobby. I’ve certainly had to compromise over the years. Thankfully, there are plenty of ways to save your pennies when trekking across the globe so that you’re not left completely out of pocket.

Here are seven handy tips if you’re on a tight budget to help you save money during your holidays

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7 Ways to Travel on a Budget

1. Work whilst you travel

Tight Budget? | 7 Ways To Travel On A BUDGET - Becky the Traveller (1)

It might not sound like your idea of fun, but sometimes working whilst travelling provides some of the most unforgettable experiences of the whole trip. A lot of travellers decide to help out overseas with activities such as teaching English to local children in schools, running camps and excursions and even bartending to get that little bit of extra cash.

Another method of getting an income is through travel blogging. And although it isn’t the easiest way to make money (I promise you it looks harder than it seems), it’s certainly one of the most fun.

Hostels are also a great place to work for free accommodation.

2. Have a daily budget

Although it may seem like an obvious idea, it’s worth stressing that a daily budget is absolutely one of the most helpful methods of saving money when travelling. Planning your expenses in advance means that you’ll never be left out of pocket when you least expect it.

That’s why it’s also important to leave room for any unexpected costs. Things such as medical bills, cancelled accommodation and travel fees could leave your purse looking empty. But by planning in advance you’re minimising the chances. Goats On The Road have published a handy guide detailing just how much they spent per day when travelling through several countries, which may give you an insight into how to do the same yourself.

3. Haggle your way around town

Tight Budget? | 7 Ways To Travel On A BUDGET - Becky the Traveller (2)

The art of haggling is one you’re going to have to master. If you’re a noticeable tourist, browsing the marketplaces and stores in your location will lead to extortionate costs if you’re not willing to negotiate. Visiting Morocco the souks in Marrakech I quickly learnt the art of haggling.

Vendors will take advantage of you if they see you’re an inexperienced tourist with money. So be prepared to have to haggle prices down to what they should be. Don’t become irate or frustrated, though – this usually isn’t appreciated.

You might like to read about tips for travelling in Marrakech

4. Don’t book in advance

One thing about travelling is you’ll become extremely spontaneous, deciding to ditch plans last minute for something more exciting. Buzzfeed recommends avoiding booking things in advance for that exact reason. As you’ll be forced to stay somewhere that you aren’t enjoying or have to fork out cancellation fees if you decide to do something else.

Go with the flow and avoid wasting money on things you’ve booked way too eagerly.

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5. Stay in hostels or try Couchsurfing

Tight Budget? | 7 Ways To Travel On A BUDGET - Becky the Traveller (3)

You’re going to have to expect less luxury if you’re travelling on a tight budget. Hostels are an obvious choice for accommodation, and although your skin might crawl at the thought, they are nowhere near as bad as you may expect.

Travellers often flock to the cheap shared rooms due to their low costs and adequate facilities – some even offer catering. But how about taking it one step further and couch surfing, as suggested by The Secret Traveller. There are a select few websites now that locals have advertised spare rooms on. So if you’re looking for a genuine insight into the local culture, this is the way to do it.

Want to know more about hostels? What to expect staying in a hostel dorm room

6. Fly really early or really late

Tight Budget? | 7 Ways To Travel On A BUDGET - Becky the Traveller (4)

You may have to sacrifice a lie-in for an early flight if you want to save a bit of money. They say the early bird catches the worm and in this case, it couldn’t be truer – choosing to fly either early in the morning or during the night could save you a lot of money as opposed to flying during the day.

Consider flying during the week, too, as flying on a weekend is sure to see the prices hike up due to how many others are looking to travel at the same time. And make sure that you aren’t travelling during peak times, such as school holidays – this again will see prices soar.

Check flight + hotel prices now

7. Use your feet as your main method of transport

Tight Budget? | 7 Ways To Travel On A BUDGET - Becky the Traveller (5)

Okay, so you may feel tired and get the urge to hail a taxi. Don’t do it! Walking around is the best method of transport when travelling – you’ll be moving at your own pace, taking in the surroundings and saving your pennies at the same time.

Taxis are another way for locals to take advantage and get more money from you than they should, as echoed by Nomadic Matt.And if you do resort to catching one, ensure it’s properly licensed and registered so you’re not left paying much more than you should. Try to avoid them anyway, in favour of walking and catching the bus if necessary.

Bonus Tip

Tight Budget? | 7 Ways To Travel On A BUDGET - Becky the Traveller (6)

When you arrive in a new city of destination be sure to check out what FREE tours they offer. Many cities offer free walking tours, I’ve joined a few in Europe – Stockholm, Budapest and Reykjavik. And they are even doing them in the Middle East now! Read about this Doha City Tour with Qatar Airways!

Read more free ideas here:

  • 3 days in Budapest
  • Things to do in Budapest
  • Free things to do in Reyjkavik

How do you save money when travelling? Have you got any more great tips for those on a tight budget? Tell me in the comments below

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*Becky the Traveller participates in the Amazon Services Associates Programme, as well as other affiliateprogrammes. If you make a purchase through these, I earn from the qualifying links. This is at no extra cost to you. Read more here.

Tight Budget? | 7 Ways To Travel On A BUDGET - Becky the Traveller (2024)


What is the most cost-effective way to travel? ›

These are the ways I save money on my flights.
  • Couch Surf or House Sit. ...
  • Book as Far Out as Possible. ...
  • Visit a Cheaper Destination. ...
  • Travel in the Off Season or Shoulder Season. ...
  • Skip that Coffee. ...
  • Eat Out Less. ...
  • Start in Advance. The best way to save up is slowly over time. ...
  • Like It? Pin it For Later.

How can I save 100 or more when traveling? ›

Traveling on a Budget: 10 Tips to Save Cash
  1. Plan ahead. ...
  2. Create a budget before the trip. ...
  3. Travel during off-peak seasons. ...
  4. Check Groupon and LivingSocial for savings. ...
  5. Avoid hotels when possible. ...
  6. Look for discounts before you go. ...
  7. Travel with a friend. ...
  8. Don't be afraid to haggle.

Can I get paid to travel? ›

You can find opportunities with tour companies and agencies, or even start your own tours. This is one of the best ways to get paid to travel abroad. You can consider a job at a hotel, resort, or hostel in a popular tourist destination.

How much of your budget should go to travel? ›

Miller recommends using the 70/20/10 breakdown. This means 70 percent of your income should go toward household expenses, including debt. Twenty percent should be put into savings, including retirement. That leaves 10 percent of your income for wants, including travel, or for additional savings.

What is the cheapest travel method in USA? ›

Here are 5 inexpensive methods of travel within the United States:
  • Use smaller regional airports over national ones. ...
  • If you're going a long distance, trains tend to be cheaper than flights. ...
  • Use credit cards for more daily transactions. ...
  • Take a bus. ...
  • Rent a car rather than drive your own.
Mar 23, 2024

What is the cheapest means of travel? ›

Railways are the cheapest mode of transport in India because it covers long distance with less fare compared to other modes of transportation.

What is the 50 30 20 rule? ›

The 50-30-20 rule recommends putting 50% of your money toward needs, 30% toward wants, and 20% toward savings.

How to save $5000 in 100 days? ›

The 100-envelope challenge is pretty straightforward: You take 100 envelopes, number each of them and then save the corresponding dollar amount in each envelope. For instance, you put $1 in “Envelope 1,” $2 in “Envelope 2,” and so on. By the end of 100 days, you'll have saved $5,050.

How to save for a vacation on a tight budget? ›

7 Ways to Save for a Vacation and Tips for Planning
  1. Budget for your vacation early.
  2. Utilize cash back rewards credit cards.
  3. Earn extra money to pay for the vacation.
  4. Start cutting back on expenses – and put them toward your vacation.
  5. Get serious about budgeting your nonvacation expenses.
  6. Go on a “money hunt.”
May 10, 2023

Which country is the cheapest to visit? ›

The 10 Cheapest Countries to Visit
  1. Laos. Average daily cost: $15.
  2. Indonesia. Average daily cost: $60. ...
  3. Thailand. Average daily cost: $84. ...
  4. Hungary. Average daily cost: $87. ...
  5. Costa Rica. Average daily cost: $118. ...
  6. Mexico. Average daily cost: $128. ...
  7. Dominican Republic. Average daily cost: $131. ...
  8. Turkey. Average daily cost: $141. ...

What app pays you to travel? ›

Meet Triip: the only app that pays you to travel. You pay for apps, apps don't typically pay you. The money is usually going in one direction, not the other. Except with Triip.

How to make money fast? ›

How to make money fast
  1. Become a rideshare driver. ...
  2. 2. Make deliveries. ...
  3. Help others with simple, everyday tasks. ...
  4. Pet sit. ...
  5. Sell clothes and accessories online. ...
  6. Sell unused gift cards. ...
  7. Earn a bank bonus. ...
  8. Take surveys.

How much is a trip to Hawaii? ›

$9,574: Four-star beachfront resort, with a seven-day rental car. $6,488: Three-star hotel, with a 10-minute walk to the beach and a rental car for two days. $4,936: Low-cost condo within walking distance to the beach, tightly budgeted meals and a two-day rental car.

How much do retirees spend on travel? ›

Budgeting for travel in retirement can be a bit trickier than during your working years when that expense just comes out of a bank account that rebuilds itself with your paychecks. Generally, the travel expense we suggest for our clients ranges from an annual amount of $10,000 up to $50,000.

Is 5000 enough for a trip? ›

On a $5,000 budget, you'll be able to spend a week at a nice all-inclusive resort while still having extra cash for airfare and day trips.

How to take a vacation cheaply? ›

10 tips to take a vacation for less than $500
  1. Make a swap for a free stay. ...
  2. Head to the great outdoors. ...
  3. Don't settle for high rental-car costs. ...
  4. Use flight and gas trackers. ...
  5. Pack light. ...
  6. Consider hotels that offer more than just a room. ...
  7. Stay near the action. ...
  8. Time your trip right.

Is it cheaper to fly or drive? ›

For shorter trips, driving will usually be cheaper, unless you have rewards miles or you get an awesome deal on your plane ticket. But it makes sense to check! BeFrugal.com has a Fly or Drive calculator that can estimate the true costs of driving vs. flying to any destination.

Is driving the cheapest way to travel? ›

For the shortest trip, driving is slightly more economical than flying. But for the longer cross-country trip, flying is far cheaper. And keep in mind that this only considers solo drivers. Families or friends traveling in one vehicle can save money by driving, even on longer routes.

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Name: Lidia Grady

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Introduction: My name is Lidia Grady, I am a thankful, fine, glamorous, lucky, lively, pleasant, shiny person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.