The Vault of RubRub (2024)

The Vault of RubRub (1)

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The Vault of RubRub (2)

Work in Progress!

Pardon our dust! The Vault of RubRub might appear to be incomplete. More content for this page will be added, so don't worry if you feel like this page is canceled.

The Vault of RubRub has been added in Update 3.1.


  • 1 Unlocking
  • 2 Dialogues
    • 2.1 General responses
    • 2.2 Hints
    • 2.3 Responses to incorrect codes
    • 2.4 Responses to correct codes
    • 2.5 Responses to same codes
    • 2.6 Introductory dialogues
      • 2.6.1 When unable to enter
      • 2.6.2 When able to enter
        • Before entering
        • After entering
  • 3 Exchanging Amethysts
  • 4 The code: "treasure"
    • 4.1 Places where it can be found
    • 4.2 If you have found the red key
  • 5 Rewards
  • 6 Audio
  • 7 Gallery


  1. Enable the option: "Just don't"
  2. Go to The Chamber of Time and say "RubRub" 5 times. The Gatekeeper will say: "Fine, if you want to visit his guardian, go to The Keymaster"
  3. Once you go the The Vault of Secrets, say "RubRub" one more time, the Keymaster will say: "His guardian is at the Treasure Room, now go away!"
  4. You need to say "RubRub" one more time, and the Keymaster will say: "Fine, to have his door unlocked, complete the Demon Gauntlet, now go away!"
  5. Beat the Demon Gauntlet.
  6. Once you beat it, go to the Treasure Room, and go to Scratch and Potbor's page. Click on the ground, and a door will appear.
  7. To unlock the door, need to have at least 15 Amethysts and 50 secret coins.
  8. If they won't let you in, kick their eyes.
  9. If they still don't budge, say "your mom" and he will run away.


General responses[]

There are 30 general responses which are cycled through in the same order and will repeat once reaching the end.

  • I have heard about you..
  • You won't like it when he sees you here...
  • Go away...
  • Now...
  • Please...
  • ...
  • ...
  • Why are you still here?
  • You are not leaving, are you?
  • Finally he le.. Why are you still in here?
  • Please, leave...
  • What are you waiting for?
  • For RubRub?
  • Just... Click on the arrow...
  • Why are you not clicking it?
  • This is getting annoying.
  • Why are you in here?
  • Just, stop bothering me!
  • Fine, i won't say anything!
  • ...
  • ...
  • ...
  • ...
  • ...
  • ...
  • GAH!
  • You don't like silence, do you?
  • Just, leave before RubRub sees you...
  • Should have hid this room better...
  • How did you even get in here?


A series of hints or riddles in green text can appear between any general response to help guess the codes. Once a code has been entered, the corresponding hint will not be shown again.

  • I whistle, but i don't have a mouth,
    • I fly, but i don't have wings,
    • the higher you are, the stronger I become.
    • What am I? (relating to "wind")
  • I start with the letter E
    • I end with the letter E
    • I contain only one letter
    • Yet I am not the letter E
    • What am I? (relating to "envelope")
  • I heard what you did (Only if you stole the Keymaster's Coin.)
    • You little thief
    • You took the Keymaster's coin
    • I know what you're thinking
    • But you will never get my coin
    • Too hard for you... (relating to [RobTop in Hexadecimal])
  • Sometimes, i think about the word:
    • "RubRub"
    • What does that even mean?
    • And I noticed something interesting:
    • PotBor is RobTop reversed... (relating to "BurBur")
  • My thunder comes before my lightning
    • My lightning comes before my rain
    • My rain dries up all the land it touches
    • What am I? (relating to "unoriginal")
  • I speak without a mouth,
    • I hear without ears.
    • I have no body, but i come alive with wind.
    • What am I? (relating to "echo")
  • Look at those shinies, (only if the player has amethysts)
    • The purple ones,
    • RubRub needs some of those.
    • And you need some blue ones, right?
    • Let's make a deal! (relating to "ineed[some number divisible by 25]shinies")
  • I'm simple for a few people.
    • But hard for them to hear.
    • I live inside of secrets.
    • I bring people's worst fears.
    • What am I? (relating to "truth")

Responses to incorrect codes[]

Entering an incorrect code will return any of these responses:

  • [Username], go away.
  • Give up...
  • No...
  • Wrong...
  • Go away!
  • RubRub will be angry!
  • You won't like it when I'm angry...
  • Please, leave...
  • Don't say it again!
  • Nothing happened...

Responses to correct codes[]

  • Clever, you are! (wind)
  • Wow... (envelope)
  • NOO!! MY COIN! THIEF!!! (526f62546f70)
  • How did you know that's my name? (BurBur)
  • Oh, i forgot that... (unoriginal)
  • Echo, echo, echo... (echo)
  • I'm impressed... (truth)
  • Bring me the red key! (treasure)
  • Thanks for the searching! (ifoundit (if you actually found the key))

Responses to same codes[]

Much like general responses, these are also cycled (Only triggered when you didn't input at least 5 other codes between the same codes. If you inputted less than 5 other codes, the sequence will continue.).

  • (Usual response)
  • (Usual response)
  • ...
  • .....
  • Can you remember at least the last 5 codes?
  • You are just trying to make me mad...
  • Silence! (If you wait 10 minutes here or later, the sequence will start over. (Only if you're in the Vault of RubRub, does the timer starts/continues))
  • Alright, you made me mad...
  • I'm gonna make you mad! (Timer stops at all costs.)
  • (Kicks you from the Vault of RubRub for 15 minutes) (Timer restarts.)
  • You fool!
  • Here's your reward: (Timer stops at all costs.)
  • (Kicks you from All vaults for 30 minutes) (Timer restarts.)
  • Let me get this clear...
  • You are the Annoying Orange (REFERENCE), right? (If you stole his coin: You're thief that I'm nice to, right?)
  • Then I should be kicking you out... (Timer stops at all costs.) (At this point, nothing works to save you from the ban...)
  • Or should i say: BANNING YOU OUT!
  • (Kicks you from all vaults and shops for 1 day)

Introductory dialogues[]

When unable to enter[]

It's out of order

  • You shall not pass!
  • You are not ready...
  • Go, complete some levels...
  • RubRub won't like this...
  • This is RubRub's room!
  • You are not worthy...

When able to enter[]

It's in order

Before entering[]
  • Okay, look...
  • If you have gone through all of this trouble,
  • I'm gonna open the door...
  • Just, don't come often...
  • Okay?
After entering[]

5 responses before general responses:

  • Welcome, to the Vault of RubRub!
  • It's much like other vaults, except it's for RubRub!
  • Just, don't remember the path you taken to get here...
  • RubRub doesn't like guests...
  • Especially unwanted ones...

Exchanging Amethysts[]

In order to exchange amethysts, type in "ineed[some number divisible by 25]shinies". If you have amethysts, RubRub's Guardian will say:

The Vault of RubRub (4)

RubRub's Guardian
Fair enough, here are your shinies...

He will exchange your amethysts to diamonds. 1 amethyst = 25 diamonds (the time it takes to exchange 1 amethyst is 0.5 seconds). If you don't have enough amethysts to get the desired amount of diamonds, he will say:

The Vault of RubRub (5)

RubRub's Guardian
You only have [number of amethysts] amethysts. I can only exchange [number of diamonds you get] shinies of the desired [number of diamonds inputted] shinies...

The code: "treasure"[]

In order to complete the "treasure" code/quest, you need to find a red key. The red key's place is random (meaning you can't watch a video showcasing where it is. (only if it will be in GD which probably won't happen...)).

Places where it can be found[]

There are 24(+21 if we count every RobTop level as one place) places where the key can be found, so... it can be almost everywhere! Here is the list:

  • In the Shopkeeper's shop. (From 2000 to 5000 mana orbs.) (Only prices divisible by 500)
  • In Scratch's shop. (From 5000 to 25000 mana orbs.) (Only prices divisible by 1000)
  • In Potbor's shop. (From 4000 to 10000 mana orbs.) (Only prices divisible by 2000)
  • Behind the Vault title. (To get the key, click on the title.)
  • Behind the Vault of Secrets title. (To get the key, click on the title.)
  • Behind the Chamber of Time title. (To get the key, click on the title.)
  • In a gray treasure chest. (If you opened all of them, it can't be here.)
  • In a golden treasure chest. (If you opened all of them, it can't be here.)
  • In the Daily level. (Rewarded when completed.) (The key will be still in the Daily level even though the daily is different.)
  • In the Weekly demon. (Rewarded when completed.) (Same as Daily level except for the Weekly demon.)
  • In any RobTop level. (Even if you completed it once, you have to complete it again.)
  • In the Cube kit. (In a randomly placed lock. If you click on it, you will obtain the key.)
  • In the Ship kit. (In a randomly placed lock. If you click on it, you will obtain the key.)
  • In the Ball kit. (In a randomly placed lock. If you click on it, you will obtain the key.)
  • In the UFO kit. (In a randomly placed lock. If you click on it, you will obtain the key.)
  • In the Robot kit. (In a randomly placed lock. If you click on it, you will obtain the key.)
  • In the Spider kit. (In a randomly placed lock. If you click on it, you will obtain the key.)
  • In the Trail kit. (In a randomly placed lock. If you click on it, you will obtain the key.)
  • In the Death effect kit. (In a randomly placed lock. If you click on it, you will obtain the key.)
  • In the More games tab.
  • In the Options menu. (Randomly placed, it will look almost like this: [] Get Red Key)
  • In the Level editor. (The key will be randomly placed in the Level editor building materials. Example: blocks/spikes/orbs/portals...)
  • In a level. (It's not in a specific level, it's just when the game chose this option, you have to complete a non Daily or Weekly level.)
  • In a vault code. (In any vault, and you need to type a code of the vault. If you typed in that code already, you need to type it in again. (Yes, cod3breaker could be one...))

If you have found the red key[]

Go to the Vault of RubRub, and enter the code: "ifoundit" (Only works if you actually found the key. If you didn't find it, and typed in "ifoundit", the game is gonna treat it like an incorrect code.).


Name of the achievements

  • As fast as i am! (wind)
  • Email! (envelope)
  • RubRub is not happy... ([RobTop in Hexadecimal])
  • Alapot Trebor! (BurBur)
  • Indeed it is! (unoriginal)
  • Empty room! (echo)
  • Shiny business! (ineed[some number divisible by 25]shinies when exchanged at least 250 diamonds for 10 amethysts.)
  • False! (truth)
  • Indiana Jones! (ifoundit)

The Vault of RubRub (6)

Rewarded when typing "wind" in the Vault of RubRub.

The Vault of RubRub (7)

Rewarded when typing "envelope" in the Vault of RubRub.

The Vault of RubRub (8)

Rewarded when typing "BurBur" in the Vault of RubRub.

The Vault of RubRub (9)

Rewarded when typing "unoriginal" in the Vault of RubRub.

The Vault of RubRub (10)

Rewarded when typing "echo" in the Vault of RubRub.

The Vault of RubRub (11)

Rewarded when exchanging at least 10 amethysts in the Vault of RubRub.

The Vault of RubRub (12)

Rewarded when typing "truth" in the Vault of RubRub.

The Vault of RubRub (13)

Rewarded when typing "ifoundit" in the Vault of RubRub.


Here will be the audios.

The Vault of RubRub Loop by RobTop:


The Vault of RubRub (14)

Vault of RubRub

The Vault of RubRub (15)


The Vault of RubRub (16)

BurBur Dialogue

The Vault of RubRub (2024)


What are the answers for the vault of secrets? ›

All Active Vault of Secrets Codes
  • Robotop – Robot.
  • Octocube – the Octopus-Shaped Icon.
  • Brain Power – the Brain-Shaped Icon.
  • Seven – Finn (Adventure Time) Icon.
  • thechickenisonfire – Swamp Green color.
  • The Challenge – Vault Keepers level.
  • Gimmiethecolor – Dark Red color.
Jan 16, 2024

What is the code for the vault of RubRub? ›

If you have found the red key

Go to the Vault of RubRub, and enter the code: "ifoundit" (Only works if you actually found the key.

What do you say in the vault in Geometry Dash? ›

Let's Start out with the vault codes.
  • "Spooky" Unlocks a Shy-Guy icon.
  • "Lenny" Unlocks a Lenny Face icon.
  • "(Your Geometry Dash Username)" Unlocks a Big Eye icon.
  • "Mule" Unlocks a Satellite ship.
  • "Blockbite" Unlocks a Monster-Like UFO.
  • "Neverending" Unlocks a Spiky UFO.
  • "Ahead" Unlocks a Spaceship wave.
Feb 1, 2017

What are some codes for the vault of secrets in Geometry Dash? ›

Active Geometry Dash Vault Codes (June 2024)
  • FINALBOSS — Redeem this code in The Vault. ( ...
  • GIVEMEHELPER — Redeem this code in the Chamber of Time. ( ...
  • BACKONTRACK — Redeem this code in the Chamber of Time. ( ...
  • THECHICKENISREADY — Redeem this code in the Vault of Secrets. (
Dec 29, 2023

What are all the codes for the vault? ›

Let's Start out with the vault codes.
  • "Spooky" Unlocks a Shy-Guy icon.
  • "Lenny" Unlocks a Lenny Face icon.
  • "(Your Geometry Dash Username)" Unlocks a Big Eye icon.
  • "Mule" Unlocks a Satellite ship.
  • "Blockbite" Unlocks a Monster-Like UFO.
  • "Neverending" Unlocks a Spiky UFO.
  • "Ahead" Unlocks a Spaceship wave.
Jan 1, 2017

How to unlock the vault of secrets? ›

The Vault of Secrets is a room of Geometry Dash and Geometry Dash World, being introduced in Update 2.1. It is located through a padlock in the upper right corner of the creator menu and requires 50 diamonds to gain access.

Who is Zolguroth in Geometry Dash? ›

Zolguroth is a cursed soul trapped inside the shop keeper. 1000 years ago he was the right hand man of the demon guardian.

How do you get the coin from the vault of secrets? ›

There are two secret codes that will give you Secret Coins. These codes are listed below: Enter sparky into the regular Vault to get one Secret Coin. Enter glubfub into the Vault of Secrets for another Secret Coin.

What is the password for laser room in Geometry Dash? ›

The password for the level is 352476. The level contains 11,104 objects. Laser Room is the final level in the entirety of the Map Packs. It is one of the most liked and downloaded online Demon levels in Geometry Dash.

What is the password for the aftermath in Geometry Dash? ›

The level's password is 020815.

What are the answers to the vault of secrets? ›

Let's Start out with the vault codes.
  • "Spooky" Unlocks a Shy-Guy icon.
  • "Lenny" Unlocks a Lenny Face icon.
  • "(Your Geometry Dash Username)" Unlocks a Big Eye icon.
  • "Mule" Unlocks a Satellite ship.
  • "Blockbite" Unlocks a Monster-Like UFO.
  • "Neverending" Unlocks a Spiky UFO.
  • "Ahead" Unlocks a Spaceship wave.
Feb 1, 2017

How to unlock the basem*nt in Geometry Dash? ›

  1. Unlock The Basem*nt. - Go to the Vault of Secrets, located in the upper right corner of the directive menu. - Enter code "the challenge" ...
  2. The Blue Key. - Click the blue key slot. ...
  3. The Green Key. - Go to the Treasure Room. ...
  4. The Orange Key. - Click the orange key slot. ...
  5. Free The Demon Guardian. - Return to The Basem*nt.
Apr 10, 2023

How do you unlock the secret level in Geometry Dash? ›

The Challenge is a medium length non-chronological secret level of Geometry Dash Ultimate and the only level of its kind. It is revealed in the Vault of Secrets by entering the code 'the challenge'. 200 diamonds are required to play the level, otherwise the message "You are not prepared.

What is the code for the Counting House Vault? ›

Make sure the party is ungrouped, then cast the Greater Invisibility spell on Astarion so he can cross the hallway undetected. Lockpick the door and enter the Head Banker's Office. Read a book that tells you of an event that happened in the year 1356. That means the code is 1-3-5-6.

Where is the vault in question number 713? ›

Vault 713 is the “top security” vault underneath Gringotts Bank where Dumbledore kept the Philosopher's Stone (PS5). Harry and Hagrid visited the Vault on Harry's eleventh birthday, July 31, 1991. Hagrid showed the Goblins a note from Albus Dumbledore so he could gain access to the Vault.

How many secrets are in key vault? ›

Key Vault does not restrict the number of keys, secrets or certificates that can be stored in a vault. The transaction limits on the vault should be taken into account to ensure that operations are not throttled.

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Author: Laurine Ryan

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Author information

Name: Laurine Ryan

Birthday: 1994-12-23

Address: Suite 751 871 Lissette Throughway, West Kittie, NH 41603

Phone: +2366831109631

Job: Sales Producer

Hobby: Creative writing, Motor sports, Do it yourself, Skateboarding, Coffee roasting, Calligraphy, Stand-up comedy

Introduction: My name is Laurine Ryan, I am a adorable, fair, graceful, spotless, gorgeous, homely, cooperative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.