The Unexpected Times When Washing Clothes Can Be Bad Luck! (2024)

  • When is it bad luck to wash clothes?
  • The days you should avoid doing laundry

Are you a superstitious person? Do you avoid black cats, walking under ladders, never spill salt, and take care not to break mirrors? If you want to ensure the odds are always in your favour, keeping luck on your side is a must.

While most people know about the common superstitions, here's one you may not have considered. It is bad luck to wash your clothes on certain days. Yes, you read that last sentence correctly!

When is it bad luck to wash clothes?

While some may cast it off as an old wives' tale, there are certain days when it's considered unlucky to wash your clothes. Before you grab yourwashing basket and do your laundry, you will want to know when they are. Whether you're using your machine or hand washing, when is it bad luck to wash your clothes, and why?

There are many days it is considered bad luck to do your laundry. However, as you might imagine, no objective evidence suggests that you should not wash your clothes on certain days. This guidewill cover some of the main traditions and common superstitions you need to know about. Whether you follow them is entirely up to you.

The days you should avoid doing laundry

If you're looking for an excuse not to do housework today, you might be in luck. There are plenty of so-called "unlucky days" when you shouldn't do your laundry.Let's look at some of the key days you should avoid doing this household chore.

1. New Year's Day

Age-old wisdom suggests you shouldn't do your laundry on New Year's Day. The superstition says that if you choose this — the first day of the year —to do your washing, you will be washing away good luck or washing away a loved one. Either way, it's something that you might want to avoid. The superstition doesn't simply extend to clothing, either. Ideally, it suggests that you should avoid doing any type of washing on this day.

As if that weren't enough to worry about, you should also avoid removing things from your home on New Year's Day. The reason behind this odd superstition is that people believe you will remove any chance at prosperity. It's probably best to save the decluttering for another day! Put simply, if you want to ensure that the coming year is good and fortunate, you should avoid doing anything.

2. Good Friday

In Christianity, Good Friday commemorates the crucifixion of Jesus. It doesn't land on the same day each year, but — as the name suggests —it's always a Friday. You might want togive it a miss if you're thinking about doing some laundry on this holy day. That's because some Catholics believeit's bad luck to wash your clothes on Good Friday.

This isn't just a laundry tip, though. It's considered unlucky to do any housework on this particular day of the year. The underlying belief is that you will bring misfortune to your family if you choose to do housework at this time. You should also avoid doing any gardening when this day comes around. While not everyone believes this superstition, it's better to be safe than sorry.

3. Chinese New Year

According to Chinese tradition, you should not wash your clothes on the first two days of the year. That is because these days are dedicated to the Water God — a celebration of the god's birthday. If you wash your clothes on these days, it is a sign of disrespect.

Since it is believed that water is tied closely to wealth in Chinese tradition, you don't want to anger the Water God. The ancient myth goes that pouring away the water (after you have done your washing) is the same as pouring your money down the drain.

4. At night

Over in India, some people believeit is bad luck to clean clothes (or anything, for that matter!) at night. The tradition has been passed down through generations, with many people following it without knowing the reason for the superstition.

The general idea is that cleaning at night brings bad luck to the person who does it. Speaking of night time chores, check out these things that organised people do before bed.

5. Easter Sunday

Much like Good Friday, some people think that it is bad luck to clean their clothes on Easter Sunday. While it's unclear where and when this tradition started, the general idea is that Easter Sunday should be a day of rest. Christians should attend mass on this day rather than doing housework or completing household chores, such as the laundry.

It's important to note that nothing in the Christian religion states that doing laundry on Easter Sunday is a sin. It is most likely that this particular tradition originated as an old wives' tale and has been passed around through word of mouth.

6. Thursdays

Washing your clothes on a Thursday may be an unlucky move. While it is difficult to find out where this tradition came from, some people believe this to be an unlucky day. According to one answer on Quora, this myth may date back to when doing the laundry was a long and painstaking task. We're talking before laundry symbolswere a thing! Completing this on a Thursday may have been a bad idea as it would take a long time —seeing you through until Friday.

Since Fridays were usually set aside for cooking before the weekend, that would spell bad news. It may be that this was an old wives' tale that served a purpose at the time. However, there is no way to know where this original myth originated. If you are superstitious and worried about getting bad luck, you can also avoid this particular day.

According to one blog post, if you wash your laundry on a Thursday, you could be in for some serious problems. The writer says that in Bosnia, people believe that washing your clothes on this day will open the portal to hell. Yes, rather than this simply being an unlucky day, it is a day that could shatter the veil between reality and the afterlife.

Of course, there is no way of knowing whether this myth is believed in Bosnia or where it originated. However, if you want to avoid hell opening up below your feet, it may be wise to wait until Friday to do your washing. After all, it's not worth the risk.

7. Sundays

Traditionally seen as a day of rest in some religions (including Christianity), Sundays are generally quiet. It should come as no surprise that some people think it is bad luck to do your laundry on a Sunday. That is likely because you are supposed to be relaxing and contemplating things rather than doing these chores.

Who knew that washing your clothes could be such a risky business? In this guide, we looked at the days when you shouldn't wash your clothes. The next time you need to do your laundry, grab your diary and check that you're not hitting any of these days. While these are simply myths, there's no point in chancing it when it comes to luck.

If you were just looking for an excuse to put off your chores, take a look at our tips on how to make cleaning fun.


Want to know more about these laundry-based superstitions? Okay, we've got you covered. Here are some of the frequently asked questions about this subject:

Can you do washing on Boxing Day?

Yes! If you want to wash your clothes on Boxing Day, we don't know of any reason that you shouldn't do so. Using that quiet time between Christmas and New Year to get on top of some housework will always be a good move.

Can you wash clothes on Good Friday?

Technically, the answer is yes. If you are not Catholic or superstitious, there is no reason that you should avoid doing your laundry on this day. However, as we have mentioned, some Catholics believe that it is bad luck to wash your clothes on Good Friday.

Is it unlucky to do washing on New Year's Day?

Many people believe doing your laundry on New Year's Day is unlucky. If you want to play it safe, it may be worth waiting until 2nd January to do your next load. Equally, in Chinese tradition, washing your clothes on the first two days of the Chinese New Year is unlucky. This move could anger the Water God and bring you bad luck.

Do you know any other strange superstitions? Let us know in the comments below!

The Unexpected Times When Washing Clothes Can Be Bad Luck! (2024)


What day is bad luck to wash clothes? ›

Another superstition, this is American folklore: don't wash clothes on New Year's Day. If you clean clothes on Jan. 1, you may wash away a member of your family in the coming year — meaning someone will die. Not to mention sending a year of good fortune down the drain.

What is the superstition about washing clothes? ›

Don't wash those clothes

This is an odd one. According to folklore, if you wash clothes on New Year's Day, you'll be “washing for the dead” or washing a loved one away -- meaning someone in your household will die in the coming year. Get your laundry washed, dried, folded and put away by New Year's Eve.

When should you not do laundry? ›

Don't do laundry on New Year's Day, or a member of the family will be washed away (i.e., die) during the coming year. Doing laundry on New Year's Day will wash a year of good fortune down the drain. Don't do laundry on New Year's Day, or you will have more laundry than usual to do all year.

Why shouldn't we wash clothes on Thursday? ›

According to Vastu Shastra, Brihaspati rules the northeast portion of the house. It also influences the children and the younger members of the family. Additionally, the direction also controls religion and education. Thus, it is forbidden to wash clothes on Thursday and discard garbage.

What day should you not wash? ›

One of the most common New Year superstitions is that no loads of laundry should be done on January 1. Yet some go one step further and follow a tradition that any dirty clothes should remain untouched from Christmas all the way up until New Year's Day.

What day are you not supposed to clean on? ›

People believe that if you do clean on January 1, you end up sweeping away all of the good luck that's stored away in your home for that coming year, so you wait until January 2 to complete your household chores like laundry, dishes and tidying up instead.

Why should we not wash clothes in the evening? ›

Doing so can allow mold or bacterial growth that makes the clothes smell bad. It can also result in transfer of dyes that are not colorfast. If you choose to wash clothes at night, put them in the dryer before turning in to bed.

What are the risks of washing clothes? ›

Gerba: Studies have shown that skin, blood, feces and saliva-borne pathogens can be transmitted by laundry. Laundry is a collector of human bodily waste, in addition to food and dirt from normal daily activities. Reynolds: If someone is sick in the home, the laundry may be contaminated.

Is it rude to wash clothes at night? ›

The Timing Element: Timing is crucial. Not all “night” times are created equal. According to the Sleep Foundation, adults typically need between 7 and 9 hours of sleep every night, usually between 10 PM and 7 AM. Therefore, laundry exercises after 10 PM mildly toe the line of decency, crossing over to impoliteness.

What time should you stop doing laundry? ›

To be more precise, the best time to do laundry to save electricity is the off-peak hours. These hours start from 11 pm to 7 am, and the unit consumption is low during this time and when you run your washing machine for an hour or two non-stop, it won't take a lot of electricity.

What time is best to wash clothes? ›

Most people will see that they have a lower tariff overnight, usually between 11 pm and 7 am. This is the best time to do your washing as you'll save money. Saving money on electricity is only part of the equation.

Why shouldn't you hang clothes at night? ›

If you live in a moist environment and dew does form outside overnight, then the dew will settle on your clothes and your clothes will not dry, they might even become wetter. So it depends on the humidity in the area you are drying the clothes.

Which days should we not wash hair? ›

It is considered prohibited for married women to wash their hair on Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday. If a married woman washes her hair on this day, it may anger Goddess Lakshmi. In contrast, Friday is dedicated to Goddess Lakshmi so they can wash their hair on Friday to please the Goddess.

What is the best day to wash clothes? ›

This means it is best to do laundry during off-peak hours or when other households use energy less frequently. Generally, off-peak hours are between 11:00pm and 7:00am on weekdays and all day on weekends and holidays, but check with your local energy provider for more details.

Is it OK to shower on Thursday? ›

It is believed that Goddess Lakshmi gets upset if men or women wash their hair, trim them or cut their nails. Thursdays are considered to be the day of Laxmi-Narayan and hence getting a haircut or washing them, in addition to cutting your nails and shaving is said to be inauspicious.

What day is traditionally laundry day? ›

Monday as washday is a very old tradition, based on pure practicality. Before the automatic washing machines, doing laundry was an all-day task. Then drying and ironing might take most of the week (depending on the climate) and the whole thing had to be out of the way by Sunday, the official day of rest.

What days should I do my laundry? ›

Most people prefer weekends or holidays the best time to do laundry to save electricity only because of their light schedule. The reason for this approach is that the unit consumption these days is lower than the ones on weekdays hence, it is the perfect time to do laundry to save money.

Can we wash clothes on Friday? ›

A: This has no basis in Deen. It is permissible to wash one's clothing on any day of the week. And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best.

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