The Ultimate Guide to Heavy Duty Tarps: Types and Applications (2024)

Heavy-duty tarps are unsung heroes in the world of outdoor protection. From construction sites to camping adventures, these rugged covers provide invaluable shelter and shielding. In this comprehensive guide, we will delve into the various types of heavy-duty tarps and explore their diverse applications. Whether you're a DIY enthusiast, a professional in need of industrial-grade protection, or a camper braving the elements, understanding heavy-duty tarps will enhance your preparedness and peace of mind.

Types of Heavy-Duty Tarps

1. Polyethylene Tarps

Polyethylene tarps, commonly known as poly tarps, are among the most versatile and widely used in the heavy-duty category. These tarps are crafted from woven strands of polyethylene, coated with a waterproof layer. They come in various thicknesses and are available in different colors.


Construction sites: Protect equipment and materials from rain and debris.

Camping: Create a durable ground cover, shelter, or rainfly.

Agriculture: Cover crops, hay, and farm equipment.

2. Vinyl Tarps

Vinyl tarps are renowned for their durability and resistance to harsh weather conditions. Made from polyester vinyl-coated (PVC) material also known as vinyl corene, they are exceptionally tough and long-lasting. Vinyl tarps are often chosen when maximum protection is needed.


Truck and trailer covers: Shield cargo from rain, snow, and UV rays.

Industrial use: Cover machinery, construction materials, and outdoor storage.

Heavy-duty outdoor events: Provide reliable shelter for outdoor gatherings.

3. Canvas Tarps

Canvas tarps are favored for their breathability and natural appearance. Typically made from cotton or a cotton-polyester blend, these tarps are strong and resistant to tears.


Artistic projects: Ideal for painting canvases and DIY crafts.

Landscaping: Protect trees and shrubs during winter months.

Camping and hiking: Create a rustic, breathable shelter.

4. Mesh Tarps

Mesh tarps are unique due to their porous construction. They are designed to allow air and light to pass through while providing some level of protection against the elements. Mesh tarps are commonly used in specialized applications.

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Shade structures: Offer relief from the sun in outdoor areas.

Privacy screens: Maintain privacy on construction sites or events.

Windbreaks: Reduce wind speed in agricultural settings.

5. Fire Retardant Tarps

Fire retardant tarps are essential for situations where fire safety is paramount. These tarps are treated with fire-resistant chemicals to minimize the risk of ignition.


Welding and construction sites: Prevent sparks from causing fires.

Camping in wildfire-prone areas: Enhance safety in fire-prone regions.

Outdoor cooking and grilling: Protect nearby surfaces from flare-ups.

Applications of Heavy-Duty Tarps

1. Construction and Industrial Use

Heavy-duty tarps are indispensable on construction sites. They protect equipment, building materials, and workers from the elements. Polyethylene and vinyl tarps are commonly used for covering scaffolding, securing materials, and providing temporary shelter.

2. Camping and Outdoor Adventures

Camping enthusiasts appreciate heavy-duty tarps for their durability and versatility. These tarps can serve as ground covers, rainflys, shelters, and windbreaks. Canvas tarps, in particular, are popular for their breathable nature and natural aesthetic.

3. Transport and Cargo Protection

Truck drivers and logistics professionals rely on heavy-duty tarps to secure and protect cargo during transit. Vinyl tarps are often chosen for their waterproof properties, ensuring that goods arrive at their destination intact and dry.

4. Agriculture and Farming

In agriculture, heavy-duty tarps play a crucial role in protecting crops and equipment. They can be used to cover hay, shelter animals, and safeguard farming machinery from rain and UV damage.

5. Recreation and Outdoor Events

Outdoor events such as fairs, festivals, and sports games often require temporary shelters and shade structures. Mesh and vinyl tarps are used to create canopies, booths, and seating areas, ensuring the comfort of attendees.


Heavy-duty tarps are versatile tools that find applications in a wide range of settings. Understanding the types of tarps available and their respective uses is essential for making the right choice. Whether you're safeguarding your camping trip from rain, protecting valuable cargo during transportation, or securing a construction site from the elements, there's a heavy-duty tarp designed for your needs.

With the knowledge gained from this guide, you can make informed decisions and ensure that you have the right tarp for any situation. So, embrace the durability and protection heavy-duty tarps offer and elevate your outdoor experiences and professional projects. If you need help with tarps, you can contact Tarp Supply Inc.

The Ultimate Guide to Heavy Duty Tarps: Types and Applications (2024)


The Ultimate Guide to Heavy Duty Tarps: Types and Applications? ›

Tarps made mostly of polyethylene are more durable, stronger, and have a more waterproof ability as compared to other types of material like canvas. Nylon ground covers and polyethylene mesh tarps are more lightweight and allow shade from the sun while still being breathable.

What is the strongest type of tarp? ›

Tarps made mostly of polyethylene are more durable, stronger, and have a more waterproof ability as compared to other types of material like canvas. Nylon ground covers and polyethylene mesh tarps are more lightweight and allow shade from the sun while still being breathable.

What is the best thickness for a tarp? ›

The larger the number, the thicker the tarp. Typical light weight blue tarps found in most retail or hardware stores are about 6 mils. If you are planning a heavy duty use, such as covering a carport, consider a heavy duty tarp at 11 to 12 mils or a super heavy duty tarp at 23 mils.

How do I figure out what size tarp I need? ›

The trick here is to measure from the top of the object down as far as you want the tarp to drape, double this number and then add that number to the length and width. So if you want the tarp to drape down 2 metres on all 4 sides you need to add 4 metres to the length and width measurements. It's that simple.

What is the most waterproof tarp? ›

Some of the most popular waterproof products are Vinyl Tarps. They are durable and versatile. Vinyl Tarps are frequently utilized for industrial, equipment, storage, transportation, and domestic purposes.

What tarp doesn t rip? ›

100% VIRGIN POLYETHYLENE: Most tarps are made with recycled or mixed materials. Core Tarps, on the other hand, uses pure, virgin, non-recycled polyethylene, that's why our multipurpose tarp is super durable and won't tear, rip or rot. Core Tarps heavy duty poly tarp is built to last.

What tarp lasts the longest? ›

Vinyl Tarps

As they're designed for industrial use, they are strong and resist tearing. Expect these tarps to last several years in severe conditions like heat, heavy rain or snow, or cold temperatures.

What is the most useful tarp size? ›

For a solo camper, a tarp measuring 7' x 9' is a good size, while a 8' x 9' tarp will be big enough for two. If buying a tarp for hammock camping, you will want to consider the length of your hammock. You want a tarp that extends about 8-12 inches past the ends of your hammock.

What is the difference between heavy duty and medium duty tarps? ›

Medium-duty poly tarps are suitable for covering boats, machinery, caravans, or pools. They can also be used to cover roofs if they're secured well. Heavy-duty poly tarps are suitable for covering roofs in exposed conditions.

Is 16 mil tarp thicker than 10 mil? ›

The actual thickness of tarps is measured in mils (1 mil is 1/1,000 of an inch). The larger the number, the thicker the tarp.

How to select a tarp? ›

Before purchasing a poly tarp, it's important to determine the size of the area you need to cover. Measure the length and width of the space, whether it's a vehicle, equipment, or an outdoor structure. By knowing the dimensions, you can select a tarp that will adequately protect and cover the entire area.

What size tarp will cover a car? ›

Car tarp size should cover the car's length and width and height. When in doubt, measure size of the tarp needed with a tape measure. For example, a Toyota Camry usually needs a 24' x 12' tarp. SUV's and trucks need a larger tarp than a sedan because of their larger size.

How tight should a tarp be? ›

Everyday Maintenance Tips for Tarp Structures

The cover should be snug, but not too tight. If you notice any sagging, the cover is too loose. If you notice there is strain on the ribs, it may be too tight.

Which tarps are the strongest? ›

Demolition tarps, also called snow tarps, are the strongest tarps on the market. They're the only tarps designed to bundle and lift heavy-duty debris, including concrete, so it can be easily hauled away from construction sites.

What color tarps last longest in the sun? ›

Black tarps: Usually treated with UV coatings to provide extended life in sunlight, black tarps absorb heat and allow your covered objects to remain cool. If you're looking for a tarp designed to withstand continuous, extended outdoor exposure, black is the way to go.

Can water seep through a tarp? ›

When it gets wet or exposed to rain, water just easily flows off the canvas tarp due to its special coating. However, just be careful not to let water pool on its surface for a long period of time in order to avoid letting water seep through the material.

Which is better polypropylene or polyethylene tarps? ›

Between polypropylene and polyethylene, polypropylene is considered to be more resistant to chemicals and organic solvents than polyethylene, so it might be a better bet for manufacturing facilities. Polypropylene is also less flexible, so consider your need for a stretchable fabric before deciding between the two.

Which is better vinyl or poly tarp? ›

Vinyl tarps are more long-lasting than poly tarps. They are designed to endure rough conditions and last for extended periods. Poly tarps are inferior to vinyl tarps in terms of durability and water resistance. Poly tarps can be used for jobs when durability is secondary.

What is the best tarp for long term storage? ›

Vinyl tarps are waterproof and are ideal for long-term or heavy-duty use, such as covering vehicles or equipment.

What is the highest mil tarp? ›

Mil thickness

Lightweight tarps (often blue in color) are 5 to 6 mils. Heavy-duty tarps, on the other hand, can be 20 mils and thicker.

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