The Missing Person (2024)

The Missing Person is a quest in Shikanoin Heizou's Hangout Event, : Act I - Trap 'Em by Storm.


  • 1 Steps
  • 2 Gameplay Notes
  • 3 Dialogue
    • 3.1 The Detective's Disappearance
    • 3.2 The Intuitive Commission
  • 4 Other Languages
  • 5 Change History


  1. Go to Bantan Sango Detective Agency
  2. Ask around on Watatsumi Island
  3. Go to the east side of Watatsumi Island and look for Heizou
  4. Defeat Nobushi
  5. Talk to the young man you rescued
  6. Talk to Heizou

Gameplay Notes[]

  • The Hangout Event starts with 3/6 Hearts.


The Missing Person (7) Quest Description

Bantan Sango Detective Agency issued a curious commission. You wonder what case it is that even detectives have gotten out of their depths.

The Detective's Disappearance[]

(Go to Bantan Sango Detective Agency)
Media:vo lyycop001 1903601 ryuji 01.ogg Ryuuji: What if the Traveler is also unavailable... What am I supposed to do?
Media:vo lyycop001 1903601 sango 01.ogg Sango: Well, that's your problem. It was your choice to get into this mess.
Media:vo lyycop001 1903601 sango 02.ogg Sango: Oh, but fortunately for you, it appears your savior has just arrived.
Media:vo lyycop001 1903601 ryuji 02.ogg Ryuuji: Hmm? Ah, Traveler! Great, you made it.
The Missing Person (8) Don't worry, I'm available.
Media:vo lyycop001 1903601 sango 03.ogg Sango: Well, it's not like you were ever really busy to begin with.
Media:vo lyycop001 1903601 ryuji 03.ogg Ryuuji: Ugh, Sango!
Media:vo lyycop001 1903601 ryuji 04.ogg Ryuuji: Compared to the Traveler, you're the one who has too much free time.
Media:vo lyycop001 1903601 sango 04.ogg Sango: No, I'm very busy. I'm busy standing here... I have to stand here all day.
Media:vo lyycop001 1903601 ryuji 05.ogg Ryuuji: Even if it's a commission you're unwilling to take, your excuse is just pathetic.
The Missing Person (9) A commission you're unwilling to take?
Media:vo lyycop001 1903601 ryuji 06.ogg Ryuuji: Yes, that's why I've asked you to come over. Allow me to explain.
Media:vo lyycop001 1903601 ryuji 07.ogg Ryuuji: A key member of the Tenryou Commission has recently gone missing. No one has seen them and their whereabouts are currently unknown.
Media:vo lyycop001 1903601 ryuji 08.ogg Ryuuji: The Tenryou Commission has entrusted us to find this person discreetly because it would be a hassle for them to look for this person openly, for a variety of reasons.
Media:vo lyycop001 1903601 ryuji 09.ogg Ryuuji: Their name is...
Media:vo lyycop001 1903601 sango 05.ogg Sango: Kujou Sara. That's right, the general has gone missing.
Media:vo lyycop001 1903601 ryuji 10.ogg Ryuuji: *sigh* ...If the general was really missing, the Tenryou Commission would have flipped Inazuma on its head by now. And do you think they would only commission us for a case like that?
Media:vo lyycop001 1903601 ryuji 11.ogg Ryuuji: Please ignore Sango's nonsense, Traveler. In fact, the missing person's name is Shikanoin Heizou.
Media:vo lyycop001 1903601 ryuji 12.ogg Ryuuji: He works as a special detective at the Police Station. Although his rank is merely a Doushin, he is quite competent and held in high regard by the Police Station.
Media:vo lyycop001 1903601 sango 06.ogg Sango: Ah! Do they think he's more competent than me?
Media:vo lyycop001 1903601 ryuji 13.ogg Ryuuji: *sigh* We get that you don't want to help, Sango, but could you at least try not to make things more difficult here.
Media:vo lyycop001 1903601 ryuji 14.ogg Ryuuji: Sorry Traveler, even though I accepted the commission...
Media:vo lyycop001 1903601 ryuji 15.ogg Ryuuji: As you can see, Sango's less than thrilled to be involved in this case.
The Missing Person (10) Because the pay is too low?
The Missing Person (11) Because there are too few clues?
Media:vo lyycop001 1903601 sango 07.ogg Sango: Nope! Not even close!
Media:vo lyycop001 1903601 sango 08.ogg Sango: If you really want to know why, it's because I absolutely refuse to deal with that brat's nonsense.
Media:vo lyycop001 1903601 sango 09.ogg Sango: The only news that could make me happier than "Shikanoin has gone missing," would be "Shikanoin has been missing for 100 years."
Media:vo lyycop001 1903601 ryuji 16.ogg Ryuuji: Ahem... Needless to say, Sango and Heizou have a bit of a history.
The Missing Person (12) I see what you mean... they're competitors.
Media:vo lyycop001 1903601 ryuji 17.ogg Ryuuji: Hum... Ah well, it's a little more serious than that.
Media:vo lyycop001 1903601 ryuji 18.ogg Ryuuji: According to Sango, Heizou was an obstacle in her path to the "Temple of Truth"...
Media:vo lyycop001 1903601 sango 10.ogg Sango: Like a yappy dog that was constantly in the way!
Media:vo lyycop001 1903601 ryuji 19.ogg Ryuuji: *sigh* Even though Heizou has... a "unique" personality, he's actually a nice guy. Really, I've learned a lot from him.
Media:vo lyycop001 1903601 ryuji 20.ogg Ryuuji: So I can't just ignore this case, even if Sango doesn't approve. At the very least, I could entrust the commission to someone capable and trustworthy... like you, Traveler!
The Missing Person (13) I see, so you're outsourcing it to me.
The Missing Person (14) I see, so you're basically the middleman.
Media:vo lyycop001 1903601 ryuji 21.ogg Ryuuji: Huh? No no, it's not like that! Listen, I'll pay the entire amount originally promised by the Tenryou Commission, and I'll even personally throw in some additional funds.
Media:vo lyycop001 1903601 ryuji 22.ogg Ryuuji: I'm really hoping you can take this commission, Traveler.
Media:vo lyycop001 1903601 ryuji 23.ogg Ryuuji: If Heizou truly is in danger, I know he'll be safer with you by his side.
The Missing Person (15) Are you close with him?
Media:vo lyycop001 1903601 ryuji 24.ogg Ryuuji: Actually, we get along great, but Sango has always asked me to keep my distance and not to act like I know him in public settings.
Media:vo lyycop001 1903601 ryuji 25.ogg Ryuuji: So, when people ask, I usually just say I've met Shikanoin a few times. If it hadn't been for today's incident, I'd...
Media:vo lyycop001 1903601 ryuji 26.ogg Ryuuji: Ahem... Well, let's not get into that. Anyway, could you please help look for him?
The Missing Person (16) No problem, but I'll need more information.
Media:vo lyycop001 1903601 ryuji 27.ogg Ryuuji: Great! We've learned that Heizou had expressed interest in Watatsumi Island before he disappeared.
Media:vo lyycop001 1903601 ryuji 28.ogg Ryuuji: During the war, he apparently carried out some mission on Watatsumi Island, and once the war ended, he made frequent visits to the island.
Media:vo lyycop001 1903601 ryuji 29.ogg Ryuuji: I heard you have a good standing with Sangonomiya. I think it might be a good idea to use that as a starting point for your investigation.
The Missing Person (17) Understood, I'll head there immediately.
Media:vo lyycop001 1903601 ryuji 30.ogg Ryuuji: Well, that's about all I have to tell you. Oh, please take this commission letter from the Police Station. If you find Heizou, return there and report back to them.
(Obtain Tenryou Commission's Missing Person Poster)
(Talk to Ryuuji again)
Media:vo lyycop001 1903602 ryuji 01.ogg Ryuuji: There's no time for delay, Traveler. Oh, I sure hope Heizou isn't in any danger.
The Missing Person (18) Tell me more about Shikanoin Heizou.
Media:vo lyycop001 1903602 ryuji 02.ogg Ryuuji: Oh, Heizou is quite the lively fellow! He's super talkative, active, and energetic, and he's always on the move.
Media:vo lyycop001 1903602 ryuji 03.ogg Ryuuji: Sango always compares him to a buzzing housefly... which I guess must be because he can accurately sniff out every bad apple in the pile.
Media:vo lyycop001 1903602 ryuji 04.ogg Ryuuji: In which case, Heizou isn't just some ordinary housefly, he's like the ace of flies!
Media:vo lyycop001 1903602 ryuji 05.ogg Ryuuji: Even with his nose plugged, eyes blindfolded, and ears covered, Heizou could still pinpoint the bad apples.
Media:vo lyycop001 1903602 ryuji 06.ogg Ryuuji: His skills are amazing, it's almost as if he relies on something other than just his five senses... You know, like a sixth sense! Or maybe it's pure intuition? Or he has divine favor? It's gotta be something like that...
The Missing Person (19) I see what you're getting at, but I think that's enough of the fly metaphor for now.
Media:vo lyycop001 1903602 ryuji 07.ogg Ryuuji: *sigh* Sango always says I make a fool of myself when I talk. I guess she's right...
The Missing Person (20) The whole fly metaphor is pretty bad, but I'd still like to hear more.
Media:vo lyycop001 1903602 ryuji 08.ogg Ryuuji: Ahem... Well, maybe we should chat another time. Sango is starting to stare at us.
(Talk to Sango again)
Media:vo lyycop001 1903603 sango 01.ogg Sango: You still haven't left yet? So perhaps you've changed your mind about looking for Heizou, huh? That would be best. Take it from me, getting involved with that guy is never a good idea.
The Missing Person (21) I'm curious, what's your issue with him?
Media:vo lyycop001 1903603 sango 02.ogg Sango: Let me put it this way, it wouldn't bother me at all if he disappeared forever. That's my issue.
The Missing Person (22) (Smile slightly and nod along.)
Media:vo lyycop001 1903603 sango 03.ogg Sango: Don't give me that look. Everyone's allowed to have a few people they can't stand, right?
Media:vo lyycop001 1903603 sango 04.ogg Sango: *sigh* In any case, I guess you should get moving, before that Shikanoin causes too much trouble.
Media:vo lyycop001 1903603 sango 05.ogg Sango: By the way, if you do happen to come across any signs of a most unfortunate demise, be sure to notify me... It'll bring me great joy.
(Ask around on Watatsumi Island)
(Talk to Shibata)
Media:vo lyycop001 1903604 shibata 01.ogg Shibata: Oh, it's you...! The captain of Swordfish II! My name is Shibata. I'm in charge of the watch here. May I inquire as to what the captain needs?
The Missing Person (23) I'm here for information about a specific individual.

You tell Shibata about the commission to find Heizou.

Media:vo lyycop001 1903604 shibata 02.ogg Shibata: So his name is Shikanoin Heizou, huh? Yes, I'm familiar with the detective, he used to stroll around the area.
Media:vo lyycop001 1903604 shibata 03.ogg Shibata: Her Excellency had assigned me to keep a close eye on him at the time, fearing that he would do something unpleasant, but I eventually realized that he acted more like he was on a trip or something.
Media:vo lyycop001 1903604 shibata 04.ogg Shibata: Come to think of it, I believe he was recently spotted in the area east of the Sangonomiya Shrine. Please feel free to go there and take a look for yourself.
(Talk to Shibata again)
Media:vo lyycop001 1903605 shibata 01.ogg Shibata: If you are looking for the young detective, please go to the area east of the Sangonomiya Shrine.
(Go to the east side of Watatsumi Island and look for Heizou)
(Talk to Sango near the quest marker — optional)
Media:vo lyycop001 1903606 sango 01.ogg Sango: Hmm? Didn't you go looking for that brat Shikanoin?
Media:vo lyycop001 1903606 sango 02.ogg Sango: Investigate? Why would I come to investigate his nonsense? Hmph! I was tired of staying in town, so I decided to go out for a walk.
Media:vo lyycop001 1903606 sango 03.ogg Sango: So get out of my hair and go back to whatever you were doing.
(Approach the Nobushi)
Media:vo lyycop001 1903607 heizou 01.ogg ???: C'mon you guys, I'm nothing but a poor tourist with empty pockets. Please, just let me go.
Media:vo lyycop001 1903607 ronin 01.ogg Nobushi: Just shut up and stay put!
(Defeat Nobushi and talk to the young man you rescued)
Media:vo lyycop001 1903605 heizou 01.ogg ???: Well well, look who it is!
Media:vo lyycop001 1903605 heizou 02.ogg ???: I was wondering who could be valiant enough to wipe the floor with these guys so easily, turns out it was the distinguished Traveler...
Media:vo lyycop001 1903605 heizou 03.ogg ???: Really, I can't thank you enough, (TravelerTraveler)!
The Missing Person (24) Have we met?
Media:vo lyycop001 1903605 heizou 04.ogg ???: Of course, I was aware of you long before you arrived in Inazuma.
Media:vo lyycop001 1903605 heizou 05.ogg ???: Though the Sakoku Decree managed to keep the country locked up, it wasn't able to stop the incredible stories about you.
Media:vo lyycop001 1903605 heizou 06.ogg ???: Every day, all of those little stories would come scurrying over to my desk, like files with little feet.
Media:vo lyycop001 1903605 heizou 07.ogg ???: I was actually thinking about going to meet you once I wrapped up the business at hand. Who woulda guessed that you'd show up first, hehe...
Media:vo lyycop001 1903605 heizou 08.ogg ???: Ah, I got so excited that I nearly forgot to introduce myself.
Media:vo lyycop001 1903605 heizou 09.ogg Shikanoin Heizou: Ahem! The name's Shikanoin Heizou, special detective of the Tenryou Commission. It's a pleasure to meet you, Traveler.
Media:vo lyycop001 1903605 heizou 10.ogg Shikanoin Heizou: I wish you all the best on your journey through Teyvat, by the way.
The Missing Person (25) I've been commissioned to come find you.
Media:vo lyycop001 1903605 heizou 11.ogg Shikanoin Heizou: Heh, I guess that means I've taken over as the main character in your story today.
Media:vo lyycop001 1903605 heizou 12.ogg Shikanoin Heizou: I've always heard that you take commissions from all kinds of people, helping everyone out with everything you can imagine.
Media:vo lyycop001 1903605 heizou 13.ogg Shikanoin Heizou: So now it's my turn to take your help, huh? Heh, don't mind if I do.
The Missing Person (26) Aren't you curious about whose commission it is?
Media:vo lyycop001 1903605 heizou 14.ogg Shikanoin Heizou: That was already obvious to me. It's no coincidence that you've arrived here.
Media:vo lyycop001 1903605 heizou 15.ogg Shikanoin Heizou: 'Cause that would be the stuff of an epic novel... the two protagonists of the story both travel to Watatsumi Island by chance, and cross paths as if by fate!
Media:vo lyycop001 1903605 heizou 16.ogg Shikanoin Heizou: The Traveler from afar heroically rescues the weak and defenseless detective from the clutches of the ruthless Nobushi!
Media:vo lyycop001 1903605 heizou 17.ogg Shikanoin Heizou: Traveler, you're so dreamy...
Media:vo lyycop001 1903605 heizou 18.ogg Shikanoin Heizou: Unfortunately though, I don't believe in coincidences. So... guessing you came to me on the Police Station's commission, didn't you?
The Missing Person (27) How did you know that?
Media:vo lyycop001 1903605 heizou 19.ogg Shikanoin Heizou: I'm a detective. Can you guess what gave it away?
The Missing Person (28) You're an oracle!
(+1 Heart)
The Missing Person (29) Did you deduce it from my demeanor?
The Missing Person (30) Did you deduce it from what I'm wearing?
The Missing Person (31) Did you deduce it from what I said?
Media:vo lyycop001 1903605 heizou 20.ogg Shikanoin Heizou: Haha, sounds like you already have some ideas about the work of a detective.
Media:vo lyycop001 1903605 heizou 21.ogg Shikanoin Heizou: Let me ask you this... What's that your little sidekick is holding? If I'm not mistaken, it's a commission letter from the Police Station.

Behind you, your "little sidekick" hastily hides the commission letter she was holding.

Media:vo lyycop001 1903605 paimon 01.ogg Paimon: Wh—What...? Uh, Paimon's just here to take a look...
Media:vo lyycop001 1903605 paimon 02a.ogg Media:vo lyycop001 1903605 paimon 02b.ogg Paimon: And hey! Who are you calling a little sidekick? Paimon was worried (TravelerTraveler) might be in danger, so Paimon came to help!
Media:vo lyycop001 1903605 paimon 03.ogg Paimon: Uh, why are you two staring at Paimon? Is Paimon not supposed to be here?
The Missing Person (32) I'm not staring, I'm just taking a look.
Media:vo lyycop001 1903605 heizou 22.ogg Shikanoin Heizou: Yeah, I'm also just taking a look.
Media:vo lyycop001 1903605 paimon 04a.ogg Media:vo lyycop001 1903605 paimon 04b.ogg Paimon: Hmph, (TravelerTraveler) can look, but you can't.
Media:vo lyycop001 1903605 heizou 23.ogg Shikanoin Heizou: Oh c'mon, don't be like that. After all, this is the first time I've seen a Voice. I must admit, I'm most intrigued.
Media:vo lyycop001 1903605 paimon 05.ogg Paimon: Huh? Voice? What are you talking about?
Media:vo lyycop001 1903605 heizou 24.ogg Shikanoin Heizou: A Vision is an external magical focus, right? Well, similarly, a Voice is an external voice box.
Media:vo lyycop001 1903605 heizou 25a.ogg Media:vo lyycop001 1903605 heizou 25b.ogg Shikanoin Heizou: I've heard that the Traveler isn't very talkative. But given how chatty you are, you must be (‍hishis/herher‍) Voice, right?
Media:vo lyycop001 1903605 paimon 06.ogg Paimon: That sounds awful! Paimon's not somebody's voice! Paimon's emergency food!
Media:vo lyycop001 1903605 paimon 07.ogg Paimon: N—No! Uh, wait! Gah, Paimon's so upset she can't think straight. Paimon is Paimon! How dare you give Paimon such a terrible nickname...
Media:vo lyycop001 1903605 paimon 08.ogg Paimon: We came here to rescue you, but you actually opened the cage yourself... You were only pretending to be captured by the Nobushi, weren't you? Pretty suspicious if you ask Paimon...
Media:vo lyycop001 1903605 paimon 09.ogg Paimon: Come out with it, mister! What kind of schemes are you up to?
Media:vo lyycop001 1903605 heizou 26.ogg Shikanoin Heizou: Sheesh! For someone who says they don't want to be a Voice, you sure do talk a lot.
Media:vo lyycop001 1903605 paimon 10.ogg Paimon: Mmmph!
The Missing Person (33) Yes, I'd also like to know what you're doing here, Detective Heizou.
Media:vo lyycop001 1903605 heizou 27.ogg Shikanoin Heizou: Haha. Well, let me think for a moment... Yes, all this started a long time ago, during the war...
Media:vo lyycop001 1903605 heizou 28.ogg Shikanoin Heizou: Kujou Takayuki, who was head of the Tenryou Commission at the time, had secretly asked me to investigate the military capabilities of Sangonomiya.
Media:vo lyycop001 1903605 heizou 29.ogg Shikanoin Heizou: But I had already grown tired of the guy for a while, hehe, so I simply treated the trip as a paid vacation. I had heard that Watatsumi Island is really beautiful.
Media:vo lyycop001 1903605 heizou 30.ogg Shikanoin Heizou: As for the mission, I thought I'd just come up with some random excuses or whatever when I reported back.
Media:vo lyycop001 1903605 heizou 31.ogg Shikanoin Heizou: But guess what, the first night I arrived on Watatsumi Island, I had a dream.
Media:vo lyycop001 1903605 heizou 32.ogg Shikanoin Heizou: The dream contained only one message, an echo resounding from the depths of the earth that kept ringing in my ears, saying:

The Intuitive Commission[]

Heizou presses his lips close to your ear and whispers:
Media:vo lyycop001 1903605 heizou 33.ogg "Something vital is missing on this island..."
Media:vo lyycop001 1903605 heizou 34.ogg Shikanoin Heizou: Isn't that bizarre? Something vital has gone missing on this island... Has something evaporated into thin air? Hmm, what could it be?
Media:vo lyycop001 1903605 paimon 11.ogg Paimon: Paimon bets it must be something delicious!
Media:vo lyycop001 1903605 paimon 12.ogg Paimon: You know, because the soil of Watatsumi Island can't grow crops, there's a shortage of food here!
Media:vo lyycop001 1903605 heizou 35.ogg Shikanoin Heizou: Oh? Food, huh? How about you, (TravelerTraveler)? What do you think is missing?
The Missing Person (34) Hmm... it's missing music?
Media:vo lyycop001 1903605 heizou 36.ogg Shikanoin Heizou: Hmm, that was an unexpected response. It'd be right at home in a novel.
The Missing Person (35) Hmm... it's missing a deity?
Media:vo lyycop001 1903605 heizou 37.ogg Shikanoin Heizou: You mean the Great Serpent? Well, that's an interesting answer, but the Electro Archon hasn't abandoned this place.
The Missing Person (36) Hmm... it's missing Paimon?
Media:vo lyycop001 1903605 heizou 38.ogg Shikanoin Heizou: Haha, perhaps Watatsumi Island doesn't value your little partner as much as you do.
Media:vo lyycop001 1903605 paimon 13a.ogg Media:vo lyycop001 1903605 paimon 13b.ogg Paimon: Hmph! Well as long as (TravelerTraveler) still appreciates Paimon, then that's fine.
The Missing Person (37) Maybe it was just a dream.
(−1 Heart)
Media:vo lyycop001 1903605 heizou 39.ogg Shikanoin Heizou: You see now, I thought so too, but...
Media:vo lyycop001 1903605 heizou 40.ogg Shikanoin Heizou: After that, I had the same dream over and over again.
Media:vo lyycop001 1903605 heizou 41.ogg Shikanoin Heizou: Interestingly, I didn't have the same dream again after I left this place. So I became even more intrigued, was this really just some random dream?
Media:vo lyycop001 1903605 heizou 42.ogg Shikanoin Heizou: Some people believe that dreams represent the divine's helping hand... which I suppose is understandable.
Media:vo lyycop001 1903605 heizou 43.ogg Shikanoin Heizou: However, if you ask me, dreams have nothing to do with the gods. Instead, they are flashes of intuition.
Media:vo lyycop001 1903605 heizou 44.ogg Shikanoin Heizou: It was my intuition telling me that there was something important about this island that... POOF! suddenly vanished.
Media:vo lyycop001 1903605 heizou 45.ogg Shikanoin Heizou: So I decided to accept this little commission from my intuition, and investigate to see if I could come up with any compelling findings.
Media:vo lyycop001 1903605 heizou 46.ogg Shikanoin Heizou: Unfortunately, the investigation has had little progress up to this point.
The Missing Person (38) Does it have anything to do with these Nobushi?
Media:vo lyycop001 1903605 heizou 47.ogg Shikanoin Heizou: Who knows... I felt there was something peculiar about them, so I pretended to get captured to see if there were any leads that would surface, and that's when you showed up.
The Missing Person (39) I'm sorry for interfering with your plans.
Media:vo lyycop001 1903605 heizou 48.ogg Shikanoin Heizou: No, don't worry about it. These guys were just a bunch of small fries. Besides, your arrival is much more important to me. I have a feeling you can help me find the answer to my dream.
Media:vo lyycop001 1903605 heizou 49.ogg Shikanoin Heizou: So how would you like to partner up on this one? We can work together to solve the mystery.
The Missing Person (40) But I have a commission to fulfill, so I'll have to bring you back first.
Media:vo lyycop001 1903605 heizou 50.ogg Shikanoin Heizou: Yes, of course, I understand. But, let me ask one more question: Did the Police Station say they are looking for me because of something important?
The Missing Person (41) No, they didn't.
Media:vo lyycop001 1903605 heizou 51.ogg Shikanoin Heizou: Well, then it's probably nothing major. Most likely they're short on staff or something petty like that, and they happened to remember their model employee.
Media:vo lyycop001 1903605 heizou 52.ogg Shikanoin Heizou: So, since we're already here, why don't we just solve this puzzle together?
Media:vo lyycop001 1903605 heizou 53.ogg Shikanoin Heizou: Once everything is settled, I'll gladly accompany you back to the Police Station, or anywhere else you'd like to go. What do you think?
The Missing Person (42) Okay, I'm curious about your dream, too. I'll assist your investigation.
(+1 Heart)
Media:vo lyycop001 1903605 heizou 54.ogg Shikanoin Heizou: It's a deal then, partner!
Media:vo lyycop001 1903605 heizou 55.ogg Shikanoin Heizou: So let's get started, shall we? First, we can search the camp for clues.
(Proceed to The Camp's Secret)
The Missing Person (43) I think your dream's really out there, but I'll tag along since you're determined to stay.
(+1 Heart)
Media:vo lyycop001 1903605 heizou 56.ogg Shikanoin Heizou: You really care about others, don't you? You'll make an excellent partner.
Media:vo lyycop001 1903605 heizou 57.ogg Shikanoin Heizou: Haha. Well, let's get started, shall we? First, we can search the camp for clues.
(Proceed to The Camp's Secret)
The Missing Person (44) I'm curious about your dream, but it's my duty to bring you back.
(+1 Heart)
Media:vo lyycop001 1903605 heizou 58.ogg Shikanoin Heizou: Ah... what a sterling example of dedication!
Media:vo lyycop001 1903605 heizou 59.ogg Shikanoin Heizou: In that case, I'll accompany you back to the Police Station first. We can discuss the issue of Watatsumi Island later.
(Proceed to The Police Station Register)
The Missing Person (45) Your dream's really out there, so I think I should bring you back first. There's someone concerned about your safety.
(+1 Heart)
Media:vo lyycop001 1903605 heizou 60.ogg Shikanoin Heizou: Someone concerned about my safety? Then it must be Ryuuji, right? Haha, I suppose if you insist...
Media:vo lyycop001 1903605 heizou 61.ogg Shikanoin Heizou: Alright, I'll accompany you back to the Police Station first. We can discuss the issue of Watatsumi Island later.
(Proceed to The Police Station Register)

Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial NameLiteral Meaning
EnglishThe Missing Person
Shīluò zhī Rén
Shīluò zhī Rén
The Missing Person
Korean사라진 사람
Sarajin Saram
The Missing Person
SpanishLa persona desaparecidaThe Missing Person
FrenchLa personne disparueThe Missing Person
The Missing Person
VietnameseNgười Thất Lạc
GermanDer VermissteThe Missing
IndonesianOrang HilangMissing Person
PortuguesePessoa Desiludida
TurkishKayıp Şahıs
ItalianLa persona scomparsa

Change History[]

The Missing Person (2024)
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Author: Twana Towne Ret

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Author information

Name: Twana Towne Ret

Birthday: 1994-03-19

Address: Apt. 990 97439 Corwin Motorway, Port Eliseoburgh, NM 99144-2618

Phone: +5958753152963

Job: National Specialist

Hobby: Kayaking, Photography, Skydiving, Embroidery, Leather crafting, Orienteering, Cooking

Introduction: My name is Twana Towne Ret, I am a famous, talented, joyous, perfect, powerful, inquisitive, lovely person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.