The History of Apex Legends' Queer Love Triangle (& What’s Next) (2024)

Apex Legends has a wide array of diverse characters. The playable legends in the game provide representation for multiple ethnicities, genders, and sexual orientations, and the game isn't afraid to proudly display these characters and focus on these aspects of their identity. One of Apex's major storylines revolves around a queer love triangle exclusively involving women.

For multiple seasons, Apex has been developing a complex love triangle between Bangalore, Loba, and Valkyrie. Major events throughout the seasons have shifted and altered these three women's relationships with each other. Apex's lore isn't always the clearest or easy to access, so many fans might have forgotten how this love triangle formed. Here's an overview of this queer romance's history and speculation on what the next step is for the female legends.


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Bangalore & Loba's Relationship

The History of Apex Legends' Queer Love Triangle (& What’s Next) (1)

The romance first began when Loba was introduced as the new legend in Season 5. She and Bangalore started their relationship more as enemies than friends. Loba had interrupted an in-progress match when she made her debut and attacked Revenant without warning. Bangalore instantly distrusted her and was very displeased to learn that she would be joining the games.

Loba kept her plans for vengeance against Revenant hidden from the other legends and attempted to use them to further her goals. After investigating and spying on Loba, Bangalore eventually uncovered the truth and revealed Loba's intentions to the other legends. Loba then chose to have an honest conversation with Bangalore, where she admitted that she was uncertain of herself.

This conversation seemed to have formed an emotional connection between the two women. Loba and Bangalore were on much friendlier terms and often spent time together. In-game, Loba had voice lines where she would flirt with Bangalore and hint at a possible romantic attraction. The two continued to grow closer until Bangalore became sick and Valkyrie joined the games.

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Valkyrie & Loba's Relationship

The History of Apex Legends' Queer Love Triangle (& What’s Next) (2)

During Season 9, a ship arrived on the Olympus map carrying Medusa Vines, which spread a terminal disease. While investigating the ship, Loba fell through a hatch but was saved by the new legend, Valkyrie. It was discovered that Bangalore had contracted the deadly disease and had a limited time to live. Loba, Valkyrie, and the other legends decided to search for a cure for Bangalore.

Once Bangalore was cured, she was asked about her feelings for Loba. She said that Loba and her were just friends, although she seemed conflicted about that answer. Loba, who overheard the conversation and was left heartbroken, was comforted through her heartache by Valkyrie, and the two women became close friends. From then on, Valkyrie was the person that Loba shared her fears and insecurities with. In-game, both would flirt with each other during voice lines.

Bangalore soon became re-consumed with the search for her brother and returning to her family. She claimed to not have time for relationships and friends, which pushed Loba further into the arms of Valkyrie. Bangalore and Valkyrie also seemed to have developed some animosity against each other. There are several voice lines in-game where the two women take subtle digs at one another. Emotions are tense between the three.

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What Is the Current State of the Love Triangle?

The History of Apex Legends' Queer Love Triangle (& What’s Next) (3)

As of now, things have only become more strained between Bangalore and Loba. After receiving information that made her believe her brother was dead, Bangalore decided to leave the games so she could be with her remaining family. This upset Loba, who claimed that Bangalore was abandoning the family she made during the games. Loba became even more upset when Bangalore accidentally revealed that she was leaving with Revenant. Their last interaction was one filled with anger, as not only was Loba's former love interest leaving her behind, but she was also joining up with her greatest enemy. During the Season 13 launch trailer, Loba can be seen fighting alongside Valkyrie and caring for her when she's injured.

It's hard to say where the love triangle will go next. At the end of the launch trailer, Bangalore learned that her brother had joined the games, which means she no longer has to leave. This could give her the opportunity to patch things up with Loba. However, Loba might not be so willing to forgive Bangalore for partnering up with the person who killed her family. Valkyrie has also reciprocated Loba's feelings far more than Bangalore did. With that being said, Loba's reaction to Bangalore leaving clearly indicates that she still has feelings for her. The resolution of this queer love triangle is still up in the air.

The History of Apex Legends' Queer Love Triangle (& What’s Next) (2024)
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