The Gas is too Damn High (understanding transaction fees) (2024)

A hurdle to using PoolTogether and other Ethereum based applications are transaction fees (officially referred to as “gas costs”). This article explains what they are and how to minimize their impact.

  • When you make any transaction on the Ethereum network you must pay a transaction fee. 100% of this transaction fee goes to the computers that secure the Ethereum network. None of it goes to the application you are using. The transaction fee is paid in ETH (Ethereum).
  • Transaction fees are the same regardless of how much you are transacting. Depositing $1 or $1,000,000 will have the same transaction fee. Therefore it is better to deposit larger amounts.
  • There are two factors determining the transaction fee 1) how busy the Ethereum network is and 2) how complicated the transaction is.
  • You can check how busy the network is by looking on Etherscan. If you see a “low” gas cost lower than 20 it’s the perfect time to make a transaction. If you see a “low” gas costs over 100 it’s a very bad time to make one. Finding something in the 30–70 range is about normal in October 2020.
  • Transactions costs change every minute. When the network is very busy, it can cost $10 to $20 to deposit into PoolTogether, when the network is not busy, the exact same transaction can cost less than $4. If you see a high transaction fee, you can come back later and do the same transaction for much less.
  • The actual amount you pay for your transaction will always be LESS than the estimated amount you see when you approve the transaction. This is because you are approving the maximum amount that can be used, with PoolTogether, expect the actual amount used to be 20%–30% LESS than this estimated total you see.
  • The Ethereum network is typically the least busy on weekends, especially in the evenings. This is a good time to make transactions.
  • Interacting with smart contracts is more complicated than simply sending tokens to a wallet. Because of this, you will find that sending tokens may be cheap while making a deposit into PoolTogether (or another DeFi product) will be more expensive.

Why it’s Worth it

No one likes transaction fees! But paying transaction fees is what makes “Decentralized Finance” a reality. When you’re paying transaction fees remember you’re getting access to an unstoppable, open financial system and that is worth supporting.

Looking Forward

The cost of making transactions on the Ethereum network is a big problem and there are lots of teams working to make it cheaper. It’s reasonable to assume that within the next 12 months or less new options will enable lower transaction costs.

Lowering transaction fees for the protocol is a big focus of the core team.

Until then your best bet is to:

  • Try to make fewer but larger deposits
  • Pay attention to the gas costs on ETH Gas Station and make transaction when costs are low (typically on weekends)
  • Use the earning of deposit and referral rewards can offset the cost of gas

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The Gas is too Damn High (understanding transaction fees) (2024)


Why is the gas fee so high? ›

Why are ETH gas fees so expensive? Eth fees are large because the network has become congested, and the price of Eth has gone up. also, they did an update recently that raised the cost of s load calculations. There is a fork of Eth coming called Pulsechain that will lower fees, and speed up transactions.

What is a gas fee transaction fee? ›

Gas is the fee required to successfully conduct a transaction or execute a contract on the Ethereum blockchain platform. Fees are priced in tiny fractions of the cryptocurrency ether (ETH)—denominations called gwei (10-9 ETH). Gas is used to pay validators for the resources needed to conduct transactions.

What is the difference between gas and transaction cost? ›

A transaction fee is the amount you pay when you do something on a blockchain network, like sending money. The fee is usually paid using the network's own cryptocurrency, such as Ether (ETH) for Ethereum. The formula for calculating transaction fees is: Transaction Fee = Gas Units Used * Price per Gas Unit.

Will ETH gas fees ever go down? ›

For Ethereum L2, although it is inevitable that gas fees will decrease after the upgrade, considering the intensified competition for Blob space by L2 project parties after the upgrade and the expected surge in overall L2 activity, we believe that the positive impact of the Dencun upgrade on its gas fee reduction may ...

Why is the ETH transaction fee so high? ›

Why is the Ethereum gas fee so high? Ethereum can process 15 transactions per second and with millions of users using the blockchain at the same time, the network gets congested. When you make a transaction, it competes with other transactions to get in the next block and get sent to the network to get validated.

How is gas transaction fee calculated? ›

The gas limit is the maximum amount of work a user estimates a validator will do for a particular transaction. The gas price, on the other hand, is the price per unit of work done. Therefore, the transaction cost is the product of the gas limit and the gas price.

Why did I pay gas fees for a failed transaction? ›

When you send tokens, interact with a contract, or do anything else on the blockchain, you must pay for that computation. That payment is calculated in gas, and gas is always paid in ETH. You are paying for the computation, regardless of whether your transaction succeeds or fails.

Where do gas fees from a transaction go? ›

Who Receives Gas Fees? Gas fees go to those supporting and securing the Ethereum network. On Ethereum's execution layer (formerly referred to as Ethereum 1.0), gas fee payouts go to Proof-of-Work (PoW) miners on the Ethereum protocol.

What time of day is ETH gas cheapest? ›

Ethereum gas prices vary a lot, even from one hour to another. Statistically, it's been shown that the lowest gas prices can be found in the mornings and on the weekends.

How do I get crypto with less gas fees? ›

No worries! Binance offers many options where you can easily buy several cryptocurrencies including Gas, with the lowest fees and highest security. Create a free account on the Binance website or the app. Binance is a centralized exchange where you can buy several cryptocurrencies including Gas.

Are ETH gas fees still high? ›

Ethereum Average Gas Price is at a current level of 8.060, down from 10.30 yesterday and down from 43.63 one year ago. This is a change of -21.75% from yesterday and -81.53% from one year ago.

How to reduce transaction costs? ›

To minimize the amount of fees paid, consider minimizing the number of transactions you enter into and lump transactions together to potentially minimize the per-transaction charges.

What is an example of a transaction cost? ›

Examples of common transaction costs are labor, transportation, broker fees, bank charges, commissions, etc. The nature and magnitude of transaction costs vary in different business scenarios. Nevertheless, these costs play a huge role in business management and economic growth.

What does transaction fee mean? ›

Transaction fees are charges incurred when you make financial transactions, such as buying products online or transferring money. They're the costs associated with processing and securing these transactions and they're normally collected by payment processors or merchant banks.

What time of day are ETH gas fees lowest? ›

Ethereum gas prices vary a lot, even from one hour to another. Statistically, it's been shown that the lowest gas prices can be found in the mornings and on the weekends.

Why is the BTC network fee so high? ›

The Runes protocol, launched around the time of halving, led to higher fees on the Bitcoin network because it introduced a system in which participants could mint digital tokens directly on Bitcoin's blockchain.

Are ETH fees high right now? ›

Ethereum Average Transaction Fee is at a current level of 0.9778, up from 0.6263 yesterday and down from 1.137 one year ago. This is a change of 56.12% from yesterday and -13.98% from one year ago.

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