The Fair Credit Reporting Act: What You Need to Know (2024)

The Fair Credit Reporting Act protects your interests by governing how credit reporting agencies gather, protect and share your information. The FCRA includes provisions about who can request your credit report and how you can access it.

The legislation was created in 1970 to promote fairness, privacy and accuracy in the way credit was reported. Over the decades, it has been amended and expanded to provide more comprehensive credit-reporting protections, especially as identity theft concerns have risen. Given that it covers so many financial tools and services -- from loans to credit cards and mortgages -- it’s helpful to understand how this law works.

“Two protections that are most helpful to consumers are the provisions related to ensuring that consumer information included in a credit report is accurate and a set of provisions that cover how a consumer can protect themselves in a case of identity theft,” explains Adam Ragan, a partner with the law firm Fox Rothschild.

How the Fair Credit Reporting Act works

Credit reporting agencies compile reports that contain sensitive information about consumers’ financial history. These details can include how timely yourcredit cardpayments are and what kinds of loans you have outstanding. This information is helpful in proving your creditworthiness in a variety of contexts -- but at the same time, you don’t want it available to just anyone.

The FCRA benefits lenders, consumers and credit reporting agencies by holding these organizations responsible for the accuracy and completeness of reports.

“The Fair Credit Reporting Act is an increasingly relevant and helpful tool from a consumer’s perspective,” says Ragan. “Consumers often become aware of the FCRA due to data breaches and alerts, as well as credit protections they’ve been enrolled in. But many consumers still struggle to understand the ins and outs of the process.”

What do credit reporting agencies do?

The three best knowncredit reporting agenciesare Experian, TransUnion and Equifax, though there are other credit-reporting-related businesses that are smaller and specialize in areas like rental history records. These agencies collect information and compile a history of your use of credit into your credit report. Everything from on-time mortgage payments tocredit card balance transferscould impact your credit report.

This report helps future lenders evaluate the level of risk they take on by extending you further credit. Others, such as landlords and employers, may use this report to understand your history of reliability and economic risk since they are entering into trust-based relationships by extending you a rental lease or job offer.

The Federal Trade Commission and the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau work together to uphold the FCRA’s various components, which put limits on what information can be shared with the credit reporting agencies and what they can share with anyone who requests your credit report. It also gives you access to your credit information and helps you dispute errors that damage your credit.

How the FCRA protects you

Whilethe full text of the FCRA is available online, it’s long (and dense). The major provisions that you need to know about, however, are pretty straightforward. They are that:

1. You have the right to a free credit report every year

One of the valuable elements of the FCRA is that each of the three credit reporting agencies will give you onefree credit reporteach year. The best way to access this service is to And, right now, thanks to COVID-related enhancements, this site is offering free weekly access to your credit report. There are some sites that advertise free credit reports only to ask for payment later. Do not pay for a service you can receive for free.

This access is related to your broader right to know what’s in your credit reporting file. The FCRA protects these rights, making access to your own credit history easier and more transparent.

If you want more than one credit report in a year, the FCRA establishes a limit of no more than$13 per additional report, so keep that in mind.

2. You can dispute errors on your credit report

If yourcredit score is lowbecause of an error on your report, you don’t have to accept that score. You can provide evidence to disprove the error -- for instance, showing you completed all payments on a loan or never missed a payment on a credit card. As you might imagine, keeping all paperwork associated with loans and credit cards in a safe place is an important step to take so you can clear up any errors on your credit report in the future.

Credit reporting agencies are required toevaluate the evidence you provide in a disputeand contact the related entities like lenders who provided that information. The FCRA also stipulates that they must restore your credit report if they find an inaccuracy because of the dispute. Most reports don’t contain errors, but they happen often enough that it’s worth checking out if you’re surprised by a low score.

Sometimes, the information is not inaccurate, but outdated. The FCRA makes rules for how long a credit reporting agency can include past negative information on your reports. In many cases, negative information can no longer be reported after seven years, or in the case of bankruptcy, 10 years. If you find accurate information on your report that is outdated, you can submit a dispute.

3. Employers need your written consent to pull your credit information

Credit reporting agencies, in most cases, must ask for your permission in the form of written consent beforegiving credit informationto an employer or potential employer. This can offer you a little more control of information that is shared during a job hunt.

4. If your credit application is denied, you’re entitled to know why

Most people don’t think much about their credit score and report until they’re denied for a loan or credit card application. If you’re surprised by a denied application for credit, you’re legally entitled to hear why they denied your request. This is actually one way that people discover errors on their credit reports, so make sure you understand the reasons why you were denied credit. If it isn’t an error, this information can still help you make good decisions to grow your credit score in the future.

Read more:How to Get Approved for a Credit Card

5. You have the right to freeze your credit and seek redress in cases of identity theft

Identity theft has become easier with the prevalence of the internet. High-profile data breaches, such as theEquifax data breach of 2017, highlight the need for continued vigilance and protections for consumers. A person’s credit could be ruined by someone who attempts to acquire loans or credit cards in the person’s name fraudulently.

“In 2018, a new provision implemented a policy to provide free security freezes,” says Ragan. “A credit freeze is helpful because it will prevent most companies from accessing your credit report until you request to remove the freeze.”

While security freezes can be removed by credit reporting agencies in isolated instances, and any current creditors may still have access to your credit information, this protection makes it easier to take immediate steps if you realize your information has been part of a data breach.

In addition, the FCRA has particular provisions for victims ofidentity theft, many of which you can access after initially obtaining an identity theft report.

“A great resource for consumers is the FTC,” says Ragan. “There’s a step-by-step process by which a consumer can generate a report. That PDF can help borrowers obtain some of the specialized relief in the FCRA.”


The FCRA regulates the information that credit reporting agencies can gather and share, as well as what kinds of information banks and credit card issuers can share with those reporting agencies.

Normally, you can request a free copy of your credit report once every 12 months through the, the only authorized source for these reports. Right now, however, you can request a free copy weekly, thanks to COVID-related benefits.

You can file a dispute online, by phone or by mail. The Consumer Finance Protection Bureau offers detailed instructions on how to write your letter, includinga sample letter template, and offers information for contacting Equifax, Experian and TransUnion separately, since some errors may occur on only one or two of your credit reports.

Each credit reporting agency contains similar information on its websites. Be wary of organizations that claim to “repair your credit” but want to charge a fee, since disputing an error on your credit report should be a free process provided directly by the credit reporting agency.

Read more:How to Dispute an Error on Your Credit Report

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The Fair Credit Reporting Act: What You Need to Know (2024)


The Fair Credit Reporting Act: What You Need to Know? ›

The Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) , 15 U.S.C. § 1681 et seq., governs access to consumer credit report records and promotes accuracy, fairness, and the privacy of personal information assembled by Credit Reporting Agencies (CRAs).

What are the main points of the Fair Credit Reporting Act? ›

The Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) , 15 U.S.C. § 1681 et seq., governs access to consumer credit report records and promotes accuracy, fairness, and the privacy of personal information assembled by Credit Reporting Agencies (CRAs).

What you should know about FCRA? ›

The FCRA specifies how long credit bureaus can keep certain types of information on your credit reports. Negative information generally must be removed after 7 years.

What does the Fair Credit Reporting Act require quizlet? ›

The Fair Credit Reporting Act requires each of the credit bureaus to give consumers a free copy of their credit report at least twice a year.

What do people have the right to do under the Fair Credit Reporting Act? ›

Under the Fair Credit Reporting Act, you have the right to: Access to Your Credit Report – The Act requires credit reporting agencies to provide you with any information in your credit file upon request once a year. You must have proper identification.

What are the 7 factors of the FCRA? ›

∎ It bears on a consumer's creditworthiness, credit standing, credit capacity, character, general reputation, personal characteristics, or mode of living.

What is the Fair Credit Reporting Act for dummies? ›

Right to remove old negative information. If you make a late payment or file bankruptcy, it shouldn't be held against you forever. The FCRA requires agencies to remove most negative credit information after seven years and bankruptcies after seven to 10 years, depending on the kind of bankruptcy.

What are the most common FCRA violations? ›

Furnishing and Reporting Old Information
  • failing to report that a debt was discharged in bankruptcy.
  • reporting old debts as new or re-aged.
  • reporting an account as active when it was voluntarily closed by a consumer and.

What is the 15 code 1681? ›

(1) The banking system is dependent upon fair and accurate credit reporting. Inaccurate credit reports directly impair the efficiency of the banking system, and unfair credit reporting methods undermine the public confidence which is essential to the continued functioning of the banking system.

What is the new FCRA law passed in 2024? ›

Fair Credit Reporting Act File Disclosure: The maximum charge to a consumer under the FCRA for file disclosure increases effective January 1, 2024, to $15.50 from $14.50. See 88 Fed.

What does the Fair and Accurate Credit Transactions Act require? ›

The law requires creditors and reporting agencies to protect consumers' identifying information and take steps to guard against identity theft. It also allows consumers to access free copies of their credit reports.

What information is not included in a credit report? ›

Your credit report won't, however, list your gender, race, religion, citizenship, political affiliation, medical history, or criminal records (unless you were convicted of a crime related to your finances, e.g. bank fraud).

What is the purpose of the Fair Credit Reporting Act in insurance? ›

The FCRA is designed to protect the privacy of consumer report information — sometimes informally called “credit reports” — and to guarantee that information supplied by consumer reporting agencies (CRAs) is as accurate as possible.

What is an example of the Fair Credit Reporting Act? ›

a credit report or another type of consumer report to deny your application for credit, insurance, or employment – or to take another adverse action against you – must tell you, and must give you the name, address, and phone number of the agency that provided the information.

How is Fair Credit Reporting Act violated? ›

Common violations of the FCRA include:

Creditors give reporting agencies inaccurate financial information about you. Reporting agencies mixing up one person's information with another's because of similar (or same) name or social security number. Agencies fail to follow guidelines for handling disputes.

Who is in charge of the Fair Credit Reporting Act? ›

It was originally passed in 1970, and is enforced by the U.S. Federal Trade Commission, the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, and private litigants.

What is the main purpose of the Fair Credit Billing Act? ›

What Is the Fair Credit Billing Act? The Fair Credit Billing Act is a 1974 federal law enacted to protect consumers from unfair credit billing practices. It enables individuals to dispute unauthorized charges on their accounts and those for undelivered goods or services.

What does the Fair Credit Reporting Act require each of the 3 credit bureaus to provide you with? ›

Fair and Accurate Credit Transactions

Under FACTA, consumers are entitled to one free credit report every 12 months from each of the three credit bureaus (Equifax, TransUnion, and Experian). Reviewing these reports allows you to correct any errors in your credit history and protect your credit identity.

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