The Differences Between Criminology & Forensic Psychology (2024)

The Differences Between Criminology & Forensic Psychology (1)

Students with an interest in the criminal justice field tend to study either forensic criminology or forensic psychology as an academic concentration.

But while the two majors can be found under the criminal justice umbrella, there is a difference between criminology and forensic psychology.

It’s important for current and prospective students to understand the differences between the two studies as it can help determine which path to take.

Criminology is an interdisciplinary field in behavioral and social sciences surrounding the scientific study and analysis of criminals, victims, and crime.

Forensic psychology is applied psychology to areas within the criminal justice system, including psychological counseling of offenders, law enforcers, and victims.

Because forensic psychology and criminology analyze different matters, the educational backgrounds and career options associated with each study can differ quite a bit.

To choose the most suitable major, students must understand how criminology and forensic psychology can vary in purpose, academic study, and job opportunity.

The Differences Between Criminology & Forensic Psychology (2024)


The Differences Between Criminology & Forensic Psychology? ›

Criminology is an interdisciplinary field in behavioral and social sciences surrounding the scientific study and analysis of criminals, victims, and crime. Forensic psychology is applied psychology to areas within the criminal justice system, including psychological counseling of offenders, law enforcers, and victims.

What is the difference between forensic psychology and criminology? ›

Forensic psychology applies psychological principles within the legal and criminal justice systems. Criminology, an area of study often conflated with criminal psychology, is the interdisciplinary study of crime, including its causes, effects and societal responses.

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Key difference: The disciplines forensic investigation and criminology deals with issues related to crime and criminal behaviors. Forensic science is an approach to solve the crime and its related issues, whereas criminology develops theories and explains the crime as social phenomena.

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Investigative psychology is closely related to forensic psychology, but is more concerned with police decision-making than with the court system and helping victims. Investigative psychologists might be called upon to advise police on how to handle a wide range of criminals.

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Clinical psychologists usually work directly with clients to provide guidance and feedback for changing their behavior. On the other hand, forensic psychologists often do not work with clients and instead offer their expertise to attorneys, courts, law enforcement, and other entities in the criminal justice realm.

What is the difference between a criminologist and a forensic criminologist? ›

Criminology and forensic science (also called criminalistics) are different disciplines. Criminology deals with the sociological study of crime like its causes and impact on society. Forensic science primarily deals with the collection and analysis of physical evidence using established scientific techniques.

What is the relationship between psychology and criminology? ›

Criminology and psychology are closely related as both rely on an understanding of human behaviour. Psychologists specialise in understanding how the way we process information and make decisions can be influenced by factors such as trauma, biological disorders, changing environments and lifestyle choices.

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Criminology deals with motive and psychology of a criminal, and forensic scientists deal with the evidence of the crime.

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Crime science is the study of crime in order to find ways to prevent it. It is distinguished from criminology in that it is focused on how crime is committed and how to reduce it, rather than on who committed it. It is multidisciplinary, notably recruiting scientific methodology rather than relying on social theory.

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Criminologist Job Overview

In the criminologist role, you will be tasked with investigating crime scenes, performing autopsies, and gathering data. You will also attempt to determine motives or important external factors related to the case.

What is the difference between forensic psychology and law? ›

Although forensic psychologists also work within law enforcement, the court system or corrections, their role is distinctive. Forensic psychology programs focus not on laws and their enforcement but rather on criminal behavior, victimology and trauma.

What do criminologists do? ›

Criminologists collect and analyze qualitative and quantitative data surrounding crime, ultimately providing insights and solutions to prevent crime in a community. Criminologists work closely with the police and policymakers to offer suggestions on policing strategies and proactive policing.

What is the difference between forensic psychology and forensic pathology? ›

However, the key difference between them is that for forensic pathologists this is medical evaluation and analysis, whereas for the forensic psychologist it is a matter of mental evaluation and analysis.

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Answer: First, "insanity" is not a diagnosis. As a doctor with medical and psychiatric education, a psychiatrist can only diagnose the "mental illness" side while also knowing how medical diagnoses interplay with "mental illness" problems.

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Criminal Psychology Degrees

Interview criminals to learn about their upbringing and family life. Evaluate crime scenes, evidence, witnesses and victims, and assess these elements in relation to the suspect or suspects in a given crime.

Is a forensic psychologist a criminologist? ›

Although criminology and forensic psychology are both used to prevent crime, the nature of the concentrations determines the area of focus for the career. Criminology focuses on studying crime while forensic psychology helps stymie repeat offenses through psychological evaluation and counseling.

Do you need a criminology degree to be a forensic psychologist? ›

They can also earn a bachelor's degree in criminal justice or criminology with a focus on psychology. While there is no single model for becoming a forensic and public service psychologist, a doctoral degree, often in clinical or counseling psychology, is usually required.

Should I major in psychology or criminology? ›

There are many careers where criminal justice and psychology intersect. While criminal justice majors work more in law enforcement and crime prevention, psychology majors focus on the psychological precursors to or aftereffects of crime.

Do forensic psychologists go to crime scenes? ›

Crime Scene & Laboratory Setting: Some forensic psychologists play an important role in criminal investigations, and spend their time analyzing crime scenes and evidence to conclude a criminal's actions, and/or how they committed a crime.

What does a forensic criminologist do? ›

A forensic criminologist is a professional who combines forensic science and the social science of criminology to investigate and analyze crimes, crime scenes and motives for crimes. Forensic criminologists often have degrees in criminology, which is the study of criminal behavior.

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