The Capital | CoinMarketCap Global Conference (2024)

Matthew Tan is the founder and CEO of the leading Ethereum block explorer, API and Analytics Platform,

Prior to Etherscan, he founded and developed one of the earlier token-based blockchain explorers, Blockscan, for Counterparty, a smart contracts blockchain built on top of Bitcoin. He has around 15 years of industry experience, consulting and developing bespoke line of business solutions when he was a co-founder of a data/web applications solutions provider.

He also serves as an advisor for blockchain and venture-based projects.

The Capital | CoinMarketCap Global Conference (2024)
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Author: Rueben Jacobs

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Author information

Name: Rueben Jacobs

Birthday: 1999-03-14

Address: 951 Caterina Walk, Schambergerside, CA 67667-0896

Phone: +6881806848632

Job: Internal Education Planner

Hobby: Candle making, Cabaret, Poi, Gambling, Rock climbing, Wood carving, Computer programming

Introduction: My name is Rueben Jacobs, I am a cooperative, beautiful, kind, comfortable, glamorous, open, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.