The Bitcoin Halving: How It Affects Crypto Prices - Kriptomat (2024)

Bitcoin, the first and most famous cryptocurrency, is changing the way we think about money. Every few years, something extraordinary happens to it – an event known as “halving.” Imagine a game where the prizes suddenly become rarer, and you’ll get the picture. Halving slashes the number of new Bitcoins given to miners in half. This is a big deal as it usually shakes up the value of Bitcoin and even affects other cryptocurrencies.

Why should this matter to you? Because when Bitcoin experiences fluctuations, it can send ripples across the entire crypto market. Understanding halving is crucial if you want to make informed choices in the crypto market. In this article, we’ll explore its past impact, present importance, and the potential future it holds for anyone involved in crypto investing. Get ready for a journey into the heart of what makes Bitcoin truly tick.

What is Bitcoin halving?

At its core, Bitcoin halving is a scheduled event in Bitcoin’s underlying protocol that slashes the reward for mining new blocks in half. Occurring approximately every four years, this mechanism is built into Bitcoin’s code to ensure that the creation of new Bitcoin slows down over time, mimicking the production rate of precious resources like gold.

Why does this happen? Bitcoin’s creator, known as Satoshi Nakamoto, designed the halving process to control inflation. With a cap of 21 million Bitcoins that can ever exist, halving is essential to prolong the mining process and distribute the creation of new Bitcoins more evenly over time. This built-in scarcity is a deliberate choice to preserve the value of Bitcoin, making it deflationary by nature. This is in stark contrast to traditional fiat currencies, which can be printed without limit and thus are subject to inflation.

The halving isn’t just a technical event; it’s a pivotal moment that can influence investor behaviour and market dynamics. The anticipation of reduced new supply can lead to speculative activity, as seen in past halving events where prices surged leading up to and following the halving. Understanding this cyclical event is vital for anyone involved in crypto, as it plays a significant role in the market’s supply and demand equation.

Has Bitcoin halving consistently caused the price to surge?

Bitcoin halving events have historically marked the beginning of significant price movements in the cryptocurrency market. The first halving in 2012 saw Bitcoin’s price increase from about $12 to over $1,000 in the following year. Similarly, the 2016 halving was a precursor to the 2017 bull run, where prices soared to nearly $20,000. Finally, after the 2020 halving, Bitcoin reached almost $70,000. These patterns suggest a correlation between halving and increased Bitcoin prices, as the reduced supply often leads to heightened demand among investors.

However, it’s crucial to acknowledge that while halvings have been followed by price increases, they are not the sole driver of market changes. Other factors, such as market sentiment, technological advancements, regulatory updates, and broader economic conditions also play a role. Therefore, while historical data can offer valuable insights, it should be considered within the context of a dynamic and evolving market.

Understanding Bitcoin halving is important for anyone involved in crypto because it doesn’t just affect Bitcoin. When its supply is reduced through halving, and if the demand stays constant or increases, we often see a ripple effect on the prices of other cryptocurrencies. Other digital currencies tend to follow Bitcoin’s lead, making halving events a crucial watchpoint for investors.

Learn more about market cycles and how they influence crypto prices in “Predicting Patterns: How Crypto Market Cycles Work”.

How Bitcoin halving influences investment behaviour

Experienced investors pay close attention to halving because it may affect Bitcoin’s price and, by extension, their investment returns. They might change their buying or selling plans to anticipate the halving’s impact on market prices.

Since these events can lead to significant price volatility, many investors aim to position their portfolios advantageously ahead of time. For instance, some investors may increase their Bitcoin holdings, speculating that the reduced supply will lead to price increases. Others might diversify into alternative cryptocurrencies or stablecoins to hedge against the uncertainty.

In the months leading up to a halving, it’s common to see a surge in trading volumes as investors reposition. Savvy traders closely monitor market sentiment and technical indicators, considering these as signals to either enter or exit positions. Moreover, long-term investors might double down on their ‘hodling’ strategy, anticipating a post-halving increase in value.

For a more detailed look at how to navigate Bitcoin investments during these pivotal times, you might find our in-depth article “Bitcoin Investment 101: How to Get Started” helpful. It offers deeper insights and strategies tailored to both new and seasoned investors aiming to make the most of Bitcoin’s unique market cycles.

How to get ready for the next halving?

Preparing for the next halving involves more than just passive observation; it requires active engagement with the market. Here are actionable steps to ensure you’re ready:

  1. Educate yourself: Delve into resources that explain the halving in-depth. Understand not just the ‘what’ but the ‘why’ behind the process.
  2. Monitor the market: Keep track of Bitcoin’s performance, but also watch how altcoins respond to these periods. Analyse historical patterns from previous cycles.
  3. Adjust your portfolio: Consider diversifying or rebalancing your portfolio before the halving takes place. If history repeats itself, volatility could provide buying opportunities.
  4. 4. Set alerts and use a watchlist: Use our user-friendly tools to set price alerts and a watchlist so you won’t miss significant price movements. Learn the exact steps in our tutorials “How to set up price alerts” and “How To Track Your Favorite Crypto Assets With Kriptomat’s Watchlist?”.
  5. Connect with the community: Engage with online crypto forums and social media groups. These can be goldmines of real-time insight and sentiment analysis.
  6. 6. Plan for different scenarios: Think about how different outcomes of the halving could affect the market and plan your strategy accordingly.

By taking these steps, you position yourself to respond swiftly and strategically to the shifts brought about by the Bitcoin halving, potentially enhancing your investment results.

The bottom line

As we edge closer to the anticipated Bitcoin halving in April 2024, understanding the implications of such events is more important than ever. The halving promises not only to be a significant occurrence for Bitcoin itself but also a potential catalyst for broader crypto market movements. Recognizing the historical impact and preparing for the realities of halving are key to staying ahead in the crypto game.

This period leading up to the halving presents an ideal opportunity for strategic planning and careful market observation. We invite you to further explore the content available at our Academy to deepen your insights. This will enable you to navigate the halving event with confidence and make astute investment choices based on a solid understanding of its potential impact on the crypto market.In addition, consider signing up for a Kriptomat account which offers a secure and user-friendly platform with a large selection of top-notch crypto trading tools.


This text is informative in nature and should not be considered an investment recommendation. It does not express the personal opinion of the author or service. Any investment or trading is risky, and past returns are not a guarantee of future returns. Risk only assets that you are willing to lose.

The Bitcoin Halving: How It Affects Crypto Prices - Kriptomat (2024)


The Bitcoin Halving: How It Affects Crypto Prices - Kriptomat? ›

Halving slashes the number of new Bitcoins given to miners in half. This is a big deal as it usually shakes up the value of Bitcoin and even affects other cryptocurrencies. Why should this matter to you? Because when Bitcoin experiences fluctuations, it can send ripples across the entire crypto market.

How does the halving affect the price of Bitcoin? ›

Halving reduces the supply of new bitcoins, which should in theory increase the price. It is an economic axiom that if demand for an asset remains stable while its supply decreases, its price should go up.

What will happen to the crypto market after Bitcoin halving? ›

Bitcoin prices usually rise for several months following a halving event. However, this time, the market expects the halving to be different. The fourth Bitcoin halving event is almost upon us with, if history is any indicator, the cryptocurrency likely to see a post-halving surge.

What is the result of Bitcoin halving? ›

The Bitcoin network on Friday evening completed its fourth “halving,” reducing the rewards earned by miners to 3.125 bitcoins from 6.25. The price of bitcoin has been volatile ahead of the event, and fell about 4% this week to trade around $64,100, according to Coin Metrics.

What happens when Bitcoin stops halving? ›

The last halving should occur in 2140. At that point, there will be 21 million BTC in circulation and no more coins will be created. From there, miners will just be paid with transaction fees.

Will Bitcoin halving drop price? ›

The main impact from the halving is expected to be on Bitcoin mining companies rather than the actual price of the cryptocurrency. The blockchain update is poised to wipe out billions of dollars in annual revenue for miners, though the effect will be mitigated if the cryptocurrency's price continues to rise.

Does halving make price go up? ›

Additionally, the halving event brings attention to the crypto space, attracting new investors and contributing to increased trading activity. However, it's important to note that while the halving historically has led to price increases, the magnitude of these increases may diminish with each subsequent halvings.

Will crypto go up after halving? ›

“Historically, bitcoin has experienced notable price increases in the six months following each halving event. In fact, bitcoin reached new all-time highs in each four-year period between the previous halving events,” Binance CEO Richard Teng told The Block.

How many days after bitcoin halving does it hit peak? ›

These peaks are often reached within a year after a halving, riding the wave of reduced supply and heightened demand, before the natural market correction takes hold due to profit-taking and the cyclical nature of investor sentiment.

Is bitcoin halving bullish? ›

Bitcoin halving is considered bullish because each event reduces the rate at which future bitcoins are created. This then boosts the scarcity and value of existing bitcoins. But a positive effect isn't guaranteed.

Will Bitcoin halving affect other coins? ›

When its supply is reduced through halving, and if the demand stays constant or increases, we often see a ripple effect on the prices of other cryptocurrencies.

Who owns the most Bitcoin? ›

Who Owns the Most Bitcoins? Satoshi Nakamoto, the pseudonymous creator of Bitcoin, is believed to own the most bitcoins, with estimates suggesting over 1 million BTC mined in the early days of the network.

How many Bitcoin halvings are left? ›

How many Bitcoin halvings left? In total, there will be 32 Bitcoin halvings. There will be 29 more Bitcoin halvings until 2140 — when new BTC will stop being created entirely.

Is Bitcoin halving good or bad? ›

Historically, the supply shock generated by the halving has marked the start of significant bull markets for bitcoin. And as we approach the fourth halving, I believe that this trend will continue, potentially taking bitcoin's price to a new all-time high.

What will happen after Bitcoin halving in 2024? ›

After the halving, the rate of issuance of new bitcoin as well as the rewards for successful bitcoin miners are cut in half. There can only be 21 million bitcoin, and fewer new tokens entering circulation could impact bitcoin prices. That's why the halving is watched closely by miners and investors alike.

What is the Bitcoin halving for dummies? ›

Bitcoin halving is a critical process coded into the network's protocol, occurring approximately every four years or after every 210,000 blocks have been mined — a process that typically spans four years based on the network's designed block time of 10 minutes per block.

Should I buy Bitcoin before or after halving? ›

On average, Bitcoin has increased roughly 125% in halving years. However, the year after a halving tends to produce the best gains. In the year after a halving, Bitcoin returned a whopping 415% on average. That means an investment of $1,000 would be worth more than $5,000.

How many days after Bitcoin halving does it hit peak? ›

These peaks are often reached within a year after a halving, riding the wave of reduced supply and heightened demand, before the natural market correction takes hold due to profit-taking and the cyclical nature of investor sentiment.

Why does BTC pump after halving? ›

The "stock-to-flow" ratio is a key concept used to measure the current supply of a commodity against the rate of new supply entering the market. For Bitcoin, each halving event markedly increases this ratio, underscoring its growing scarcity.

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