The Beginner’s Guide to Airbnb Hosting (2024)

The Beginner’s Guide to Airbnb Hosting (1)

The Beginner’s Guide to Airbnb Hosting (2)

So many people that live in or around tourist traps sit on potential treasure chests, unaware that they only need to get up and lift the lid to take a peek at what’s inside. And the contents of this treasure chest are things that usually appear so mundane – four walls, a bed, a desk, something bland and uninspired. However, if you only make a small effort to give these objects a new breath of life and spruce them up with a touch of purpose, you can develop the most coveted rental on the online market. If you see a potential in such a move, here’s the beginner’s guide to Airbnb hosting.

Don’t be too quick with those typing fingers

Airbnb has become quite an affluent global company, so it’s quite natural that a number of programmers have made the online registration as easy and streamlined as possible. And indeed, it is truly easy to create your free listing and you won’t need more than a few minutes to do it. However, you should refrain from doing this until you are absolutely certain that everything you can offer is top notch.

The Beginner’s Guide to Airbnb Hosting (3)

Do your own marketing

Think of it as your “mission statement” – a carefully crafted product that serves a particular purpose and all the philosophy which surrounds it, the goal and vision of what it represents. In other words, you are doing your own marketing. Create an appealing headline which is short and to the point. Grab the attention of the potential client with this headline and then go into details in the description below. Be honest and, if English is not your forte, find someone who will proofread and tidy up the text for you. Remember – presentation is everything, and this includes photos too.

Photos will sell it

Pretty much every experienced host will tell you that photographs are the most important part of your preparation – so take all the time you need to take snapshots of every corner of your accommodation and do it from every conceivable angle. Sift through the shots you have and find the best ones for the upload. Of course, Airbnb may offer to send a professional photographer for free, which is an opportunity you should definitely utilize to the fullest extent.

The Beginner’s Guide to Airbnb Hosting (4)

Approach it like a true landlord

If you wantto get the best reviews, you’ll need to maintain the rental and play the role of the housekeeper and the landlord. You may be able to find the necessary help once you begin to earn enough money, but bear in mind that nobody will take care of the space with as much affection and attention as you would.

Make sure that goods such as toilet paper, towels, soap and shampoo are accessible to the guests as soon as they arrive. Find the necessary repairmen that work 24/7 and keep them on speed dial, in the case of emergency. The price range of these services will vary depending on how good a research you’ve done. Highly efficient andaffordable Sydney electricianwill always keep a finger firmly pressed on the pulse of the local market and offer you the most reasonable prices whilst being available 24/7, which is crucial for someone who runs an Airbnb business.

A matter of pricing

If you are just a beginner, you should also do thorough research of the marketplace before you decide on the pricing option you’re about to put out there. Whatever the average market rate turns out to be, always charge less at first and see where that takes you. Raise your rates slowly and carefully, according to the customer reviews and your average rating.

There is a flipside to this – don’t go too modest with your price as you probably won’t get a healthy return on your investment, and it would be a pity not to make as much money as you could if the accommodation is charming and comfortable. The price should also be dictated by the position of your rental in relation to the biggest highlights your city or your region has to offer.

Hotels are not cheap. They can empty your pocket before you can say “bed and breakfast” and they’re mostly franchised, uninspired husks that are all about traffic. Airbnb offers something else – a soulful experience and an endless range of inspiring styles. However, if you plan to become a host, you should know that this is not for everyone. First and foremost, developed social skills, patience and a will to meet new people all the time are absolute musts. If these traits come naturally to you, you might have just found the vocation of a lifetime.

Grab your free customizable hosting print outs like a wifi sign and so much more!

*thanks to the Zebra

The Beginner’s Guide to Airbnb Hosting (7)

TAGS:airbnbAirbnb Hostinghomehome rentalrenting homerenting your home

The Beginner’s Guide to Airbnb Hosting (8)

Diana Smith

Diana Smith is a full time mom of two beautiful girls and a passionate traveler. In her free time she enjoys exercising and preparing healthy meals for her family.

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The Beginner’s Guide to Airbnb Hosting (2024)
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Name: Gregorio Kreiger

Birthday: 1994-12-18

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Introduction: My name is Gregorio Kreiger, I am a tender, brainy, enthusiastic, combative, agreeable, gentle, gentle person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.