The 7 best-paying biopharma companies where workers can take home more than $400,000 (2024)

The 7 best-paying biopharma companies where workers can take home more than $400,000 (1)

  • Workers at biotech and pharma companies can command big paychecks.
  • Endpoints News compiled data from hundreds of companies to reveal their median salaries.
  • Read on to see the companies that pay workers the most, with annual salaries above $400,000.

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The 7 best-paying biopharma companies where workers can take home more than $400,000 (4)


The executives, scientists, and other workers at biotech companies have a tough job: coming up with new medical treatments.

But they're paid handsomely for the work, a new analysis from biotech publication Endpoints News shows. Correspondent Andrew Dunn compiled public information from hundreds of biotech and pharma companies to reveal the median salaries they pay their workers.

Endpoints found that the companies with the highest median pay tended to be smaller, and based in biotech hubs like San Francisco, San Diego, or the Boston area.

Head on over to Endpoints to check out the full list, which has info on 175 companies.

Read on to see the 7 best-paying biotech companies, listed from lowest to highest median pay.


Prothena: $419,964

The 7 best-paying biopharma companies where workers can take home more than $400,000 (5)

Prothena is working on treatments for neurological diseases like Alzheimer's and Parkinson's. The company had 127 employees as of December 31, including 19 with medical degrees or Ph.Ds.

Cytokinetics: $427,883

The 7 best-paying biopharma companies where workers can take home more than $400,000 (6)

Nitat Termmee/Getty Images

Cytokinetics is focused on cardiovascular diseases. The company has offices in South San Francisco and Wayne, Pennsylvania, and has 409 employees.


SpringWorks Therapeutics: $433,241

The 7 best-paying biopharma companies where workers can take home more than $400,000 (7)

SpringWorks is focused on treating rare tumors and certain kinds of cancer. The company is headquartered in Stamford, Connecticut and has an office and lab in Durham, North Carolina. The company had 227 full-time employees as of December 31.

Madrigal Pharmaceuticals: $441,396

The 7 best-paying biopharma companies where workers can take home more than $400,000 (8)

Getty Images

Madrigal is focused on the liver disease known as NASH, or non-alcoholic steatohepatitis. The company is headquartered in the Philadelphia suburb of West Conshohocken, Pennsylvania, and had 92 employees as of February 20.


Mirati Therapeutics: $477,039

The 7 best-paying biopharma companies where workers can take home more than $400,000 (9)

Mirati is working on cancer treatments, and won regulatory approval for a lung-cancer drug late last year. The San Diego-based company had 593 workers as of December 31.

Akero Therapeutics: $515,516

The 7 best-paying biopharma companies where workers can take home more than $400,000 (10)

Akero is working on treatments for the liver disease NASH. The company is based in South San Francisco and had 38 full-time employees as of February 28.


Anavex Life Sciences: $674,500

The 7 best-paying biopharma companies where workers can take home more than $400,000 (11)

Anavex is working on treatments for diseases like Alzheimer's and Parkinson's. The company is based in New York City and said in its annual report that it has 38 full-time workers.

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The 7 best-paying biopharma companies where workers can take home more than $400,000 (2024)
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