Stock Your Pantry, Stay Calm, Be Ready:Emergencies (2024)

Stock Your Pantry, Stay Calm, Be Ready:Emergencies (1)

How do you prepare your pantry for disasters or emergencies? We never know when we will have to face a natural disaster such as a storm or perhaps some other emergencies that will keep us away from the market. There are are even times when that market may have empty shelves or be closed all together. In the past week theCDC (Centers For Disease Control & Prevention) has strongly suggested that we prepare our homes in the event of a health emergency that could possibly come to our country. It has been suggested that we prepare for a 2 week or 14 day stay inside our home if need be.

Stock Your Pantry, Stay Calm, Be Ready:Emergencies (2)

We live in a part of the country where we have a lot of tornados in the spring of the year so we have a "Ready Kit" on hand for that season, and have had to use some of the kit before so we know first hand that to be prepared is a good thing.

There are many sites that give great ideas for preparing kits, the best one I have found isFood-Readyfrom You can print the list and it has some great ideas for planning your kit for your family. One of the most important things is to have a plan and then take the action to put your family kit together.

Stock Your Pantry, Stay Calm, Be Ready:Emergencies (3)

This Is How We Prepared The Cottage Kit

In the past week I have had several inquires about preparing the pantry for a 14 day stay in the home, without access to the food market. I am a meal planner and if you are a regular reader of this blog you know that once a week we print a complete meal plan plus recipes for the week. I just thought of the meals that we might want to have if we were not feeling well or if we had no access to a food market for a couple of weeks. These are some of the items that we bought on our shopping trip for our kit.

We Would Want An Ample Supply Of

Blue Bell In Our Freezer (A Necessity For Texans)

Stock Your Pantry, Stay Calm, Be Ready:Emergencies (4)

Pantry and Freezer List

Paper Items

Toilet Tissue

Paper Towels



Wash Soap


Laundry Additives

Canned Goods







Cooking Oil

Dry Goods



Baking Mix



Dried Beans

Dry Mixes





Salt, Pepper


Whole Chickens

Chuck Roast

Pork Roast

Ground Chuck



Extra Storage Cold Bin




Other Items

Food For Animals (Max)

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Stock Your Pantry, Stay Calm, Be Ready:Emergencies (5)

It Is Important To Make Sure That Your
Personal Items Are On Hand

Medications that you may need, personal toilet items and comfortable clothing. Games, reading material, something to do in case the internet goes down and there is no television.

Stock Your Pantry, Stay Calm, Be Ready:Emergencies (6)

Stay Calm

One of the most important things I have learned in my years (and they are many) on this earth is to stay calm. When we have a plan and can execute that plan we can relax and know that we have done everything that we can. It really does help us stay calm when we have a plan and are prepared.

I pray that none of us will ever have to use our Panty Kits for any other reason than to just use the food for everyday use. But if we do need them they will be at the ready.
Thanks so much for stopping by the cottage and I sure hope we have inspired you to Stock Your Pantry, Stay Calm and Be Ready!
Peace and Joy
Miz Helen


Stock Your Pantry, Stay Calm, Be Ready:Emergencies (7)

Miz Helen

Cookbook Author, Recipe Developer, Organic Gardner.

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  1. Stock Your Pantry, Stay Calm, Be Ready:Emergencies (10)

    Joanne March 2, 2020 at 9:46 AM

    That's a great list! We try to have most of that on hand but I do know I've been relying a lot on our stores and not stocking up like we probably should be. I was actually thinking of using Prime Pantry to get a good base going again.


  2. Stock Your Pantry, Stay Calm, Be Ready:Emergencies (11)

    SusanMarch 2, 2020 at 3:40 PM

    Great list - you thought of a couple of things that I had missed. Thank you!


  3. Stock Your Pantry, Stay Calm, Be Ready:Emergencies (12)

    JuneMarch 2, 2020 at 4:15 PM

    Thank you so much for compiling such a great list; some of which I had not thought of. I always enjoy your blog and recipes so much. Good luck to you!


  4. Stock Your Pantry, Stay Calm, Be Ready:Emergencies (13)

    Julie's Creative LifestyleMarch 2, 2020 at 6:14 PM

    Thanks for compiling this very useful shopping list. We all need to take precautions right now.


  5. Stock Your Pantry, Stay Calm, Be Ready:Emergencies (14)

    kitty@ Kitty's Kozy KitchenMarch 4, 2020 at 7:41 AM

    Thank you for sharing this with us, Miz Helen. I appreciate the information.


  6. Stock Your Pantry, Stay Calm, Be Ready:Emergencies (15)

    Of Goats and GreensMarch 6, 2020 at 12:25 PM

    Great post. While I already have a pantry, it does have noticeable holes in it. For instance I do need more salt, and I'd like more bags of charcoal. Fresh veggies at this time of year can be problematic, but there are ways to help this.


  7. Stock Your Pantry, Stay Calm, Be Ready:Emergencies (16)

    Jean | DelightfulRepast.comMarch 8, 2020 at 6:58 PM

    Miz Helen, thank you for posting this great common-sense article so needed right now. I've always believed in being prepared, and I think it goes a long way in keeping me calm. I would never want to be one of those people we're seeing too many videos of right now, in a panic and behaving aggressively toward their fellow shoppers as they grab everything in sight.


  8. Stock Your Pantry, Stay Calm, Be Ready:Emergencies (17)

    April J HarrisMarch 14, 2020 at 2:01 PM

    This is such a timely post, Miz Helen, with such great advice and a fantastic list. It is so important to stay calm at times like these. I do like your style with the ice cream - I am making sure we have some treats available as well! Take care and stay well, my friend. Thank you for being a part of the Hearth and Soul Link party community.


  9. Stock Your Pantry, Stay Calm, Be Ready:Emergencies (18)

    PamMarch 16, 2020 at 8:57 AM

    What a great list! Good information and good advice. As I have gotten older, I have gotten much more calm about these things. Pinning the post, and thanks!


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Your visit has been very special. I look forward to your comments, they are like opening little gifts. Thank you for stopping by and hurry back!
Miz Helen

Stock Your Pantry, Stay Calm, Be Ready:Emergencies (2024)
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