Steam “Too many Activation Attempts” error: How to fix, possible reasons, and more (2024)

Steam users often run into various issues, especially when redeeming a free game using a code. Humble Bundle giveaways usually allow players to access a lot of popular tiles for free or at a heavily discounted rate, and players usually face an error when trying to redeem their codes in bulk on Steam.

One of the most common errors on the platform is the “Too many Activation Attempts” error which has been one of the bigger age-old problems that Steam faces. It occurs specifically when a user is trying to redeem a code and has become of the harder issues to deal with as there is no permanent fix to it.

However, the community has found workarounds that can temporarily help solve this issue on the platform. Hence, the following guide will go over steps you can employ to deal with the “Too many Activation Attempts” error on Steam.

Fixing the “Too many Activation Attempts” error on Steam

Steam “Too many Activation Attempts” error: How to fix, possible reasons, and more (2)

As mentioned, game distribution platforms like the Humble Bundle offer players a great many numbers of game keys at the same time. Hence, players often try to redeem the codes all at once, which often leads to an issue on the platform.

As the platform releases game keys almost at regular intervals, errors like “Too many Activation Attempts” are one of the most common issues that Steam users run into.

The error primarily occurs when you enter more than 20 game codes into the Steam game redemption section. This will often crash the platform before redeeming all the games for whose code you have entered.

Hence, to be able to fix the issue, you will need to:

  • Wait for the cooldown before the platform allows you to enter game codes again. The period is exactly 1 hour, and you can start redeeming codes again once that period is up.
  • The cooldown occurs because you have been attempting to download too many codes simultaneously. Hence, if you are getting the error message, you will be required to wait for an hour until the cooldown period is up before you can put in the codes again.
  • If the error persists even after the 1 hour cooldown period, you might want to restart the Steam client. By closing the platform and then re-opening it, you might be able to deal with the error code and help the cooldown reset after the one hour is up.
  • You can even re-install the client on your system as a drastic step. While it may not look like it will solve the issue, many in the community have stated that re-installing the platform seems to have worked for them.

Steam “Too many Activation Attempts” error: How to fix, possible reasons, and more (3)

If you want to redeem all the games simultaneously, you can try and limit the number of codes you redeem on one account so you don't encounter the cooldown period. You can split up and distribute the multiple codes that you get from the Bundle and split it up across multiple accounts.

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I'm an enthusiast well-versed in the intricacies of Steam and game distribution platforms, particularly in dealing with common issues users encounter. My experience in troubleshooting and finding solutions extends to scenarios like redeeming game codes and addressing errors, such as the "Too many Activation Attempts" problem on Steam.

In the context of the provided article, let me delve into the concepts and solutions discussed:

1. "Too many Activation Attempts" Error on Steam

Problem Description:

  • Steam users often face issues when redeeming free games through codes, especially from platforms like Humble Bundle.
  • The article highlights the "Too many Activation Attempts" error as a prevalent issue, occurring when users attempt to redeem a large number of game codes simultaneously.

Causes of the Error:

  • Attempting to redeem more than 20 game codes in the Steam game redemption section.
  • Bulk redemption often leads to system crashes, preventing users from redeeming all the entered codes.

Solutions Provided:

  1. Cooldown Period:

    • Wait for a cooldown period of 1 hour before attempting to enter game codes again.
    • Cooldown is imposed due to the user's attempt to redeem too many codes simultaneously.
  2. Restart Steam Client:

    • If the error persists after the cooldown period, restarting the Steam client may resolve the issue.
    • Closing and reopening the platform can help in resetting the cooldown after the one-hour wait.
  3. Reinstall Steam Client:

    • As a drastic step, reinstalling the Steam client might resolve the error.
    • Some users in the community have reported success with this approach.
  4. Limit Code Redemption:

    • To avoid the cooldown period, limit the number of codes redeemed on one account.
    • Distribute codes across multiple accounts to redeem all games without encountering cooldown.

2. Additional Information:

  • Game Distribution Platforms:

    • Platforms like Humble Bundle offer game keys in bulk.
    • Users often try to redeem these keys simultaneously, leading to activation issues.
  • Community Workarounds:

    • While there is no permanent fix, the community has found temporary workarounds for the "Too many Activation Attempts" error.

In conclusion, the article provides valuable insights into addressing a common challenge faced by Steam users during the redemption of game codes. The outlined solutions offer practical steps to overcome the "Too many Activation Attempts" error, showcasing the community's collaborative efforts to find effective workarounds.

Steam “Too many Activation Attempts” error: How to fix, possible reasons, and more (2024)
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