Stealth VPN definition - Glossary (2024)

Stealth VPN definition

Stealth VPN refers to a service that hides the fact that the user has connected to the internet via a VPN. While regular VPN connections can hide the person’s traffic, services and ISPs usually recognize that a VPN is encrypting the user’s traffic. But a stealth VPN, or obfuscation protocols, turn the user encrypted traffic into normal traffic by making it appear as common HTTPS connections. Stealth VPN is best utilized when the user lives or wants to visit a country with strong censorship laws, or wants to prevent corporate data collection.

See also: obfuscation, isp, ip surveillance

Benefits of stealth VPN

  • Increased privacy and security. By disguising VPN traffic, it helps users protect their privacy from anyone that may be watching their online activities.
  • Access to censored content. As some countries, organizations, and ISPs restrict access to certain websites or services, it helps the user bypass these restrictions.
  • Protection against VPN blocking. Some services blocklist users that use a VPN. Obfuscation helps the user avoid these blocks.
  • Versatility. A stealth VPN can be used in a variety of situations from accessing blocked content to bypassing government censorship.
  • Private DNS and leak protection. It provides the user a private DNs for every server and may even protect from leaks.

Further reading

Stealth VPN definition - Glossary (2024)
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