Starting to Invest in 2024? Here's How Much You'll Need to Become a Millionaire in 30 Years (2024)

Becoming a millionaire can provide a lot of financial security. And it's not an unreasonable goal for most people, even though it may feel as if it is. The reality is, if you have a long investing timeline and you make smart investments in your brokerage account, you can eventually end up with seven figures.

If you're getting started investing this year and you're hoping to hit your millionaire target in 30 years, here's how much you'd need to invest on a regular basis to end up hitting your goal.

This is what you'd need to invest to become a millionaire in 30 years time

Many people can expect to earn around a 10% average annual return over the long haul if they make reasonable investments.

In fact, you don't need to be a skilled investor to do that, as you can put your money into a financial index called the S&P 500 that has consistently produced 10% average annual returns for decades. The S&P 500 tracks the performance of around 500 large U.S. companies, and is a pretty safe investment as long as you leave your money alone for the long term.

Assuming that you can earn this 10% average return over your investing career, if you are getting started investing this year and you want to become a millionaire in 30 years, you would need to invest $506.60 per month.

This amount may seem like a lot, but it may actually be pretty doable for many people. The Bureau of Labor Statistics reported that median weekly earnings for full-time workers was $1,118 in the third quarter of 2023. With an annual salary of around $58,136.00, the average American could hit the goal of contributing the required $506.60 per month if they were investing a little over 10% of their income. And since many people get employer matching funds if they invest in a 401(k), they wouldn't even necessarily need to come up with the full $506.60 on their own, as their company could help them out.

Of course, some people earn less than average, and finding $506.60 per month will undoubtedly be harder for them -- or perhaps even impossible. But they should still save what they can while working toward increasing income and investing more later in life.

And those who are starting to invest late will need to put aside a larger sum each month in order to become a millionaire if they don't have 30 years. If you have just 15 years until you want to achieve millionaire status, you'd need to invest $2,622.80 per month. This amount is a lot higher because you aren't benefiting as much from the long window of compound growth that happens when your investments earn returns that are reinvested and earn returns of their own.

How to make sure you hit your target

If you are serious about wanting to become a millionaire in 30 years and you're starting to invest in 2024, the best way to make sure you end up with a seven-figure nest egg is to set up automatic transfers from your checking account to your brokerage firm or to have money taken out of your paychecks and put into your 401(k).

You can sign up for a 401(k) right now by asking your employer how to do it. If you have access to this workplace plan, you may be entitled to matching contributions made from your employer as well as tax breaks. And the money you're contributing can be taken from your pay even before you get a paycheck or direct deposit. If you don't have a 401(k), on the other hand, it's pretty easy to set up automatic contributions to an IRA or other retirement account through your bank or broker.

If you have $506.60 transferred into your account every month, invest your money, and leave it alone for 30 years, you may just find yourself a millionaire at that time. So start investing today -- and dream of what your millionaire lifestyle will look like.

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Starting to Invest in 2024? Here's How Much You'll Need to Become a Millionaire in 30 Years (2024)


Starting to Invest in 2024? Here's How Much You'll Need to Become a Millionaire in 30 Years? ›

Assuming that you can earn this 10% average return over your investing career, if you are getting started investing this year and you want to become a millionaire in 30 years, you would need to invest $506.60 per month.

How much do I need to invest to make $1 million in 5 years? ›

Saving a million dollars in five years requires an aggressive savings plan. Suppose you're starting from scratch and have no savings. You'd need to invest around $13,000 per month to save a million dollars in five years, assuming a 7% annual rate of return and 3% inflation rate.

How much money do I need to invest to have a million dollars in 20 years? ›

Given an average 10% rate of return on the S&P 500, you need to save about $1,400 per month in order to save up $1 million over 20 years. That's a lot of money, but the good news is that changing the variables even a little bit can make a big difference.

How much money do I need to invest to make $3,000 a month? ›

Imagine you wish to amass $3000 monthly from your investments, amounting to $36,000 annually. If you park your funds in a savings account offering a 2% annual interest rate, you'd need to inject roughly $1.8 million into the account.

How much do I need to be a millionaire in 10 years? ›

Save as Much as You Possibly Can

“Say you're going to average 10% a year on your investment return — you're going to need to save about $5,000 each month to save $1 million.” Moore recommends putting this money into an employer-sponsored retirement savings account, if possible.

How much do I need to invest to have a million dollars in 30 years? ›

To save a million dollars in 30 years, you'll need to deposit around $850 a month. If you make $50k a year, that's roughly 20% of your pre-tax income. If you can't afford that now then you may want to dissect your expenses to see where you can cut, but if that doesn't work then saving something is better than nothing.

How long will it take to turn 500k into $1 million? ›

If invested with an average annual return of 7%, it would take around 15 years to turn 500k into $1 million.

How much will $50,000 be worth in 20 years? ›

Assuming an annual return rate of 7%, investing $50,000 for 20 years can lead to a substantial increase in wealth. If you invest the money in a diversified portfolio of stocks, bonds, and other securities, you could potentially earn a return of $159,411.11 after 20 years.

How much will 1 dollar be worth in 30 years? ›

Real growth rates
One time saving $1 (taxable account)Every year saving $1 (taxable account)
After # yearsNominal valueNominal value
7 more rows

How much should I invest a month to become a millionaire in 10 years? ›

Now, let's consider how our calculations change if the time horizon is 10 years. If you are starting from scratch, you will need to invest about $4,757 at the end of every month for 10 years. Suppose you already have $100,000. Then you will only need $3,390 at the end of every month to become a millionaire in 10 years.

Can you live off $3,000 a month? ›

Top the amount with 401(k) savings, living on $3,000 a month after taxes is possible for a retiree. For those who only have social security benefits to rely on, there are many places where they can retire on their checks both in the USA and around the world.

How much do I need to invest to make $1,000 a month? ›

A stock portfolio focused on dividends can generate $1,000 per month or more in perpetual passive income, Mircea Iosif wrote on Medium. “For example, at a 4% dividend yield, you would need a portfolio worth $300,000.

How much will I make if I invest $100 a month? ›

Investing $100 per month, with an average return rate of 10%, will yield $200,000 after 30 years. Due to compound interest, your investment will yield $535,000 after 40 years. These numbers can grow exponentially with an extra $100. If you make a monthly investment of $200, your 30-year yield will be close to $400,000.

How to become rich in 5 years? ›

Here are seven proven steps to get you wealthy in five years:
  1. Build your financial literacy skills. ...
  2. Take control of your finances. ...
  3. Get in the wealthy mindset. ...
  4. Create a budget and live within your means. ...
  5. Step 5: Save to invest. ...
  6. Create multiple income sources. ...
  7. Surround yourself with other wealthy people.
Mar 21, 2024

Can you get rich from investing? ›

If you want to become a millionaire, investing money can help make that happen. If you open a brokerage account and begin buying assets that provide a generous return, the money your investments earn can be reinvested and earn even more for you. This is called compound growth, and it's a powerful wealth-building tool.

Can you get rich off stocks? ›

Can You Make a Lot of Money in Stocks? Yes, if your goals are realistic. Although you hear of making a killing with a stock that doubles, triples, or quadruples in price, such occurrences are rare, and/or usually reserved for day traders or institutional investors who take a company public.

How long does it take to turn $100 000 into a million? ›

If you keep saving, you can get there even faster. If you invest just $500 per month into the fund on top of the initial $100,000, you'll get there in less than 20 years on average. Adding $1,000 per month will get you to $1 million within 17 years.

How long does it take to turn 300k into a million? ›

By my calculations, it will take a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 12.8% to turn $300,000 into $1 million over the next 10 years.

How can I be a millionaire in 5 years? ›

Here are seven proven steps to get you wealthy in five years:
  1. Build your financial literacy skills. ...
  2. Take control of your finances. ...
  3. Get in the wealthy mindset. ...
  4. Create a budget and live within your means. ...
  5. Step 5: Save to invest. ...
  6. Create multiple income sources. ...
  7. Surround yourself with other wealthy people.
Mar 21, 2024

How long to become a millionaire investing $1,000 a month? ›

If you invest $1,000 per month, you'll have $1 million in 25.5 years.
Monthly contributionTime to reach $1 million with an 8% annual return
$50033.3 years
$1,00025.5 years
$2,50016.3 years
$5,00010.6 years
1 more row
Nov 20, 2023

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Name: Duane Harber

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Introduction: My name is Duane Harber, I am a modern, clever, handsome, fair, agreeable, inexpensive, beautiful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.