SSH Authentication (2024)


The SSH protocol supports a variety of authentication mechanisms. This article will discuss the various Client Authentication mechanisms,as well as the mechanism for verifying the server's authenticity.


  1. Client Authentication
  • Password Authentication
  • Public Key Authentication
  • Keyboard Interactive Authentication
  • Multi-step Authentication
  • Server Host Key Authentication
    • Authenticating via the SSH Server Public Key
    • Authenticating via the SSHServerAuthentication Event
    • Authenticating via the SSH Server Host Key Fingerprint
    • Accept Any SSH Server Key

    Client Authentication

    Client Side consists of three authentication methods.

    Password Authentication

    By default, the SSH components will attempt to use Password Authentication when authenticating to the server. The usernameand password to be used for authentication should be specified in the SSHUser and SSHPassword properties respectively. Thisauthentication method should not be confused with Keyboard Authentication.

    sftp.SSHUser = "test";sftp.SSHPassword = "password";sftp.SSHPort = 22;sftp.SSHHost = "SSHHost";sftp.Config("SSHAcceptServerHostKeyFingerPrint=6a:d3:65:96:d1:9f:9d:f9:57:4e:6b:3b:11:57:5a:15");sftp.SSHLogon(sftp.SSHHost, sftp.SSHPort);Console.WriteLine("Authenticated");sftp.SSHLogoff();

    Public Key Authentication

    In addition to password authentication, the SSH components can also be configured to perform Public Key Authentication.Typically considered more secure than Password Authentication, Public Key Authentication requires the use of a Private Keythat is specified in the SSHCert property of the component. The SSH server will need to be configured with the correspondingPublic Key to allow authentication.

    Please see below for an example of specifying a private key in PEM Format:

    sftp.SSHUser = "test";sftp.SSHCert = new Certificate(CertStoreTypes.cstPEMKeyFile, "..\\..\\files\\server_cert.pem", "test", "*");sftp.SSHAuthMode = SftpSSHAuthModes.amPublicKey;sftp.SSHPort = 22;sftp.SSHHost = "SSHHost";sftp.Config("SSHAcceptServerHostKeyFingerPrint=6a:d3:65:96:d1:9f:9d:f9:57:4e:6b:3b:11:57:5a:15");sftp.SSHLogon(sftp.SSHHost, sftp.SSHPort);Console.WriteLine("Authenticated");sftp.SSHLogoff();

    Keyboard Interactive Authentication

    In Version 9 of the toolkit we have introduced support for Keyboard Interactive authentication. To use this form of authentication you'll need to set the SSHAuthMode property to amKeyboardInteractive and make use of the new SSHKeyboardInteractive event. For instance:

    sftp.SSHUser = "test";sftp.SSHAuthMode = SftpSSHAuthModes.amKeyboardInteractive;sftp.SSHPort = 22;sftp.SSHHost = "SSHHost";sftp.Config("SSHAcceptServerHostKeyFingerPrint=6a:d3:65:96:d1:9f:9d:f9:57:4e:6b:3b:11:57:5a:15");sftp.OnSSHKeyboardInteractive += new Sftp.OnSSHKeyboardInteractiveHandler(delegate(object sender, SftpSSHKeyboardInteractiveEventArgs e){if (e.Prompt == "Password: ")e.Response = "password";});sftp.SSHLogon(sftp.SSHHost, sftp.SSHPort);Console.WriteLine("Authenticated");sftp.SSHLogoff();

    The Response field should be assigned with the value that you want to respond to the prompt with. In the case where the Prompt field is an empty string you may check the Instructions field to obtain informational messages sent by the server.

    Multi-step Authentication

    In order to use the Multi Factor Authentication the SSHAuthMode should be set to amMultiFactor

    sftp.SSHUser = "test";sftp.SSHPassword = "test";sftp.SSHCert = new Certificate(CertStoreTypes.cstPEMKeyFile, "..\\..\\files\\test.pem", "test", "*");sftp.SSHAuthMode = SftpSSHAuthModes.amMultiFactor;sftp.SSHPort = 22;sftp.SSHHost = "SSHHost";sftp.Config("SSHAcceptServerHostKeyFingerPrint=6a:d3:65:96:d1:9f:9d:f9:57:4e:6b:3b:11:57:5a:15");sftp.SSHLogon(sftp.SSHHost, sftp.SSHPort);Console.WriteLine("Authenticated");sftp.SSHLogoff();

    Server Host Key Authentication

    When establishing an SSH connection, the server always presents a key to the connecting client. This key is used to verify the identity of the SSH server. If the key is not already trusted then you will see the error, "Server's host key has been rejected by user".In order to resolve this error, you can instruct the component to manually accept the key by oneof the following methods:

    1. Set the SSHAcceptServerHostKey property to public key.
      sftp.SSHAcceptServerHostKey = new Certificate(CertStoreTypes.cstSSHPublicKey, myHostKeyB, "", "");//Where myHostKeyB is a byte array containing the host key//obtained from SSHServerAuthentication event or from the server administrator.
    2. Accept the key via the SSHServerAuthentication event.
      static void Sftp_OnSSHServerAuthentication(object sender, SftpSSHServerAuthenticationEventArgs e) { e.Accept = true}
    3. Set the SSHAcceptServerHostKeyFingerPrint configuration setting.
    4. Set the SSHAcceptAnyServerHostKey configuration setting.

    We appreciate your feedback. If you have any questions, comments, or suggestions about this article please contact our support team at

    SSH Authentication (2024)


    Is SSH secure enough? ›

    Is SSH safer than a VPN? No. On a smaller scale, SSH and a good VPN service are equally safe. However, since a VPN will protect your entire device or even your entire network, it is often more convenient to have.

    Why is SSH authentication failing? ›

    Make sure the authorized_keys file and the private key itself have the correct permissions and ownership. Check that key-based authentication is allowed by the server. Make sure the private key is readable by the SSH client. If you're using PuTTY, make sure your SSH keys are properly configured for the session.

    How secure is SSH key authentication? ›

    SSH is also resistant to brute force attacks and protects against certain attack vectors used to gain access to remote machines. Public key encryption ensures passwords need not be sent over the network, providing an additional layer of security.

    Is SSH key based authentication better than password? ›

    From a security standpoint, using SSH-keys to authenticate a user's identity leads to greater protection of your data. Username/password authentication can often lead to security compromises, in particular, brute force attacks by hackers.

    What is a disadvantage to using SSH? ›

    SSH requires some software and settings to use, and it may not be compatible with some older or simpler devices. SSH also requires some knowledge and skills to use properly, such as generating and managing keys, choosing encryption algorithms, or troubleshooting errors.

    What does SSH not protect against? ›

    SSH does not protect against: A malicious user gaining root access to host (remote) machine. A malicious user gaining root access to the recipient machine.

    Why is SSH not secure? ›

    SSH key duplication creates complicated, many-to-many private public key mappings that significantly reduce security because it is difficult to rotate and revoke a single key without breaking untold other SSH key relationships that share the same key fingerprint.

    What are the disadvantages of key-based authentication SSH? ›

    If someone gets access to your private key, they can impersonate you and access your servers. Third, keys can create compatibility issues with some systems or applications that do not support key-based authentication. These drawbacks can be significantly mitigated with a good system for distributing keys.

    How many authentication attempts does SSH allow? ›

    The default is usually 6. Increasing it allows more authentication attempts before disconnecting.

    Which SSH key is most secure? ›

    We strongly recommend using only the ed25519 algorithm (an ECDSA variant). It is the most secure SSH key type widely available, and is very well supported in the majority of systems. If you are using an client or server without ed25519 support, you should consider upgrading where possible.

    How do I make sure my SSH is secure? ›

    Enforcing Strong Authentication
    1. Require strong passwords. Require passwords that are at least twelve characters long, and combine uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers, and special characters.
    2. Enable two-factor authentication. ...
    3. Regularly update passwords. ...
    4. Implement account lockouts. ...
    5. Educate users. ...
    6. Use SSH keys.

    Is passwordless SSH more secure? ›

    Stronger authentication methods: Passwordless auth typically uses stronger authentication methods, such as biometrics or cryptographic keys, which are more difficult to fake or steal. This makes it more difficult for attackers to bypass authentication and gain access to systems or data.

    What is the strongest security authentication? ›

    Here are the most secure, advanced authentication methods to secure data while keeping intruders out — without restricting authorized user access.
    1. Multi-factor Authentication. ...
    2. Token-Based Authentication. ...
    3. Just-in-Time Access. ...
    4. Passkeys. ...
    5. Passwordless Authentication. ...
    6. Biometric Authentication. ...
    7. Behavioral Biometric Authentication.
    May 2, 2024

    What is the safest authentication type? ›

    • The Three Types of Authentication Factors.
    • Least Secure: Passwords.
    • More Secure: One-time Passwords.
    • More Secure: Biometrics.
    • Most Secure: Hardware Keys.
    • Most Secure: Device Authentication and Trust Factors.
    May 25, 2024

    What is the difference between SSL and SSH authentication? ›

    The key difference between SSH vs SSL is that SSH is used for creating a secure tunnel to another computer from which you can issue commands, transfer data, etc. On the other end, SSL is used for securely transferring data between two parties – it does not let you issue commands as you can with SSH.

    How vulnerable is SSH? ›

    The vulnerability triggered in SSH can allow hackers to take over servers. Security experts are terrified. It's possible the attack took over two years, required a lot of resources and technical skills.

    Is SSH more secure than https? ›

    SSH provides inherent security features for remote command execution and file transfer, whereas HTTPS secures only web traffic. This means that if you require secure communication for protocols other than HTTP, SSH would be the more appropriate choice. Of course, there are potential drawbacks to both protocols.

    Is SSH more secure than VPN? ›

    Ultimately, both SSH and VPN are secure, but VPNs provide a more comprehensive solution for everyday internet users looking for privacy and security across all their online activities.

    Is SSH more secure than SFTP? ›

    SSH vs SFTP: Key Differences

    SSH is designed primarily for secure remote command execution, while SFTP provides secure file transfer capabilities. In terms of security, both SFTP and SSH have equal firewall compatibility and security due to their shared protocol foundation.

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