SSH Authentication Methods | Password and PKI based Authentication (2024)

What are the different SSH authentication methods?

The two widely used methods of SSH authentication for secure remote access are:

  • Password authentication (using user name and passwords)
  • Public key-based authentication (using public and private key pairs)

Password-based authentication

In password-based authentication, after establishing secure connection with remote servers, SSH users usually pass on their usernames and passwords to remote servers for client authentication. These credentials are shared through the secure tunnel established by symmetric encryption. The server checks for these credentials in the database and, if found, authenticates the client and allows it to communicate.

Public key-based authentication

In Public key-based authentication, after the client establishes a connection with the remote server, the client informs the server of the key pair it would like to authenticate itself with. The server verifies the existence of this key pair in its database and then sends an encrypted message to the client. The client decrypts the message with it’s private key and generates a hash value which is sent back to the server for verification. The server generates its own hash value and compares it with the one sent from the client. When both the hash values match, the server is convinced of the client’s authenticity and allows it to communicate with the server.

Why is PKI-based authentication considered more secure that passwords?

Passwords have been the traditional enforcers of security for decades and are used by millions of people and organizations worldwide for secure access. However, evolving attack tactics have proven time and again that passwords are no longer effective in securing access and, on the contrary, are becoming highly vulnerable to cyberattacks, such as, phishing, credential stuffing, and man-in-the-middle attacks.

Poor password hygiene is one of the prime contributors to passwords becoming an easy target for hackers. Setting weak passwords, reusing the same password across multiple applications, not changing passwords regularly, and sharing passwords are some of the reasons why passwords are no longer considered safe.

As the digital footprint expands and the remote workforce grows, authentication is required at all the different access points to ensure only authorized people are allowed network access. Naturally, the number of usernames and passwords will increase. Although organizations use password managers and single sign-on to store, manage and protect passwords, it requires significant investment of time and money. Even so, it is challenging to protect passwords as hackers have become more skilled at stealing passwords from central repositories.

When it comes to secure remote access, one of the major drawbacks of password-based SSH authentication is that passwords are shared over the wire. Although passwords are encrypted, this process is not entirely safe because attackers have been able to crack passwords in the past with brute force attacks. If an SSH password gets compromised, attackers can get root access to critical systems, which can lead to disastrous consequences.

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A recommended and safer alternative to passwords is to switch to passwordless authentication. SSH helps implement this through public key-based authentication, in which case, the private key of the client is never shared with the remote server at any stage of the communication. As the private key never leaves the user’s system (unlike passwords), there is no question of it being stolen in transit, which minimizes the risk of exposure or a data breach.

Private keys are the heart of PKI-based authentication, which is why they are stored in highly secure locations such as HSMs (Hardware Security Module) and vaults, eliminating the possibility of hackers getting access to them. Replacing passwords with secure private keys also removes the need for users to remember or use passwords. The process requires no manual intervention, which reduces security risk to a great extent. In addition, logins are fast and seamless, which improves user experience.

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SSH Authentication Methods | Password and PKI based Authentication (2024)


What is the authentication method of SSH? ›

SSH public key authentication relies on asymmetric cryptographic algorithms that generate a pair of separate keys (a key pair), one "private" and the other "public". You keep the private key a secret and store it on the computer you use to connect to the remote system.

What is SSH password-based authentication? ›

In password-based authentication, after establishing secure connection with remote servers, SSH users usually pass on their usernames and passwords to remote servers for client authentication. These credentials are shared through the secure tunnel established by symmetric encryption.

Does SSH use PKI? ›

An SSH key is a secure access credential used in the Secure Shell (SSH) protocol. SSH key pairs use public key infrastructure (PKI) technology, the gold standard for digital identity authentication and encryption, to provide a secure and scalable method of authentication.

Is SSH key based authentication better than password? ›

From a security standpoint, using SSH-keys to authenticate a user's identity leads to greater protection of your data. Username/password authentication can often lead to security compromises, in particular, brute force attacks by hackers.

What are the three authentication methods supported by SSH? ›

The SSH server supports three types of user authentication methods and sends these authentication methods to the SSH client in the following predefined order:
  • Public-key authentication method.
  • Keyboard-interactive authentication method.
  • Password authentication method.

How to set SSH password authentication? ›

Configure password-based SSH authentication
  1. Log in to the server console as the bitnami user.
  2. Edit the /etc/ssh/sshd_config and modify or add the following line: PasswordAuthentication yes.
  3. Restart the SSH server for the new configuration to take effect: sudo /etc/init.d/ssh force-reload sudo /etc/init.d/ssh restart.
Oct 10, 2022

Is SSH Authorization or authentication? ›

An authorized key in SSH is a public key used for granting login access to users. The authentication mechanism is called public key authentication.

What is the password based authentication protocol? ›

The Password Authentication Protocol (PAP) provides a simple method for the peer to establish its identity using a two-way handshake. After the link is established, an ID and password pair is repeatedly sent by the peer to the authenticator until authentication is acknowledged or the connection is terminated.

What is PKI-based authentication? ›

What is PKI (Public Key Infrastructure)? Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) is a technology for authenticating users and devices in the digital world. The basic idea is to have one or more trusted parties digitally sign documents certifying that a particular cryptographic key belongs to a particular user or device.

How does PKI authentication work? ›

PKI certificates are similar to passports that carry an identity unique to the holder. Without this passport, the entity is not even allowed to participate in the exchange of PKI-encrypted data. A certificate includes the public key. The certificate is used to share the public key between the two communicating parties.

What is device authentication using PKI? ›

PKI authentication uses a certificate to validate data being sent from one point to another. Each individual has a public key and a private key. Under PKI certificate-based authentication, this public key is shared and used to validate the identity of the person transmitting the data and to decrypt the data itself.

What is the best authentication type? ›

1. Biometric Authentication Methods. Biometric authentication relies on the unique biological traits of a user in order to verify their identity. This makes biometrics one of the most secure authentication methods as of today.

What is the safest authentication type? ›

  • The Three Types of Authentication Factors.
  • Least Secure: Passwords.
  • More Secure: One-time Passwords.
  • More Secure: Biometrics.
  • Most Secure: Hardware Keys.
  • Most Secure: Device Authentication and Trust Factors.

Which authentication method is better? ›

Overall, token-based authentication offers better security and performance than other methods. If you're looking to implement an auth system for your web application, consider using tokens.

Is SSH is two factor authentication? ›

By default, when users access your unmanaged VPS or dedicated server using SSH, they type a username and password to log in. Two-factor authentication provides an extra layer of security because, in addition to knowing the correct username and password, users must provide another piece of information.

Is SSH a mutual authentication? ›

SSH provides mutual authentication. The client authenticates the server and the server authenticates the client. The data transferred between the client and server is encrypted. For SSH server authentication, a key is assigned to the SSH server.

Does SSH use TLS? ›

SSH doesn't use Transport Layer Security (TLS) protocols or Secure Socket Layer (SSL). To be clear, TLS is the successor to SSL, so they're considered synonyms. TLS/SSL is used for encryption in the HTTPS and FTPS protocols, not the SFTP protocol.

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